Competency / An annual summary of students’ SAE programs is completed and submitted to appropriate entities.
Course Objective 2: Agriculture teacher candidates will be able to prepare a summary report of findings to appropriate entities based on a four year time period.
Lesson Objectives: Students will be able to:
- develop a plan for recording and monitoring annual and year-to-year program progress.
- determine the appropriate audiences for the SAE Annual Report.
- identify various methods of communicating annual report.
- develop a summary annual program report of all student progress.
Equipment, Supplies, References, and Other Resources:
- National AFNR Career Cluster ( and/or your state version
- Your state’s College and Career Readiness documents; or this national document:
- Your state’s recordkeeping system and sample records
- Explore SAE Website:
- SAE Outcomes and Annual Report Assignment
- LCD Projector and internet access
- Establishing SAE Outcomes and Annual Summary PPT (See Course Objective 1)
Teacher Directions / Content Outline and/or Procedures
- Review elements and approach to developing measurable learning outcomes.
- Review skills associated with AFNR Career Pathways and college/work readiness
- Review SAE and its role in SBAE.
INTEREST APPROACH / Provide students with following scenario:
It’s January of your first year of teaching and your students just closed out their previous year’s records. Now what do you do with all the data?
a. develop a plan for recording and monitoring annual and year-to-year program progress
b. determine the appropriate audiences for the SAE Annual Report
c. identify various methods of communicating annual report
d. develop a summary annual program report of all student progress
PPT slide 5-8 / Note: Accompanying PowerPoint in Course Objective 1 provides an initial list of potential topics to unveil
- Using the context provided in the interest approach, establish the various reasons agriculture teachers would want to develop an annual report of SAE.
- Based on those reasons, develop a list of various audiences for an annual report of SAE.
- What should be included in the annual report of SAE?
- How should the annual report be communicated?
REVIEW/SUMMARY / It’s important to communicate and educate your stakeholders about the SAE component of your comprehensive agricultural education program. Only through your communication, as the teacher, will various stakeholders realize the educational value of SAE.
Remember that each stakeholder group will want and need the annual report for various reasons. Administrators do find this information valuable and use it for various reports and communique. Keep their needs in mind as you develop the report including your need to document transparency and accountability.
Another benefit is the value of having an archive of the program’s activities year after year and to regularly evaluate program growth over multiple years.
Brainstorm some of the topics and features that should be a part of the SAE Annual Report.
Such features could include:
- Introduce SAE and it’s purpose in agricultural education programs
- Report program-level student learning outcomes
- Report how those learning outcomes are met and the extent to which they are met
- Number and percentage of students with SAE programs
- Numbers/percentage of SAE organized by SAE types
- Total dollars generated by SAE ownership/placement
- Total unpaid hours generated by SAE (use $3.56/hour to create a dollar value, which is using the National FFA American Degree value of unpaid hours)
- Total dollars productively earned and invested
- Report changes from year to year
- Highlight of student(s) SAE or success stories
- Highlight associated student awards/recognitions related to their SAE
- Report student learning outcomes achieved
- Other ideas?
EVALUATION / SAE Outcomes and Annual Report Assignment