17 July 2007
Australian Institute of Quarrying Education Foundation
By e-mail to:
Request for Supportive Funding Educational and Training Initiatives

Description of Project

The New South Wales Branch of The Institute of Quarrying Australia is conducting a Construction Materials Dinner in conjunction with Cement Concrete and Aggregates Australia at Dockside, Cockle Bay Warf Sydney on Friday 20 July 2007. The branch is requesting funding assistance topay for the speaker for this event.

The Construction Materials Dinner brings together a wide range of personnel from the quarry, cement and concrete industries and industry supplier organisations. We are expecting attendance to be in the order of 180 to 220.

Speaker, Subject and Intended Outcomes

The Branch has invited Darren Flanagan to be the after-dinner speaker at this year’s dinner.

You may recall that Darren is the explosives expert from Wollongong who was rushed to the Beaconsfield gold mine in Tasmania when it was discovered that Todd Russell and Brent Webb were still alive. His knowledge and skill with explosives enabled him to conduct the precision blasting required to safely gain access to Todd and Brent.

Darren will give us an insight into the situation he was thrust into, what he had to do to ensure the safe rescue of Todd and Brent and how it affected him at the time and since. The participants will benefit from the description of his experience.

Income and Expenditure

The total budget for the evening is $25,000, with the speaker related costs being:

Speakers Fee$3,850.00
Speakers Accommodation $300.00
Speakers Meal $110.00


All participants, bar Darren Flanagan, will be paying $110.00 each,which will cover the cost of their meals and refreshments.

Sponsorship from industry participants and suppliers will be used to pay for room charges and audio visual equipment hire.

Total Contribution Sought from Education Foundation
It is requested that a grant of $4,260.00 be made by the AIQEF to the New South Wales Branch of The Institute of Quarrying Australia to pay for the costs directly associated with the engagement of Darren Flanagan as the after dinner speaker for the 2007 Construction Materials Dinner.

Date Funding Required

We appreciate that the EQIEF will not meet for some time but would appreciate if payment could be made as soon as practicable.

Yours sincerely,

Danny Duke
Branch Secretary

Cc:Wayne Scott, Chair IQA Education Committee