Q1 12th Grade Advisory Unit
Designer: Thomas and Quigley
Course:12th Grade Advisory
Title of Unit:College and Career 5
Duration:9 weeks
Dates: September 13 – November 9, 2012
Essential Questions
Year’s Overarching Essential Question:
/- 1 (or 2) for year
- Do NOT differentiate
Topical Essential Question:
/- 1 (or 2) for unit
- Do NOT differentiate
- What adult life do I want to create?
How do I “package” all of my strengths and achievements so colleges know how great I am?
Learning Objectives
Over-arching Concepts (Enduring Understandings):
90% of students will understand that…
/- Take directly from mapped course design.
- Do NOT differentiate
Major Concepts
90% of students will know…
/- Do NOT differentiate
Knowledge worth learning:
Some Students will know…
/- Differentiate
- Attention to detail is vital for any application. Pay attention to three D’s: due dates, directions, and details!
- Terms: Financial aid, scholarship, early decision
- The application process (dates, documents, etc.)
- How finances work in application process
Major Practices (Skills):
90% of students will be able to…
/- Taken directly from mapped course design.
- Do NOT differentiate
- Must incorporate CCSS or NYSS or Regents
- Depth of Knowledge Levels 4 & 3
- Field-specific
Skills worth developing:
Some students will be able to…
/- Differentiate
- CCSS Reading:
- 4: Determine the meaning of technical language
- 7: Integrate ideas from multiple sources
- CCSS Writing:
- 1 (argument), 2 (informative), or 3(narrative) writing through the personal statement
- 4: Produce clear and coherent writing….
- 5: Improve writing through planning, revising, editing….
- 6: Use technology to produce, publish….
- CCSS Speaking and Listening:
- 1b: Discuss with peers (building ideas)
- 1d: Respond thoughtfully to diverse perspectives
- 6: Adapt speech to a variety of contexts and tasks…
Final Field-related Performance Task:
/- Taken directly from mapped course design.
- Assesses Over-arching Concepts, Major Concepts, Major Practices.
- CAN be differentiated, but Rubric is not.
- Portfolio of:
- Completed CUNY application.
- Common Application Personal Statement
- Letter of Recommendation.
Criteria for a “Proficient” Performance:
To achieve a “B”, a student must…
/- Use language from Over-arching Concepts, Major Concepts, Major Practices.
- Do NOT differentiate
- Completed application:
- Follows directions
- No spelling mistakes
- All sections completed
- All information is accurate and highlights student’s strengths.
- Completed on time
- Personal Statement:
Individuality & Originality / -This piece distinguishes you from other applicants.
-You send a unique message about yourself.
-Out of the stacks of essays, I would remember yours—and for all the right reasons.
Introduction / -You immediately grab my attention and make me want to keep reading.
Content Development / -You deeply develop and reflect on the prompt using specific experiences/examples.
-You show (instead of telling) to get your message across.
-You offer insight and give me something to think about long after I’ve finished reading.
Conclusion / -Your closing is natural, but it doesn’t waste my time by repeating what’s already been said.
-It “hints” at what you said in the introduction.
Voice / -This sounds like you. Your writing captures your personality and I can almost hear you saying this.
-Your tone is formal, but it also keeps the reader engaged.
Language use & Style / -Your language and style greatly enhance your message.
-Sentences vary in length and type so I can imagine you actually saying them out loud.
-Language (especially verbs) is vivid and brings your message to life.
-Word choice is specific, but you didn’t overuse the thesaurus to make yourself sound smart.
-You avoided slang and clichés
-You use the active voice.
Organization / -There is a logical flow and structure to the essay.
-Each paragraph of the essay is also organized on its own.
-Effective transitions are used to connect parts of the essay.
Conventions / -There are no errors with grammar, spelling, capitalization, or punctuation. Because of this, I take you seriously.
Formatting / -12-point font
-Times New Roman or Ariel Font
-One-inch margins
Formative Assessments during Unit:
/- Incorporate low-stakes writing.
- ICT teachers must modify these for diverse learners.
- Meetings with Ms. Henningham
- Reading students’ personal statements and giving editing feedback
- Checking all application materials for CUNY and SUNY
Learning Plan
List of Learning Activities, Lessons, Experiences:
/- Differentiate
- ICT teachers modify for diverse learners
- See Calendar
*Adapted by Erin Quigley, July 2012, from Understanding by Design by Grant Wiggins and Jay McTighe ©2005 by ASCD
Q1 12th Grade Advisory Calendar
Sun / Mon / Tue / Wed / Thu / Fri / Sat2 / 3
Labor Day / 4 / 5 / 6
Students Return
Forms / 7
Team Building / 8
9 / 10
Updating graduation worksheet / 11
Overview of college planning this year / 12 / 13
Firming up career choice(s) / 14
/ 15
16 / 17
Rosh Hashanah / 18
Rosh Hashanah / 19 / 20
Investigating CUNY schools: Creating CUNY short list of schools to apply to / 21
/ 22
23 / 24
/ 25
Creating a Brag Sheet: stuff I’ve done: awards, clubs, resume, etc. / 26
Yom Kippur / 27
/ 28
Check list of application components they’ll need for CUNY and SEEK applications. / 29
30 / October 1
Complete CUNY and SEEK practice application (on paper). / 2
/ 3 / 4
Create account on CUNY siteand apply online / 5
/ 6
7 / 8
Columbus Day / 9
(all student finish applying to CUNY) / 10 / 11
Teacher’s Choice / 12
Review Engrade / 13
14 / 15
Investigate SUNY schools (where, expectations, who goes there, what they can study) / 16
Get final list of recommendation preferences / 17
Summit: Overview of writing letters of rec. for seniors. / 18
/ 19
Create SUNY short list
(Students begin asking teachers for letters of rec.) / 20
21 / 22
Teacher’s Choice
Re-assign personal statements for those who need them. / 23
Discuss Wed. trip / 24
12th Grade College Trip to CUNY Schools / 25
Debrief College Trip, check in on personal statements
Parent-Teacher Night / 26
Parent-Teacher Day
(No Advisory) / 27
28 / 29
Check in on grades, progress to end of quarter. / 30
Revise Personal Statements (those who need them) / 31 / November 1
/ 2
Check in on grades, progress to end of quarter / 3
4 / 5
(SUNY 4-year applicants: personal statement must be finished by today. Remind them they’ll apply Wed.) / 6
Election Day
(No Students—PD Day) / 7
Student apply to SUNY after school w/ Nicole and Cyndi / 8
Teacher’s Choice / 9
Teacher’s Choice
Quarter 1 Ends / 10
Q2 12th Grade Advisory Calendar
Sun / Mon / Tue / Wed / Thu / Fri / SatNov.11 / 12 / 13 / 14 / 15 / 16
Due: All teachers’ letters of recommendation. / 17
18 / 19
/ 20 / 21 / 22
Thanksgiving / 23
(No School) / 24
25 / 26 / 27
All SUNY applications MUST by mailed by today! / 28 / 29 / 30 / Dec.1
2 / 3 / 4 / 5 / 6 / 7 / 8
9 / 10 / 11 / 12 / 13 / 14 / 15
16 / 17 / 18 / 19 / 20 / 21 / 22
30 / 31 / Jan. 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5
6 / 7 / 8 / 9 / 10 / 11 / 12
13 / 14 / 15 / 16 / 17 / 18 / 19
20 / 21 / 22 / 23 / 24 / 25 / 26