ELI Online Seminar |Participant Chat: Links and Abbreviated Transcript

Designing Mobile Learning Experiences for Higher Education

September 24, 2012: 1:00 p.m. ET (UTC-4; 12:00 p.m. CT,11:00 a.m. MT, 10:00 a.m. PT)

Session Links:

  • Designing mLearning:
  • Cognitive Apprenticeship: Making Thinking Visible:
  • Learning Everywhere:
  • 7 Things You Should Know About Application Development Tools:
  • ARIS:

AbbreviatedSession Chat:

David Tredwell @ NC State University: (13:22) Multimedia design, application development

Margaret Moore @ University of NC at Chapel Hill: (13:23) library

Amanda Robertson @ NC State University: (13:23) mobile learning program lead

Montgomery County Community College: (13:23) Our IT team includes instrutional design services.

Ridie Ghezzi @ Dartmouth College: (13:23) Library

Melonie Ivey @ NC State University: (13:23) Meredith College here

Robyn Ness @ The Ohio State Univ: (13:23) Mixed audience of instructional design and tech developers and communications

Malcolm Brown: (13:26) so the lion's share is video

Robyn Ness @ The Ohio State Univ: (13:26) Presenter can click the arrow in the top right of the PDF viewer.

Malcolm Brown: (13:26) and the growth exponential

Montgomery County Community College: (13:27) iPad

Tony Moreno @ Reed College: (13:27) ipod touch

Malcolm Brown: (13:28) no surprise, correct? Most of us have smartphones andtablets

Malcolm Brown: (13:29) question: if you have both a smartphone and a tablet, which one do you use more often?

Montgomery County Community College: (13:29) tablet over smartphone

David Tredwell @ NC State University: (13:30) smartphone over tablet

Ridie Ghezzi @ Dartmouth College: (13:31) depends where I am

Malcolm Brown: (13:32) everywhere

David Tredwell @ NC State University: (13:32) yep

Amanda Robertson @ NC State University: (13:32) yes

Meghan Pereira @ Buffalo State College: (13:32) everywhere!!

Veronica Diaz: (13:32) everywhere

Laura Eagen @ Okanagan College: (13:32) everywhere

Sue Traxler @ Carleton College: (13:32) most of us

Deborah Mateik @ University of Maryland 2: (13:32) yes

Chad Kjorlien @ Winona State University: (13:32) everywhere

Ridie Ghezzi @ Dartmouth College: (13:32) yes

Yvette Raven @ Montgomery County Comm Coll: (13:32) everywhere

Bruce Reeves @ Univ of Minnesota Duluth: (13:32) yes

Sandra Miller @ William Paterson Univof NJ: (13:32) yes

Danielle Mirliss @ Seton Hall University: (13:33) yes

Montgomery County Community College: (13:33) Yes!

Teresa Macklin @ CA State Univ, San Marcos 2: (13:33) everywhere at all times

Tony Moreno @ Reed College: (13:33) everywhere

Anne Allen @ University of Florida: (13:33) everywhere

Jon Crutchfield @ University of Notre Dame: (13:33) everywhere except the lake

Alicia Russell @ Northeastern Univ: (13:33) everywhere

Meghan Pereira @ Buffalo State College: (13:33) sometimes

Sue Traxler @ Carleton College: (13:33) no, for most of us

Danielle Mirliss @ Seton Hall University: (13:33) no

Tony Moreno @ Reed College: (13:33) No.

Laura Eagen @ Okanagan College: (13:33) not much at all

Amanda Robertson @ NC State University: (13:33) instead of the laptop

Yvette Raven @ Montgomery County Comm Coll: (13:33) no

Malcolm Brown: (13:33) question: do you ever take the tablet and NOT take the laptop?

Jamie Putorti Sandheinrich @ Univ of Southern CA: (13:33) When I travel I will sometimes choose my 11" macbook air so that I can do more extensive writing - doc creation

Teresa Macklin @ CA State Univ, San Marcos 2: (13:34) yes, on trips and to meetings (tablet instead of laptop)

Veronica Diaz: (13:34) I opted for the air over the ipad, seems more functional to me

Malcolm Brown: (13:34) ah well the air is inbetween the tablet and the laptop

Jon Crutchfield @ University of Notre Dame: (13:35) any chance you could define the difference between qwerty input and gesture-based input, to help clarify this concept of intimacy?

