Details of Senior Designated Teachers for Safeguarding and Child Protection

Details of Senior Designated Teachers for Safeguarding and Child Protection

Outline for Report to Governors

Details of Senior Designated Teachers for Safeguarding and Child Protection

  • Info on the name of the lead and name(s) of teachers who are available if lead person not in school etc
  • Safeguarding and Child Protection Policy
  • Confirm all staff including non teaching staff have access to the policy and seen it/read it etc.
  • Consider when Policy is due for review – good practice to do this annually. Note any issues /points,should there be any, to be taken in to account when the policy is due to be reviewed based on implementation of the current policy. Any significant issues need to be remedied sooner unless the review of the existing policy is due fairly soon

Training for staff

  • Provide info on dates when training delivered to all staff. Best practice is for training to be provided every academic year to accommodate any staff turnover and take account of any new national or local guidance
  • Provide info on Designated staff access to training – minimum requirement every 2 years
  • Is safeguarding included in performance management of staff?
  • Is safeguarding included in induction for new staff
  • Have sufficient people had safer recruitment training? At least one member of any recruitment panel must have had the training

Pupil Population

  • Numbers of Looked after Children
  • No names to preserve confidentiality but give numbers if the school has any “Looked After Children”. Add info about Personal Education Plans being completed and brief comment on links with partner agencies including SW’s, Virtual School for LAC etc, foster parents etc
  • Numbers of children subject to Child Protection Plans
  • No names to preserve confidentiality but give numbers if the school has any children subject to CP plans currently or in recent months. Add info about attendance at Child Protection Conferences and Core Group Meetings. Good to give the Gov Body an idea of school’s engagement in this process...highlight any pressures should there be any as Govs have a responsibility to satisfy themselves that school has adequate resources /staff time to commit to this important area of work. Again a comment on partnership working with agencies...reminder that continuity of school so important for vulnerable groups of children
  • Numbers of children identified as Children In Need but not at threshold of being subject to Child Protection Plans
  • Schools do alot for these children – Breakfast Clubs, After School Activities, facilitating and signposting access to services in LA or Vol Orgs what is happening in your school?

E Safety

  • Info on what school has done and future plans to promote e safety. Work with children and parents etc
  • Cyberbullying

Specific Safeguarding Circumstances

What are doing as a school in contributing to promoting awareness/identification of key areas outlined in Keeping Children Safe in Education 2015? E.g.:

  • FGM
  • Radicalisation
  • Domestic Abuse
  • Private Fostering
  • Child Sexual Exploitation (including on line)
  • Emotional Well being and mental health


  • Significant in terms of addressing persistent absence
  • Referrals to EWS or equivalent (Localities/Early Help Service)
  • Any issues about any pupils going off roll?
  • Welfare Benefits cap...any impact of families moving out of LA and implications for change of school?
  • Any parents Elected to Home Educate? No names to be given but useful for Govs to know if there have been any EHE cases and notifying the ACE Team etc

Promotion of Safeguarding

Can include other aspects like:

  • Promotion of good behaviour any recent work on Anti Bullying?
  • School Council and voice of children contributing to safeguarding
  • Site safety
  • Links with School Nursing and other agencies...a Team Around the School approach?
  • DBS checks...up to date?
  • Single Central Record up to date?
  • Allegations against staff...Any recent referrals to LADO (Local Authority Designated Officer) and linking with Social Care and HR etc. Ofsted are increasingly asking for data over last 5 years on number of LADO referrals for example

Partnership Working

  • Summary of engagement with support services...what is working well...any challenges or issues?
  • Does the school have contact with the MASH (Multi Agency Safeguarding Hub?)
  • Does the school know about the MASE (Multi Agency Sexual Exploitation) panel
  • Does school have up to date contact details in the LA for referrals including points of contact for consultation e.g. Safeguarding Advisors, Prevent Officers?
  • Any issues raised by parents including any complaints
  • Any emerging themes with safeguarding e.g. E Safety issues/Cyberbullying? Domestic Violence? Promotion of awareness of FGM (Female Genital Mutilation), Prevent /Radicalisation, Children Missing from Education?
  • How many Child Protection Referral?
  • How may referrals/consultation with LADO? NB: Increasing pattern of OfSTEDInspectors asking for info about how many referrals/consultations with the LADO over last 5 years when inspecting schools
  • What is the link with the LSCB? Does school know who Headteacher reps are on the LSCB?


What are they doing?

  • Designated Governor meeting with designated senior teacher...termly or half termly...just an idea?
  • Designated Governor visiting school ...talking to they know who to talk to if worried...confident they will be listened to?
  • Talking with they link with designated senior teacher and know who they are? Include non-teaching in addition to teaching
  • Ask to see single central record of CRB/DBS checks

Culture of our organisation

Are we a listening organisation for children?

How visible is this message for children in school?

Are issues discussed at the School Council?

How are children empowered to keep themselves safe?

Do we promote ongoing vigilance around staff conduct?

Do staff know and feel comfortable to raise concerns and know who they can speak with in school?

Do we listen to parents’ concerns?

How do we engage parents including key areas around e-safety?

What is our policy of mobile phones for children and staff (their personal phones)?

Going forward

Examples of good practice which can embedded?

Any challenges? How could they be addressed?

Priorities identified by the school to promote safeguarding?

Would it be helpful to complete an audit of safeguarding?