Design Process – TFH – 8/19/06


Focus: Understand design as a process

Key Instrument: List of essential aspects of design/aligned performances

Design Process – TFH – 8/19/06

Key Concepts

Situational analysis

Define Problem



Solution generation


Aligned Performances




Report writing


Design Process – TFH – 8/19/06

Solution selection


Design Process – TFH – 8/19/06

Activity Type: Guided discovery/case study

Title: The Design Process

What: Understand the design process methodology and how it can be used for accomplishment of both technical and client goals

Why: Easy way to be successful in capstone (short-term)

Develop effective practices for career (long-term)


Compare design process methodology steps for technical accomplishment to those that ensure client satisfaction

Explore the part of the design process that a) has the most interest level for each individual and b) areas for improvement

Performance Criteria

  1. Recognize technical and societal/client aspects in a real world design problem

Factor 1: Order of occurrence

Factor 2: How are issues recognized by design team

Factor 3: What design team practices were used to resolve issues

  1. Articulate value added in the design process

Factor 1: Rationale for each step

Factor 2: Best practices supporting each step

Factor 3: Interest in exploring personal professional development related to design process

Prior Knowledge


TIDEE web site

IDEO video (shown in class)

Other textbooks on design



Problem definition

Situation analysis





Generating solution options

Selecting solution options




Customer or end user

Critical Thinking Questions


What are steps in dpm related to video?.

Why is situational analysis important?

Why is problem definition important?

Where would elements of quality occur in the dpm?


What are relationships between needs and specs?

How are needs and specs similar/different?

How does validation relate to problem definition?


How is the design process related to success of a company?

What is the role of a project manager in the design process?

How do teams successfully divide up tasks on a design project?

Why are there different models of dp in different organizations?

How does the dpm relate to professional ethics in engineering?

Facilitation Design


View internet resource; read texts; bring laptop with internet connection


Form teams of four (recorder, reporter, time keeper, facilitator)

Watch video; review other resources

Discuss activity critical thinking questions


Discuss answers to selected critical thinking questions

Answer other questions

The Design Process

1. Background

In this activity you will explore the design process (dp) through both a real-world design example, shown on video, and discussion of the methodology based on readings and your own experiences. You will gain an understanding of the importance of the methodology and its relation to technical and client concerns.


TIDEE web site

IDEO video (shown in class)

  1. Preparation

Go to the TIDEE web site and watch the presentation.

  1. [1]Instructions

Team formation

(10 min) Work in teams of four (time keeper, spokesperson, recorder, leader) and review the assigned Web reading

Video viewing

(20 min) Watch the video and fill in attached table for identified steps in dp


(25 min) With relation to the video and reading assignment, discuss and answer the following questions (these should be written in your log books):

  1. What steps of the dp are used in the design project in the video?
  2. What is problem definition? Why is it important? What examples of problem definition were in the video?
  3. How does validation relate to problem definition?

With relation to the dp on a more general note, answer the following questions:

  1. Why are there different models of dp in different organizations? How does the model demonstrated in the video differ from what you might use on your project?

Report of findings

(20 min) Report and discussion of questions by entire class.

Answer all questions in this activity in your log books.

Design Process – TFH – 8/19/06

Design Process Step / Evidence in video / How to implement in your project
Information Gathering or Project Scoping
Problem Definition
Idea Generation or Conceptual Design
Evaluation and Decision Making or System Design/Detail Design
Implementation or Fabrication and Validation