Jon Crutchfield @ University of Notre Dame: (13:36) not sure that is the right idea ...

Teresa Macklin @ CA State Univ, San Marcos: (13:36) They all have a unique niche

Tsvetomir Ross Lazarov @ Univ Corp for Atmospheric Research: (13:42) Calendar reminders, contacts, finding locations

Ridie Ghezzi @ Dartmouth College: (13:42) extends your knowledge

Meghan Pereira @ Buffalo State College: (13:42) search the internet

Yvette Raven @ Montgomery County Comm Coll: (13:42) easy access to information

Leeann Fields @ University of Colorado Denver: (13:42) Just in time info

Jamie Putorti Sandheinrich @ Univ of Southern CA: (13:42) reminders and task lists

Sandra Miller @ William Paterson Univof NJ: (13:42) Look up answers to immediate questions

Robyn Ness @ The Ohio State Univ: (13:42) list making apps, reminders,

Bruce Reeves @ Univ of Minnesota Duluth: (13:42) access the world's knowledge

Joan Osborne @ Northern Virginia Comm Coll: (13:42) Constantly asking questions or "Googling"

Leeann Fields @ University of Colorado Denver: (13:42) Maps Directions

Deborah Mateik @ University of Maryland 2: (13:42) On the fly research

Ridie Ghezzi @ Dartmouth College: (13:42) calendars, information, quick google search

Sue Traxler @ Carleton College: (13:43) easy access to email

Tony Moreno @ Reed College: (13:43) GPS/maps directions

Montgomery County Community College: (13:43) Mapquest, Yelp, dictionary,music, calendar, alarm clock, news, weather, RSS feeds,

Deborah Mateik @ University of Maryland 2: (13:43) facetime

Sue Traxler @ Carleton College: (13:43) look up recipes in the grocery store

Veronica Diaz: (13:43) quick notes

Montgomery County Community College: (13:43) Must use Google...

Ridie Ghezzi @ Dartmouth College: (13:43) do that all the time!

Joan Osborne @ Northern Virginia Comm Coll: (13:43) Kim at NOVA uses her mobile device and it's access to information to prove her husband wrong. :-D

Pavlo Prokop @ American University: (13:43) shopping lists

Malcolm Brown: (13:43) is there a difference between being smarter and being more efficient?

Chad Kjorlien @ Winona State University: (13:43) Notes and note taking

Leeann Fields @ University of Colorado Denver: (13:43) Apps

Montgomery County Community College: (13:43) finding a starbucks

Montgomery County Community College: (13:43) banking

Leeann Fields @ University of Colorado Denver: (13:43) Locate family members locations

Pavlo Prokop @ American University: (13:43) groupons

Montgomery County Community College: (13:43) moving money

Malcolm Brown: (13:44) @montgomery yes coffee!

Leeann Fields @ University of Colorado Denver: (13:44) music

Deborah Mateik @ University of Maryland 2: (13:44) boarding pass

Amanda Robertson @ NC State University: (13:44) @Malcolm - an interesting debate I had here th a colleague recently

Malcolm Brown: (13:44) metronome for practicing

Pavlo Prokop @ American University: (13:44) check my bank balance

Leeann Fields @ University of Colorado Denver: (13:44) pictures

Deborah Mateik @ University of Maryland 2: (13:44) QR code

Deborah Mateik @ University of Maryland 2: (13:44) bar codes

Malcolm Brown: (13:45) @amanda so what did you conclude?

Pavlo Prokop @ American University: (13:45) weather

Sandra Miller @ William Paterson Univof NJ: (13:45) use as a flashlight in low lit restaurants

Deborah Mateik @ University of Maryland 2: (13:45) translation

Deborah Mateik @ University of Maryland 2: (13:45) health management

Deborah Mateik @ University of Maryland 2: (13:45) magnifying glass

Deborah Mateik @ University of Maryland 2: (13:45) file sharing

Pavlo Prokop @ American University: (13:45) workout recorder

Chad Kjorlien @ Winona State University: (13:45) Few of these in the list truly make us smarter.

