Detailed Business Case Template
forCapital Works Projects
<Insert Project Title
<Insert Entity Name>
This template is a general guide and can be adapted by entities as required.
Table of Contents
1.Executive Summary
2.1Business Needs
2.2Project Scope
2.3Project Background
2.4Project Assumptions
2.5Key Project Stakeholders
3.Project Requirements
3.1Functional Design Brief
3.2Analysis of Options to Meet Requirements
4.Risk Management
4.2Risk Assessment
4.4Risk Costing (P50)
5.Cost Analysis
5.1Cost Plan of Preferred Option
5.2Capital Infrastructure Costs
5.3Risk Allowances (Contingency)
5.4Funding Source Analysis
5.5Whole of Life Costs
5.6Cost Benefit Analysis
5.7Socio Political Economical Analysis
5.8Cash Flow Statements and Drawdown Schedule
6.1Preferred Option
6.2Project Program
6.3Project Delivery Strategy
6.4Proposed Governance Structure and Accountabilities
6.5Other Considerations
8.Schedule of Annexes
This template provides a general guide for entities. Depending on the cost and complexity of the capital works project, the size and detail of each Detailed Business Case will differ.
Instructions to assist you to complete Detailed Business Case are highlighted in grey. Please delete the grey template sections and drafting notes prior to submitting the Detailed Business Case.
- Executive Summary
The executive summary in the business case should be a detailed summary of the proposal case being put forward. Executive summary will need to include an outline of the business case, analysis of the proposal and recommended option being proposed.
[Insert text]
- Project
- Business Needs
Insert Business Needs as identified in your organisation.
[Insert text]
2.2Project Scope
Project Scope should define the project constraints and limitations at a high level.
[Insert text]
2.3Project Background
Project Background needs to capture the project’s history, current governance structure, prior decisions and considerations.
[Insert text]
2.4Project Assumptions
Key assumptions or preconditions that should be taken into account when assessing the DBC should be summarised in this section for audit and analytical purposes. Detailed calculations, reasoning and supporting documentation should be provided as attachment.
[Insert text]
2.5Key Project Stakeholders
Agencies tolistkeystakeholders,the possibleconcernsandproposedmitigationaction.Stakeholder ManagementPlan tobeincluded as anattachment.
[Insert text]
- Project Requirements
- Functional Design Brief
ProjectA summary of the Functional Design Brief (FDB) should be included in this section. FDB should be provided as an attachment.
[Insert text]
3.2Analysis of Options to Meet Requirements
Please provide detailed comprehensive study on the preferred option/s.
[Insert text]
- Risk Management
RiskManagement Sectioncanberepresented inatableformat. Risk ManagementPlanshouldbe included as an attachment.
[Insert text]
[Insert text]
4.2Risk Assessment
[Insert text]
[Insert text]
4.4Risk Costing (P50)
[Insert text]
- Cost Analysis
- Cost Plan of Preferred Option
[Insert text]
5.2Capital Infrastructure Costs
[Insert text]
5.3Risk Allowances (Contingency)
[Insert text]
5.4Funding Source Analysis
[Insert text]
5.5Whole of Life Costs
A summaryofkeyfindingsin WholeofLifeCostsfor all preferredoptions aretobeincluded inthis section. DetailedWholeofLife Costistobeincludedas an attachment.
5.6Cost Benefit Analysis
[Insert text]
5.7Socio Political Economical Analysis
[Insert text]
5.8Cash Flow Statements and Drawdown Schedule
Agencyshouldincludea highlevelCash FlowStatementandDrawdown Scheduleforall preferred options.
[Insert text]
- Recommendation
- Preferred Option
[Insert text]
6.2Project Program
[Insert text]
6.3Project Delivery Strategy
[Insert text]
6.4Proposed Governance Structure and Accountabilities
This is optional, should there be a change in Governance to be proposed for the Detailed Business Case stage. May be deleted if not required.
[Insert text]
6.5Other Considerations
[Insert text]
- Authorisation
Submissionof a Detailed BusinessCasefortheSecondStage approvalof anon-Infrastructure Capital Works projectshouldbeauthorisedby thesponsoringagency’sChief ExecutiveOfficer andChief Financial Officer.
Weherebyauthorisethe submissionofthis DetailedBusinessCasefor [insertprojecttitle].
Chief Executive Officer
Name (Please print)SignatureDate
Chief Financial Officer
Name (Please print)SignatureDate
- Schedule of Annexes
This sectionshouldincludeall supportingdocumentationthatwill assistFinanceinevaluatingthe policy meritof theinvestment proposal.Refer toDrafter’s Guideforchecklist.