Poker Face
Description: 64 Count 2 Wall Line Dance, “Intermediate” with 1 Restart
Music: Poker Face. Artist: Lady Gaga. Album: The Fame (Available on
BPM: 119
Start on the vocals
Choreographers: (11/08)
Jo & John Kinser Email: Website: (Video)
1-8 Step, 1/2 Turn, Rock, Replace, Behind & 1/4 Turn, Mambo Step
1,2 Step fwd Rt, Make 1/2 turn Lt replacing weight Lt
3,4 Rock Rt to Rt, Replace weight Lt
5&6 Step Rt behind Lt, Make 1/4 turn Lt step fwd Lt, Step fwd Rt
7&8 Mambo Fwd Lt, Replace weight Rt, Step back Lt
9-16 Back, 1/4 Turn, Step 1/2 Turn, Step 1/2 Turn, Step & Step &
1,2 Step back Rt, Make 1/4 turn Lt stepping fwd Lt
3,4 Step fwd Rt, Make 1/2 turn Lt weight Lt
5,6 Step fwd Rt, Make 1/2 turn Lt weight Lt
7&8& At the Rt Diagonal (1 o’clock) Step fwd Rt, Step Lt behind Rt, Step fwd Rt, Step Lt behind Rt
17-24 Step, Cross, Back, 1/4 Turn, Full Turn, 1/4 Touch Together
1,2 Step fwd Rt, Step Lt over Rt
3,4 Step back Rt (Straighten up to front wall (12 o’clock), Make 1/4 turn Lt fwd Lt
5,6 Make 1/2 turn Lt stepping back Rt, Make 1/2 turn Lt stepping fwd Lt
7,8 Make 1/4 turn Lt touching Rt to Rt (6 o’clock), Step Rt next to Lt
25-32 Touch Together, Touch, Fwd, Cross & Heel & Cross & Heel &
1,2 Touch Lt to Lt, Step Lt next to Rt
3,4 Touch Rt back, Step fwd Rt
5&6& Step Lt over Rt, Step back Rt, Touch Lt heel fwd, Step fwd Lt (Traveling fwd after heel)
7&8& Step Rt over Lt, Step back Lt, Touch Rt heel fwd, Step fwd Rt (Traveling fwd after heel)
33-40 Cross, Back, Back, Cross, Back, 1/4 Turn, 3/4 Platform Turn
1,2 Step Lt over Rt, Step back Rt
3,4 Step back Lt, Step Rt over Lt
5,6 Step back Lt, Make 1/4 turn Rt stepping Rt to Rt
7,8 Bring Lt next to Rt make 1/2 turn Rt, Make 1/4 turn Rt (feet are still together weight Rt, 6 o’clock)
41-48 1/4 Turn, Weave, Rock & Cross, Side, Behind, Side
1,2 Make 1/4 turn Rt (Push off of Rt Heel) Stepping Lt to Lt (9 o’clock), Step Rt behind Lt
3,4 Step Lt to Lt, Step Rt over Lt
5&6 Rock Lt to Lt, Recover weight Rt, Step Lt over Rt
7,8& Step Rt to Rt, Step Lt behind Rt, Step Rt to Rt
(Tag for Restart - 2nd wall only facing 12 o’clock)
8 Make 1/4 turn Lt stepping Lt fwd
49-56 Cross, 1/4 Turn, Step, Step, Behind & Side, Weave
1,2 Step Lt over Rt, Make 1/4 Lt stepping back Rt
3,4 Step fwd Lt, Step fwd Rt
5&6 Lock Lt behind Rt, Step fwd Rt, Step Lt to Lt
7&8& Step Rt behind Lt, Step Lt to Lt, Step Rt over Lt, Step Lt to Lt
57-64 Touch, Side, Coaster Step, Cross, Back, Together, Flick
1,2 Touch Rt behind Lt, Step Rt to Rt
3&4 Make 1/8 turn to Lt diagonal stepping back Lt, Step Rt next to Lt, Step fwd Lt (4:30)
5,6 Step Rt across Lt, (Straighten up to 6 o’clock) Stepping back Lt
7,8 Step Rt next to Lt, Step on to the Lt foot flicking the Rt foot back