Design Risk Assessment

When completing your risk assessment please consider the build / strike stage and if any maintenance is required. Please include details of whether consideration has been made for the handling of the sets e.g. handling points; marked with weights; no sharp edges; etc. You can support your risk assessment by any diagrams to illustrate your point. If you need any further guidance on a specific item please contact your Safety Advisor or the Safety Advice Line:Tel:x0464 or 0870 4110464 or email . For out of hours safety advice, please contact the Duty Facilities Manager on 020 85764651who will connect you to the on-call (24hr) Safety Advisor.

To access the latest safety guidance, please log on to myRisks > A-Z in one of the following ways:

•Internal link:

•External link: (or type in “myRisks” in Google)

•A CD-ROM can be obtained by contacting BBC Safety.

Name of Production: / Period Covered: / Production Designer:
Description of Set:
Location: / Contact Number:
Contractors involved:

You will need to complete both sections A and B. In Section A, the items listed in the controls section are sources of information. A full description of controls is needed in part B.

- Section A-

The Set / Tick / SuggestedControls / The Set continued / Tick / Suggested Controls
Electrical Equipment/fittings / Fitted & tested by competent electrician. / Vehicles / Stunts – pre-vetted contractors
Gas (Mains or compressed) / Main Gas = gas safety scheme fitter: Compressed Gas Cylinders = Visual Effects / Machinery / Myrisks and PUWER regs
The Regulatory Reform (Fire Safety) Order 2005 [www]
Dangerous Substances and Explosive Atmospheres (DSAER) [HSE]
Practical flame / Myrisks guidance - design / Restricted access/egress e.g. narrow, low, uneven etc / Safe access/egress for people with needs. (BS 9999)
Glass / See myrisks section on glass / False grid / Competent specialist riggers, myrisks “work at heights”
Hazardous substances / See myrisks section on hazardous substances / High staging, scaffolding / Myrisks work at heights, approved contractor, consult structural engineer
Snow effects/smoke effects/dry ice / See myrisks and approved contractors list / Video walls / Advice structural engineer
Myrisks video walls

- Section A (continued) -

The Set / Tick / Suggested Controls / The Set continued / Tick / Suggested Controls
Unusual/heavy flown scenery / Correctly fitted hanging points, consult structural engineer, Test certificates / Excavations / Construction regs/structural engineer
Materials for use in Scenery & Properties (Fire Risk) / COSHH, Fire retardant materials to be used / Non-standard audience capacity or rostra / Myrisks – COP Audiences and spectators & designers guide Non standard eating configurations
Revolves (Moving parts/entrapment) / Myrisks guidance / Construction / Tick / Suggested Controls
Water / Myrisks water in studios and water on locations / Heavy item (Floor / Consult Structural Engineer and Studio Resource Mgr
Weapons (Armourer required?) / Pre-vetted contractor list / Item supporting heavy load / Consult Structural Engineer, Construction Mgr and Scenery Manufacturer
Fire safety – Lack of safe means of access/egress / Having adequate evacuation routes (both for internal and external sets)
Ensure properly labelled/signposted / Item supporting people / Consult Structural Engineer, Construction Mgr and Scenery Manufacturer
(hazardous environment) / Tick / Suggested Controls / Hazard construction - CDM / Controls - Aware of and fulfil designer duties described in the CDM regulations. Discuss with project manager if construction of set is likely to take more than 30 days or 500 man days.
Variation in levels, poor lighting, site access / Workplace, Health, safety and Welfare Regs. Myrisks location safety checklist / Handling / Tick / Suggested Controls
Hazardous site activity, asbestos, vermin / My risks
HSE guidance doc on locations / Heavy (weight of each scenery piece to be marked) / Use of lighter materials in construction: fitting of wheels: smaller sections
Heavy parts to be marked e.g. Ends, sides, top
Safety of site Occupants/Artist/staff/public / My risks
HSE guidance doc on locations / Large (length and height) / Break down into smaller sections. Take account of Transport & access routes
Working on or by water / Myrisks water on locations / Bulky/unwieldy / Use flat bed transportation. Use of mechanical aids, fork truck, hoists etc
Difficult to grasp / Use of appropriately placed hand holds or handles (larger holes if gloves are worn)
Unstable/unpredictable / Use of temporary bracing and mechanical aids, give warning of instability
Centre of gravity far from geometric centre / Mark and indicate the centre of gravity on the scenery pieces
Sharp and rough edges / Good finish – Padding
Flown scenery / Hanging Points to be clearly indicated

- Section B -

Potential hazards / People at risk / Controls to be used / Risk level
(Describe the risk - would you consider this to be high/medium/low)

- Section B (continued) -

Potential hazards / People at risk / Controls to be used / Risk level
(Describe the risk - would you consider this to be high / medium / low)
Production Designer Signature: / Additional information /
diagrams attached:

NB: Personal information collected for the purposes of risk assessment will be used to identify those at risk, and those involved in controlling risk, from this or similar activities and to fulfil the BBC's obligations under Health and Safety policy and legislation. It will be retained for up to 6 years after the expiry of the activity. It may be shared with other organisations, including our agents and contractors, with whom the risk or the control of risk is shared.