Developing your R.P.M. (Results, Purpose, M.A.P.-Massive Action Plan)
The following Goal Setting Information was compiled from David Bach's series on ".....Finish Rich" and Brian Tracy's "Maximum Achievement." I realized some important ways to look at your goals & goal statement by tying it to your personal VALUES. I think everyone should spend as much time as necessary to answer the following questions, so we can develop a solid PERSONAL ACTION PLAN:
1. What are your 5 most important values in life? (Know the distinction between goals and values)
Example and clarification
Values vs.Goals
Security Retire with a million dollars
Freedom Pay off Mortgage
Happiness Be debt-free
Peace of Mind Not worry about debt
Fun Travel
ExcitementSki with Friends
Power Be the boss
Family Spend time with kids
MarriagePlan more "date nights"
Friends Annual "guys" or "girls" trip
Making a Difference Donate to Charity
SpiritualityGo to church more
IndependenceStop Working
Growth Go back to school
CreativityLearn to Paint
AdventureTake trip to Africa
FulfillmentStay married
Balance Plan life better
Love Have great marriage
Health Lose weight
Other Core Values to consider: Achievement, Recognition, Wisdom, Honesty, Integrity, Risk Taking, Competence, Empowerment, Passion, Team, Fitness, Accountable, Structure, Legacy, Career, Authority, Trust, Loyalty, Efficiency, Fairness, Quality, Diversity, Commitment, Knowledge, Urgency, Faith, Money/Wealth, Change
2. What are your 3 most important goals in life right now? (answer in 30 seconds, immediately w/o extra thought)
3. What would you do, how would you spend your time, if you learned today that you only had 6 months to live?
4. What would you do if you won a million dollars cash, tax free, in the lottery tomorrow?
5. What have you always wanted to do, but been afraid to attempt?
6. What do you most enjoy doing? What gives you your greatest feeling or self-esteem and personal satisfaction?
7. What one great thing would you dare to dream if you knew you could not fail?
Only when you answer these, honestly, will you know what your true goal is, why it is importantto you, and what you need to overcome to attain it. We THEN can apply a 12-step system to achieve your #1 goal right now.
1. Develop desire --intense, burning desire
2. Develop belief
3. Write it down
4. Make a list of all the ways that you will benefit from achieving your goal.
5. Analyze your position, your starting point
6. Set a deadline
7. Make a list of all of the obstacles that stand between you and the accomplishment of your goal.
8. Identify the additional information you will need to achieve your goal.
9a. Make a list of all the people whose help and cooperation you will require.
9b. Make a list of all of the TYPE of people whose help you will require.
10. Make a plan (R.P.M. Results, Purpose, Map: massive action plan)
Write it out, in detail, what you want, when you want it, why you want it, where you are starting from, with a list of obstacles and people whose help you will need.
11. Use visualization and create a Dream Board
12. Make the decision, in advance, that you will never, never, give up.

1. What do you want--translated into a financial goal?
2. WHY do you want it?
3. When do you want it--specific, realistic timeframe
4. What you will do and willing to sacrifice to achieve?
Financial Goal (Annual divided by 12 for per month)
1. $ amount divided by $1,500 = # of "Flushes" for a BDC per month
2. # of Flushes x 5,000 = BV per month per side
3. BV per month divided by 200 BV (Conservative/minimalistic), 500 BV (with a focus on Shopping Annuity), or 1,000BV (with Shopping Annuity and solid retail plan)= # of UFO's per side in your business necessary to achieve goal.
4. # UFO's needed x 4 plans shown = # of plans necessary to show per side in your business. This includes personal plans, plans shown by existing team in depth, as well as plans shown in ABC Pattern.It's straight #'s
5. # of plans to show per side x 4 = # of approaches over that allotted time
6. # of Approaches divided by weeks to reach goal = Approaches per week, divided by 5-7 for daily approaches
7. # of Approaches per week x 4 = # of Names on Names List
8. # of Approaches per week x 75% = # of Names to add per week