Veronica Diaz: (13:45) children's games

Malcolm Brown: (13:45) @deborah what's the app for that?

Veronica Diaz: (13:45) :)

Leeann Fields @ University of Colorado Denver: (13:46) searching for cheaper prices

Deborah Mateik @ University of Maryland 2: (13:46) Over 40:-)

Malcolm Brown: (13:47) @deborah is that the name of the app?

Deborah Mateik @ University of Maryland 2: (13:48) @Malcom It's called Over 40

Alicia Russell @ Northeastern Univ: (13:48) extend your experience - magnifying glass, leaf snap, flashlight

Malcolm Brown: (13:48) thanks! I'll get it

Malcolm Brown: (13:48) as I am over 40;-)

Malcolm Brown: (13:49) yes

Anne Allen @ University of Florida: (13:49) we're with you...

Sandra Miller @ William Paterson Univof NJ: (13:49) yes

Malcolm Brown: (13:49) do the 4 C's map to learning activities?

Janet Miles @ The Univ of Tennessee: (13:51) Finding ways to filter the deluge is my issue.I often feel like I'm looking for particular snowflakes in an avalanche.

Montgomery County Community College: (14:11) Not really. Could you give us more examples?

Malcolm Brown: (14:12) yes you'd think, at first glance, that the brevity of SMS is not compatible with content presentation

Tsvetomir Ross Lazarov @ Univ Corp for Atmospheric Research: (14:13) not for advanced scientific content

Nancy LaChance @ DeVry Univ Home Office: (14:13) was wondering if we were going to be learning anything technical in regards to application development.

Montgomery County Community College: (14:14) Yes, thank you.

Malcolm Brown: (14:15) the most recent ELI 7 Things speaks to mobile app development

Tsvetomir Ross Lazarov @ Univ Corp for Atmospheric Research: (14:16) i am curious! :)

Chad Kjorlien @ Winona State University: (14:16) Term of the day or question of the day for SMS

Nancy LaChance @ DeVry Univ Home Office: (14:16) a design exercise would be nice to view

Amanda Robertson @ NC State University: (14:16) would be great to see what ideas everyone came up with!

Gerald Stapleton @ Univof Illinois at Chicago: (14:17) It was good.Got me thinking about opportunities I had not considered such as texting participants about implementing ideas into their practice.

Malcolm Brown, EDUCAUSE: (14:17) also I had not considered the "personalizing" aspect of SMS

Melonie Ivey @ NC State University: (14:18) should have used Google Doc and made the document interactive

Jon Crutchfield @ University of Notre Dame: (14:18) for a fairly agile SMS solution, check out FrontlineSMS

Montgomery County Community College: (14:18) Docs: syllabus and calendar. I like to know what is expected and when

Jon Crutchfield @ University of Notre Dame: (14:19) open-source, runs on a PC and allows for a wide variety of functions.

Amanda Robertson @ NC State University: (14:19) A summary wrap up could be used as text "Do you know?", or audio as the same, looking at a self assessment

Jon Crutchfield @ University of Notre Dame: (14:19) especially useful if doing research in the developing world where smart phones are rare

Amanda Robertson @ NC State University: (14:19) use video as a sumary for every project - can be done using VoiceThread and accessed via the mobile app

Yvette Raven @ Montgomery County Comm Coll: (14:19) using voki's for short video communicate with students

Meghan Pereira @ Buffalo State College: (14:19) A great visual for us to see the medium that we are using. If it is only text (doc) we may need to offer more of a variety

Meghan Pereira @ Buffalo State College: (14:20) Using LiveScribe Pens for video examples

Amanda Robertson @ NC State University: (14:20) definitely! and students gravitate to these tools by default!

Meghan Pereira @ Buffalo State College: (14:20) Math examples

Deborah Mateik @ University of Maryland 2: (14:21) There is also a free text serice GroupMe

Amanda Robertson @ NC State University: (14:21) livescribe as video demonstration - statics examples, equations

Montgomery County Community College: (14:21) SMS: Wall Wisher

Malcolm Brown, EDUCAUSE: (14:21) @meghan that's a good example that gets away from the smartphone to other hardware options

Sandra Miller @ William Paterson Univof NJ: (14:27) what do you do when students are not on a standardized platform?

