Design Your Own Optical Illusion
A famous illusionist has hired you to design a new type of optical illusion for a show. How will you do it?
To make an optical illusion, you have to use lights to make people see an image that is not really there. Think about how you can use all you have learned about light and optical devices to make an illusion.
Here is your challenge:
• You may use only common materials.
• You must use light in at least two different ways (transmit, reflect, refract, or absorb).
• The image you create must be different from the object(s) in at least two ways (ex. size, orientation, color, or position).
Problem Question
How can you design and build an optical illusion? How can light be used to create an optical illusion?
Flashlights, markers, various lenses, various mirrors, prisms, color filters, cardboard box, plastic box, scissors, stands, candles, matches, clay, containers, test tubes, various liquids
1. Brainstorm ideas for your illusion. Think about light sources and shadows.
□ Can you combine images or show only part of an image?
□ How does each optical device work, and how could you combine them? Record your ideas below.
2. Use your ideas to design an optical illusion.
□ List the materials you have available and steps you will follow to construct it.
□ Include sketches of your setup on a separate sheet of paper.
3. Collect your materials and build your optical illusion.
4. Test your illusion several times.
□ Record your observations.
Lab Tips
• Think about how you might combine images of objects that are far apart into a single image.
• Consider how you could use specific colors in your illusion or how you could use filters to block some colors of light.
• Remember that you can use lenses and mirrors to make images appear in different locations than where the objects are.
Analyze and Conclude
5. Evaluate the quality of your illusion. Consider these questions:
□ Does it meet all the requirements? ______
□ Is your illusion creative and unique? ______
□ How easy is it for an audience to see?
□ How different is the image your illusion produces from the object?
6. Make a modification to your setup.
□ Test and evaluate the effective of your setup in producing a realistic illusion.
7. Record details about your modification.
□ Then record your observations.
8. Continue to improve your illusion as time permits.
9. Sketch and label your final setup on a separate sheet of paper.
□ Indicate the path of light.
10. Critique your design and results. Did your setup work the way you expected?
□ Did it meet all the requirements?
□ The Big Idea How did matter and light interact to produce your illusion?
Scientific Abstract
Demonstrate your illusion to the class. Imagine that you are presenting the illusion to the illusionist who hired you. Prepare a typed scientific abstract that will explain your design. The illusionist needs to understand how all the parts work in order to present the illusion to an audience. Describe how light travels between media. Explain how reflection and refraction affect the path of the light to produce an illusion.
Optical Illusion Scoring Guide
· Optical Illusion /4 x 3
o Illusion is produced by using household materials.
o Effectively demonstrates an optical illusion.
· Optical Illusion Construction /4
o An original work. (i.e. not purchased, copied or otherwise duplicated)
o Construction demonstrates quality workmanship.
o Constructed by student.
· Planning and Development / 4
o Notes and details were recorded on planning sheet.
o Initial sketch of your device is included on a separated piece of paper.
· Final Sketch / 4 x 2
o Clearly, completely and accurately illustrates the optical illusion.
o The path of light is included.
o Sketch demonstrates quality workmanship.
· Scientific Abstract-Content /4 x 4
o Clearly, completely and accurately describes the optical illusion.
o Includes a thorough and accurate description of the scientific principles behind the optical illusion.
(i.e. the principals behind refraction, reflection, absorption, transmission)
o Describes how light travels between media (transmits, absorbs, reflects, refracts).
o Explains how reflection and refraction affect the path of the light to produce an illusion.
· Scientific Abstrct-Organization and Mechanics / 4
o Typed with 12 point font on a separate piece of paper.
o Demonstrates a logical organization.
o Demonstrates consistent and accurate use of spelling and grammar rules.
Total /48
4 = Exemplary
3= Above Average
2= Average
1=Below Average