Design Brief: Tasty Technology

Tasty Technology


Humans have altered their food supply for centuries through the use of seed selection and animal husbandry practices. New technologies allow for modifications that probably would never happen in the natural world. Many tomatoes, for example, have been designed to have thicker skins so they can be picked by automated equipment without bruising. Most people do not understand how these foods are modified, but the majority of processes simply alter undesired traits. The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and other organizations closely monitor the modification of foods.


Develop a taste-test for modified and unmodified foods. Foods might include organic and modified tomatoes and watermelons with seeds and those modified without seeds.

Develop a survey that asks participants their impression of modified and unmodified foods during the taste-test. Enter the results into a spreadsheet program so you can create tables and charts to represent your results. You will need to present your results to the class once your analysis is complete.


Upon completion of this design brief, students will be able to do the following:

  • Develop a survey instrument and collect data.
  • Enter data into a spreadsheet for analysis.
  • Analyze research data.
  • Produce a graphic based on spreadsheet data.
  • Report research findings.


  • Several fruits and vegetables that have been modified and several that have not been modified
  • Plates, napkins, and assorted utensils
  • Computer with word processing and spreadsheet software
  • Paper for survey and research findings


  • Morris, B. (1995). Science and Our Future: Biotechnology. New York, NY: CambridgeUniversity Press.
  • Biotechnology: An Information Resource. Web site of the National Agricultural Library. Beltsville, MD: U.S. Department of Agriculture.


Use the rubric below to evaluate student work. The left column lists the performance elements that correspond to the objectives above. Additional assessment could come from an instructor-prepared quiz or test on research methods.

Excellent / Average / Unacceptable
Develop a survey instrument and collect data. / Survey questions are ethical, clear, and easy to understand. Respondents will be anonymous or, if their identity is known, their responses will be kept confidential. Data collection is non-invasive and uses a paper and pencil instrument or interview procedures. / Survey questions are ethical but are not clear and easy to understand. Respondents will be anonymous or, if their identity is known, their responses will be kept confidential. Data collection is non-invasive and uses a paper and pencil instrument or interview procedures. / Survey questions are not ethical, clear, and easy to understand. Respondents will not be anonymous or, if their identity is known, their responses will not be kept confidential. Data collection does not use standard survey procedures.
Enter data into a spreadsheet for analysis. / Variables are correctly established before data entry. Data are accurately keyed into spreadsheet software. The student writes formulas or utilizes existing formulas to summarize the data. / Variables are correctly established before data entry. Data are accurately keyed into spreadsheet software. / Variables are not correctly established before data entry. Data are not accurately keyed into spreadsheet software.
Analyze research data. / The student correctly explains in writing all of the findings. / The student correctly explains in writing at least 80% of the findings. / The student correctly explains in writing less than 80% of the findings.
Produce a graphic based on spreadsheet data. / Graphic was created directly from the data. The type of graphic makes the data easy to understand. / Graphic was created directly from the data. The type of graphic makes the data difficult to understand. / Graphic does not represent the data. The type of graphic makes the data difficult to understand.

Report research findings. To evaluate this objective, use the evaluation sheet on the next page.

Student Presentation Evaluation


Lesson Title:
Instructions: Circle the number most closely representing the quality you observed.

Rating Scale: 4 = Excellent; 3 = Good; 2 = Average; 1 = Poor/Unsatisfactory; NA= Did Not Observe
I. Preparation
Did the presenter:

A.relate the material to the students’ past knowledge or experience?NA1234

B.state specifically what the presentation objectives were

and why the objectives were important to the students?NA1234

C.demonstrate a thorough understanding of the content?NA1234

Comments about preparation:

II. Presentation
Did the presenter: to the students and not to the instructional materials?NA1234

B.present each idea or step in a logical sequence?NA1234

C.present only one idea or method at a time?NA1234

D.present the information or skill with ease?NA1234

E.use instructional materials that enhance the lesson?NA1234

F.provide an opportunity for students’ response and/or participation?NA1234

G.vary the pace and methods of conducting the presentation?NA1234

H.react favorably to students’ questions, answers, and comments?NA1234

I.use instructional materials and equipment correctly?NA1234

Comments about presentation:

Bioengineering (8467)Technology Education Service

Design Brief: Tasty TechnologyVirginiaDepartment of Education ©2005

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