Tsvetomir Ross Lazarov @ Univ Corp for Atmospheric Research: (14:29) That would make a very long string of SMS. :)

Tsvetomir Ross Lazarov @ Univ Corp for Atmospheric Research: (14:30) Reflection that is.

Tsvetomir Ross Lazarov @ Univ Corp for Atmospheric Research: (14:31) Thank you!Fantastic.

Amanda Robertson @ NC State University: (14:33) Video and several of these can be used for just-in-time or location-based learning solutions

Leeann Fields @ University of Colorado Denver: (14:33) SMS - reflect: Face-2-Face Lecture in a.m. and text a question or two in p.m. to keep students thinking about the content they heard earlier in the day.

Amanda Robertson @ NC State University: (14:33) Interactive can be leveraged for scaffolding the learning - particularly in mobile game development

Tsvetomir Ross Lazarov @ Univ Corp for Atmospheric Research: (14:34) Very useful, indeed!

Amanda Robertson @ NC State University: (14:34) voice= small group discussions

Amanda Robertson @ NC State University: (14:35) we're developing an equine science game based on scaffolding student learning through a series of mini games

Malcolm Brown, EDUCAUSE: (14:37) @amanda are those mini games delivered to a mobiledevice?

Amanda Robertson @ NC State University: (14:37) totally mobile, yes!

Amanda Robertson @ NC State University: (14:37) with a web option

Amanda Robertson @ NC State University: (14:37) eta May 2013

Tsvetomir Ross Lazarov @ Univ Corp for Atmospheric Research: (14:37) @Amanda, it would be great if you could point me to those, if at all possible.

Malcolm Brown, EDUCAUSE: (14:37) @amanda keep in touch on how that works

Deborah Mateik @ University of Maryland 2: (14:38) iBooks

Amanda Robertson @ NC State University: (14:38) you bet! submitted an ELI presentation, so let us in and we'll share! :)

Tsvetomir Ross Lazarov @ Univ Corp for Atmospheric Research: (14:38) @Amanda, i'd be interested to be a beta tester.

Amanda Robertson @ NC State University: (14:38) @Tsvetomir

Tsvetomir Ross Lazarov @ Univ Corp for Atmospheric Research: (14:39) @Amanda, Thank you!

Melonie Ivey @ NC State University: (14:52) concern on texting cost for professors

Pavlo Prokop @ American University: (14:53) you can use remind101 to send out text messages to students.

Malcolm Brown: (14:53) in some ways that question is even more acute for students who may be on a limited budget

Deborah Mateik @ University of Maryland 2: (14:53) Skype

Malcolm Brown: (14:53) yes there are a few SMS-for-free for teachters

Malcolm Brown: (14:54) but do many of your faculty actively use SMS in their teaching?

Leeann Fields @ University of Colorado Denver: (14:54) Will you speak at some point about "security" issues. How easy for hackers to enter/retrieve data being sent via mobile?

Jon Crutchfield @ University of Notre Dame: (14:54) yes, but as a student response system. very few as a way to send messages to students

Melonie Ivey @ NC State University: (14:55) ferpa

Jon Crutchfield @ University of Notre Dame: (14:55) don't forget that you must get students to provide cell phone numbers and permission to send them text messages

Tsvetomir Ross Lazarov @ Univ Corp for Atmospheric Research: (14:55) Hackers will learn too, I guess. :)

Jon Crutchfield @ University of Notre Dame: (14:56) permission required because students may incur costs from incoming text messages

Melonie Ivey @ NC State University: (14:59) students love it

Jon Crutchfield @ University of Notre Dame: (15:10) selecting mobile as a teaching tool comes down to taking advantage of what the mobile device offers, e.g. always with student, immediacy, location services, etc.

