Invitation to Tender

Development of County Kildare Travellerand Roma Inclusion Strategy

2019 – 2023

Development of a Traveller and Roma InclusionStrategy for County Kildare


Kildare Local Community Development Committee (LCDC)in collaboration with Kildare County Council and County Kildare LEADER Partnership propose to develop a Traveller and Roma Inclusion Strategy for County Kildare. It has been agreed that a key element of the strategy development will involve pre-development work with the Traveller and Roma communities in the county over a six-month period. It is expected that this process will commence in April 2018 and that outreach Community Development Workers will be employed to engage with individuals, families and communities as well as liaising with front line staff employed by service providers. In addition to the outreach work that will commence shortly, it is now proposed to engage a consultancy to develop the strategy during 2018 for the 2019 – 2023 period. The development of the Traveller Roma Inclusion Strategy for County Kildare will be overseen by an inter-agency Steering Group which will include representation from the Traveller and Roma Communities as well as other key stakeholders in the process.


To develop a TravellerRomaInclusion Strategy 2019 – 2023for County Kildare modeled on the National Traveller & Roma Inclusion Strategy 2017 - 2021

Invitation to Tender

Tenders are invited to deliver the following consultation process and to develop a five-year Inclusion Strategy as follows:

  • Facilitate Participatory Led Approach for the development of the Strategy in consultation with the Steering Group
  • Develop a socio economic and demographic profile of the Traveller and Roma Communities in County Kildare
  • Review and document National and EU Policies relevant to Traveller and Roma Communities
  • Identify where legislation has had a negative impact on inclusion, for example, Habitual Residency Rule on Roma inclusion
  • Review and analysis models of best practice in similar processes
  • Engage in a consultative process with the Traveller and Roma Communities and Agencies drawing on the methodology of Participatory Learning and Action (PLA) to determine key needs in County Kildareincluding needs of children and young people in both communities
  • Carry out an Audit of Service Provision to identify existing supports, gaps and barriers to inclusion
  • Liaise with Traveller & Roma Community Development Workers engage to support participation
  • Liaise with small working groups drawn from Interagency membership
  • Collation of findings and drafting of inclusion strategy documents including identification of Key Strategic Themes
  • Develop an Action Plan under each Strategic Theme including proposed outcomes and agreed lead agency responsibilities
  • Identify mechanism and methodology for Review and Evaluation
  • Provide for Stakeholder Feedback

Programme Management - Reporting Procedures

The contractor will consult and report to the Traveller and Roma Strategy Steering Group throughout the development and delivery of the Strategy.

The contractor will provide an interim report on completion of the first phase of the proposed consultative approach and will furnish a four-yearStrategy on completion.

Contract Type

The awarding body proposes to award a single, fixed price contract for the project to the successful proposing individual, firm, or entity for the services and deliverables described under Requirements.

Terms of the Contract

A single contract will be awarded to an experienced, qualified and responsive individual/ organisation to serve as the Consultant for the project.

Your tender should include:

  • Names and CV’s of the personnel undertaking the work along with relevant experience and qualifications.
  • Demonstrate an understanding of the brief.
  • Project Management Methodology: The Proposal must include a detailed description of how the proposer intends to deliver the work with a focus on how outcomes will be delivered.
  • Evidence of prior experience and track record in the delivery of similar projects.
  • Details of referees from previous relevant projects
  • A timeline for project completion, identifying key milestones


Your tender should outline how your proposed budget will be broken down:

  1. Cost of the lead person/consultant x number of days x rate per day (including VAT)
  2. Any other costs related to the development of the final strategy document
  3. Specification of applicable VAT rates

Budget will include the completion of the Strategy, and printing of 12 full copies of the Strategy.

Assessment of Tenders

The following criteria will be used to determine the successful tenderer;

Criteria / Maximum Marks
Price / 20
Value for money / 20
Technical capacity, staff experience and qualifications / 20
Track record in delivering similar project demonstrated / 20
Customer service / 10
Quality of response to tender / 10
Total Marks / 100

Queries and Information Concerning this Tender

The sole point of contact in relation to this tender call is Pat Leogue, General/Social Inclusion Manager. All queries or requests for information to this tender must be via email to Queries and requests by phone or post will not be responded to.

General Conditions

  • The lowest proposal received is not a guarantee of award of contract. Suitability and previous experience as well as availability will be a consideration.
  • It will be a condition of appointment that the proposer appointed shall be able to produce for inspection a valid Tax Clearance Certificate.
  • Payment for services covered by the proposed contract will be on foot of appropriate invoices, which will be based on agreed deliverables. Invoicing arrangements will be agreed with the successful proposer, following the award of contract.
  • The proposer will be required to provide regular updates to awarding body during the contract.
  • All costs must be quoted in Euro, specify if VAT inclusive or exclusive applies. The total estimated costs should be clearly stated and must be a single fixed figure quotation.
  • Any conflict of interest involving a tenderer must be fully disclosed to County Kildare LEADER Partnership particularly where there is a conflict of interest in relation to any recommendation or proposal put forward by the tenderer.
  • In the event of a group of respondents jointly submitting an acceptable offer, the contract will be awarded to one contractor who acts as the agreed prime contractor. The prime contractor is responsible for the delivery of all services provided under the terms of the contract and shall assume all the duties, responsibilities and costs associated with the position of prime contractor.
  • The successful tenderer shall be responsible for the delivery of all services provided for within the contract on the basis of a fixed fee. Prices quoted cannot be increased during the currency of the tender. Similarly, terms and conditions cannot be altered.
  • County Kildare LEADER Partnership retails the right to terminate the contract and to withhold payment where a contractor fails to meet his/her contractual obligations in relation to the delivery of the required services

Confidentiality of Evaluation

After the official receipt of tenders, information relating to the examination, clarification, evaluation and comparison of tenders and recommendations concerning the award of contract will not be disclosed to tenderers or other persons not officially concerned with such process.

Proposed Time Frame

19th April 2018 - Deadline for the receipt of Tender proposals and support documentation.

April – November 2018 – Development and Delivery of Strategy Proposal including the Participatory Led Consultative Process.

Tender Instructions:

Tenders are invited via email from competent organisations/persons with experience of carrying out similar assignments wishing to undertake the following assignment:

Development of County Kildare Traveller Roma Inclusion Strategy 2019 - 2023.

Completed proposals to be received by email to no later than 5pm on Friday April20th, 2018.

Late Tenders will not be accepted.

For further informationplease email: