Mr. Browne

Room 144

(Detach, sign and return the bottom portion of this form for 100 points!!!)

Course Goal: The student will have a professional understanding of the dramatic and theatrical arts, their techniques, and practices.

Course Objectives:

  1. Students will be able to perform theatrical techniques such as acting, directing, technical preparation, scenic/prop/costume design, and playwriting while building a production.
  2. Students will be able to identify various production roles and processes.
  3. Students will be able to criticize and evaluate theatrical productions from a variety of genres.
  4. Students will be able to identify historical, cultural, and political influences in dramatic literature.
  5. Students will be able to demonstrate the principles and techniques of various aspects of theatrical performance.

Materials Required:

  • Notebook for in-class assignments and notes.
  • Pencils
  • Highlighter

Supply Fee: $10

How to succeed in this class:

  1. Be in class.
  2. Be on time.
  3. Participate.
  4. Communicate.
  5. Complete assignments on time.
  6. Keep a positive attitude.
  7. Respect others.
  8. Own mistakes. Don’t make excuses.

Assignments:Each student will be graded according to their job specifications (ie. stage manager, actor, costume designer).Students will have ample time to work on assignments during class, but after school rehearsal and preparation is critical for this class. Performance assignments are the most vital to student’s grades;therefore, it is important that they be in class and prepared on performance days.All written critiques and reports are expected to be typed in size 12 font, Times New Roman, and double spaced.

Attendance/Make-Up Work:In the world of theatre, missing a class or rehearsal affects not only you, but all those involved as well. Do your best to be here everyday.It is understood that under certain conditions, absences will occur; however, dress rehearsals and performances cannot be made up.

*PLEASE NOTE: NO PASSES DURING INSTRUCTION! And no “chilling” in the Drama room during other scheduled class times.*

Grading:Written work will be graded on content, format, and grammar. Performances and projects will be graded on participation, preparation, and application of techniques.Rehearsals are worth 50 pts., Dress Rehearsals and Performances are worth 100 pts. Missing 3 or more afternoon rehearsals may cause you to lose your role in the play.


Students will be given a list of rules. These rules are also located above the board in the classroom. Consequences will compliment the offense.

Gum/Food Policy:

Food or Gum will not be permitted in the classroom/auditorium/multi-purpose room or during field trips to other theaters and auditoriums. The only beverage permitted is most theatres isbottled water. Failure to comply with this rule will lead to loss of privileges.

Auditorium/ Multi-Purpose Room:

The Baker High School Auditorium and Multi-Purpose Room will serve as a home for many of our activities. Therefore, it is important that students obey the rules:

1. Students will leave food or drink outside the facility.

2. Students will respect lighting and sound equipment.

3. Students will stay in the designated area throughout the activity. No wandering backstage, into booth, or in dressing rooms.

4. Students will keep all rehearsal rooms and performance spaces clean and tidy.


School office: 251-221-3000 ext. 30128


Availability: E-mail is the most efficient way of contacting me. The best time to call is during my planning period from 7:15 AM to 8:30AM or immediately after school.

Cut Here Cut Here

Sign, detach, and return this section for 100 points!

Student Name:______Block:______

Parent/Guardian Signature______Date:______