Malcolm Brown: (15:11) yes it's a question of either incremental enhancement or a more complete rethink

Jon Crutchfield @ University of Notre Dame: (15:12) complete rethink only when mobile device access is truly ubiquitous and capable

Jon Crutchfield @ University of Notre Dame: (15:13) we have 2% with no mobile device

Malcolm Brown: (15:14) it's also very different at 2 year institutions

Deborah Mateik @ University of Maryland 2: (15:14) The library has mobile devices for chekout on most campuses

Jon Crutchfield @ University of Notre Dame: (15:14) that is not deterring us from moving forward, just pointing out there are still challenges

Veronica Diaz, EDUCAUSE: (15:15) yes, yes, yes

Sandra Miller @ William Paterson Univof NJ: (15:15) all of the above

Jamie Putorti Sandheinrich @ Univ of Southern CA: (15:15) All

Malcolm Brown: (15:15) nobody, right?;-)

Deborah Mateik @ University of Maryland 2: (15:15) for preparing preservice teachers

Malcolm Brown, EDUCAUSE: (15:15) all

Melonie Ivey @ NC State University: (15:15) all of the above

Deborah Mateik @ University of Maryland 2: (15:15) preservice school librarians

Meghan Pereira @ Buffalo State College: (15:15) skype with my faculty, twitter to follow conferences I can't attend

Amanda Robertson @ NC State University: (15:15) twitter as a teaching tool

Jon Crutchfield @ University of Notre Dame: (15:16) @Deborah, that is true, but those mobile devices lose some of the main advantages of mobile like immediacy and always with the student

Sandra Miller @ William Paterson Univof NJ: (15:16) twitter, facebook, linked in and skype for professional but only facebook and skype for private usage

Jon Crutchfield @ University of Notre Dame: (15:17) several faculty members using twitter to have course discussions in public, and involve people outside the course

Deborah Mateik @ University of Maryland 2: (15:17) iTunes U

Jon Crutchfield @ University of Notre Dame: (15:18) making the discussion public enforces a certail level of thoughtfulness

Sandra Miller @ William Paterson Univof NJ: (15:18) and better writing skills

Jon Crutchfield @ University of Notre Dame: (15:20) so what you're saying is learning is social and takes time

Malcolm Brown, EDUCAUSE: (15:21) it is social.Even if you are reading a book by yourself, you're dialoging, in a way, with the author

Montgomery County Community College: (15:22) In the process of being social, we learn.

Amanda Robertson @ NC State University: (15:25) polling

Deborah Mateik @ University of Maryland 2: (15:25) web 2.o tools

Sandra Miller @ William Paterson Univof NJ: (15:25) twitter back channel

Malcolm Brown, EDUCAUSE: (15:25) send them on a "scavenger hunt" for examples or counter examples

Montgomery County Community College: (15:25) Pools and surveys

Tsvetomir Ross Lazarov @ Univ Corp for Atmospheric Research: (15:25) polling and peer instruction are a powerful combination.

Jon Crutchfield @ University of Notre Dame: (15:25) airplay - students presenting without having to go to front of room

Montgomery County Community College: (15:25) Polls

Leeann Fields @ University of Colorado Denver: (15:25) You Tube: Search for examples

Leeann Fields @ University of Colorado Denver: (15:26) Contests: search for answers

Sandra Miller @ William Paterson Univof NJ: (15:27) too many faculty are afraid to let students bring mobile devices into class because it takes them off task, but if they embraced the technology within the class, they'd use it less for surfing the net or emailing their friends

Amanda Robertson @ NC State University: (15:27) We' using Tumblr as a project journal for group work.

Amanda Robertson @ NC State University: (15:28) STudents take photos and video with smartphone and post to Tumblr!

Deborah Mateik @ University of Maryland 2: (15:28) Digital whiteboard

Sandra Miller @ William Paterson Univof NJ: (15:28) audio podcasts for instructions for a physics lab for students to listen tobefore the lab as they drive to class. Then, less time in class for instructions and they can get right to it

Amanda Robertson @ NC State University: (15:29) flipping the classroom leveraging mobile! yeah!

Jon Crutchfield @ University of Notre Dame: (15:30) @Sandra, we have a chem prof that uses videos in itunes u for the same reason

Sandra Miller @ William Paterson Univof NJ: (15:31) @Jon - another excellent example

Amanda Robertson @ NC State University: (15:32) or, it anticipates where you want to go and tells you!

Malcolm Brown, EDUCAUSE: (15:40) decoupling is related to disintermediation