
Descriptive Writing Project

You will work in pairs for this project. Your paper must be no less than two written pages (single spaced). You and your partner will either write about a trip/vacation that one or both of you have taken in the past, or you may write about a trip that you would like to take in the future. You will have a Starting Destination and a Final Destination. I want you to add the following information into your paper:

  1. What highways/roads you were on and the speed limits for those roads
  2. The length of timeyou spent on each highway or street
  3. Add at least two attractions along the way – an attraction that has aspects that you can relate to Physics: i.e. amusement parks, state or national zoo, petting zoo, city or national park, restaurant that serves a huge steak, etc.
  4. Add in aspects of the trip that you can describe such as: your feelings (tired of driving all day…), family or friends on the trip, pets on the trip, what you ate, where you stayed, weather/climate, etc. Have fun with this assignment, be as descriptive as you can/want to be.
  5. You must add in Physics terms. Here is a word bank you can choose from: motion, mass, speed, distance, velocity, inertia, work, distance-time graph, speed-time graph, acceleration, reference point, momentum, force, centripetal force, friction, gravity, position, unbalanced, balanced force, potential energy, kinetic energy, power, watt, lever, fulcrum, wheel/axle, pulley, wedge, screw, inclined plane, mechanical advantage. You MUST use at least 20 different terms listed.
  6. You will create 2 graphs on graph paper: 1 Distance/Time graph and 1 Velocity/Time Graph. Staple them to the back of your paper. Use graph paper for these and number and label each graph. Make sure to explain the graph within the paper, properly. Your explanation should be within the paragraph that pertains to graph. Please write a number inside parenthesis ((1) or (2)) that associates with the correct graph.
  7. The heading on your paper should be in the top right corner and should include your names and Period #. I want you to title your paper on the very top line, and underline your title.
  8. Make sure to indent your paragraphs.

You can use electronic devices, textbooks, and your classroom and homework assignments to assist you with this project. I would like for you to list all of the sources you used on a separate sheet. Label it Bibliography Page.

Please write out the name of the website (for any websites used), title and author of the book (textbook) (for books used), and the title of the assignment (for any of your assignments used). Please use at least 4 sources (one assignment counts as 1 source). Also, most of you will probably use Mapquest for mileage and distance, so make sure to write that on the Bibliography page as a source.

Rubric for Physics Descriptive Writing Assignment

Physics Descriptive Writing Rubric
Poor (20, 6, 6, 6)
/ Fair (25,8, 8, 8)
/ Good (30, 10, 10, 10)
30 pts / Poor
- Used less than 14 words from word bank. No graphs created. / Fair
- Used 14-18 words from word bank. Only 1 graph created. / Good
- Used 19 or more words from word bank. 2 Graphs created.
Organization & Structure
10 pts / Poor
-Structure detracts from the message of the writer. - Paragraphs are disjointed and lack transition of thoughts. / Fair
- Structure of the paragraphs are not easy to follow, but reader understands and can follow the story. / Good
- Structure of the paragraphs are clear and easy to follow.
10 pts / Poor
- Paper lacks many elements of correct formatting. – Under 1 ½ pages in length. / Fair
- Paper follows most guidelines. - Paper is over/ under word length. Paper is 1 ½ - 1 ¾ pages in length. / Good
- Paper follows designated guidelines. - Paper is the appropriate length as described for the assignment –at least 2 pages.
Grammar, Punctuation & Spelling
10 pts / Poor
- Paper contains numerous grammatical and spelling errors. - Language uses jargon or conversational tone. / Fair
- Paper contains few grammatical and spelling errors. - Language lacks clarity or includes the use of some jargon. / Good
- Rules of grammar, usage, and punctuation are followed; spelling is correct. - Language is clear and precise; sentences display consistently strong, varied structure.