EXAMPLE: $3,000 per month within 2 years (24 months)
1. $ amount divided by $1,500 = # of "Flushes" for a BDC per month 2 FLUSHES PER MONTH
2. # of Flushes x 5,000 = BV per month per side10,000 BV per month each side
3. BV per month divided by 200 BV (conservative), 500 BV (with a focus on Shopping Annuity), or 1,000BV (with Shopping Annuity and solid retail plan)= # of UFO's per side in your business necessary to achieve goal.
20 UFO’s doing 500BV per month on each side = 10,000 BV
4. # UFO's needed x 4 plans shown = # of plans necessary to show per side in your business. This includes personal plans, plans shown by existing team in depth, as well as plans shown in ABC Pattern.It's straight #'s
20 UFO’s x 4 presentations = 80 presentations on each side (160 total) over 24 months
5. # of plans to show per side x 4 = # of approaches over that allotted time
320 approaches per side (640) in 24 months
6. # of Approaches divided by weeks to reach goal = Approaches per week, divided by 5-7 for daily approaches
640 approaches/100weeks = 6.4 approaches per week rounded up to7 approaches per week total or 1 per day!
7. # of Approaches per week x 4 = # of Names on Names List
8. # of Approaches per week x 75% = # of Names to add per week
7 x 75% = 5 new names added to list each week, divided by 5 days = Add 1 New Names per Day
*Therefore, someone that wants to achieve $3,000 per month in residual income working their UnFranchise Part-Time over 2 years will need to CONSISTENTLY, Approach 1-3 people per day, Schedule 1-3 business presentation per week, to realistically follow-up with 1 per week, and Add 1 New Name to their list every day, and Purchase or Sell 120BV worth of MA Brands each week and duplicate this to accomplish the 500BV per month goal.

Business Result Producing Activities and Goals:
1. Use and share/sell the PRODUCT (purchase 50BV per week personally, retail 100 BV per week)
2. Show the Plan minimum 1x per week to a new person
3. Educate others by plugging them into the system (provide personal development training/education)
Personal Development Activities
1. Listen to Audio's
2. Read for 10 minutes per day
3. Attend the Events and Trainings
4. Stay plugged into Communication (Email, FB, Calls, etc.)
Please open Getting Started Guide to see the Basic Daily Action Plan to see just how simple it can be to get started and build momentum. Read Chapter 3 of Career Manual.
Please, please, please invest the time to get this prepared and organized! "Success equals goals, all else is commentary."

Your R.P.M. Worksheet
Financial Goal: ______Date to Achieve:______

Annual Goal: ______Timeline to Accomplish in weeks:______

1. $ amount divided by $6,000= # of BDC’s necessary ______BDC

2. $ amount divided by $1,500 = # of "Flushes" for a BDC per month: ______Flushes
3. # of Flushes x 5,000 = BV per month per side: ________BV/moea
4. BV per month divided by
200 BV (Conservative): UFO’s L & R
500 BV (Shopping Annuity): UFO’s L & R
1,000BV (Shopping Annuity + Retail):UFO’s L & R
5. # UFO's needed x 4 plans shown = # of plans L
(current: 22L, 7 R)# of plans R
6. # of plans to show per side x 4 = # of approaches L
# of approaches R
7.TOTAL # of Approaches divided by weeks to reach goal = _Approaches/Wk
Divided by 5-7 for daily approaches= _Approaches/Day
8. # of Approaches per week x 4 = Names on List

Results-Producing Activities that can be Tracked by using the Weekly Accountability Report on

Use and Share Products
______BV Per Week Personally (GOAL: >125BV/Wk)
______BV Per Week in Your Right Organization (Goal: #3 divided by 4)
______BV Per Week in Your Left Organization (Goal: #3 divided by 4)
Expose the Business/Shopping Assessments (make up for any shortfall in your organizations and new growth)
______Approaches Per Week Personally
______Plans Shown Per Week to Personal Prospects and/or Shopping Assessments
______Names Added Personally to Hot 100 List (from Names list to Possibilities List)

______Approaches Per Week in Your Left Organization (#7)
______Approaches Per Week in Your Right Organization (#7)
______Plans Shown Per Week in Your Left Organization (#5 divided by # weeks)
______Plans Shown Per Week in Your Right Organization (#5 divided by # weeks)
Attend and Promote the Events (MAWC2017 Ticket Goal)
______Tickets Sold in Left Organization

______Tickets Sold in Right Organization