Services Decision Matrix
If you want to contract with an independent contractor the first step is to determine what kind of service provider you need. If the service involves a building or land, consult the Facilities Department web site. Otherwise, use the following matrix. The three types of independent contractor service providers are:
Common Services(Independent Contractor)
A "common service" is a standard commercial service that supports a product or function and that is readily obtainable through conventional commercial marketing channels.
Examples of “common services” providers are:
ü Caterers
ü Building and Maintenance Contractors
ü Computer programmers
ü Common Equipment installation, maintenance or repair
ü Janitorial Services
ü Photography
ü Security Guards
ü Travel Service Providers (Do not use: Contact travel) / Professional Services
A Professional Service provider is one whose work requires technical or specialized expertise that is not available on the campus.
Examples of “professional services” providers are:
ü Trainers
ü Expert that works in their field (i.e. medical doctor, compensation expert)
ü Systems Analyst
ü Web Designers
ü Interior Decorators
ü Furniture Designers
ü Fundraisers
ü Focus Group Facilitators
ü Data Analysis
ü Interim Management Services
ü Evaluators / Consultant
A Consultant is a special category of an independent contractor that provides analysis and advice to solve a problem(s) related to University administration or management.
Examples of Consultant Services are:
Organizational Development:
ü organizational assessments
· work process improvement
· strategic planning
ü recommendations on
· program roll-outs
· administration of on-going programs
· management of projects
Note: If the total amount of the consultant contract is or will be $50,000 or more, the campus's Responsible Administrative Official will assure that proposals are solicited from three or more qualified independent consultants. If proposals are not solicited from three or more qualified independent consultants, the Responsible Administrative Official will assure that adequate documentation is in place to justify sole source solicitation.
Procurement Services Decision Matrix, Rev. ’12-18-2008