Deschutes Public Library
Strategic Plan
The attached strategic plan was developed by the Management Team in 2008 based in part upon an assessment of library operations by the library consulting firm Providence Associates LLS.
The strategic plan is structured around the Public Library Association 18 library planning functions. The Management Team identified a heuristic approach to address each of the planning functions and then identified more specific implementation strategies. The Management Team prepared gap statements for each library function that had been identified as a high priority by the District Board.
The library planning functions, heuristics, implementation strategies, and gap statements are incorporated into the annual Results monitoring process. The District Budget is also linked to the identified gap statements. This report should be read in context with the annual Results Monitoring Report and the District Budget.
The strategic plan is a living document that will beupdated annually.
Deschutes Public Library
Strategic Plan – 2008/2009
Focus: Public Library Association 18 Library Functions
Board Priority I
Outcomes / Strategic Approach / Implementation Strategies
Residents will have the information they need to support and promote democracy, to fulfill their civic responsibilities at the local, state, and national levels, and to fully participate in community decision-making. / 1A. Promote reading on civic issues. / 1A-i: Maintain an in-depth and well-balanced collection addressing civic issues.
1A-ii: Create temporary special collections to support a discussion of current civic issues
1A-iii: Develop in-library displays around civic issues
1B. Support community decision-making. / 1B-i: Provide access for local civic organizations to Library GIS data
1B-ii: Expand the collection to include “how to” titles for individuals and organizations seeking to encourage civic involvement and discourse
1B-iii: Assign managers to participate in local visioning/planning efforts
1C. Promote community-wide discussion of civic issues. / 1C-i: Sponsor programs with national and local experts.
1C-ii: Develop a series of forums on selected topical issues
1C-iii: Host online discussions of topical issues.
Priority / Gap StatementI / The role of the Library in supporting civic discussions hasn’t been sufficiently articulated.
II / There is no system in place to identify and respond to emerging civic issues.
II / We are not optimizing community partnerships to promote civic dialogue
II / The collection and programming address only a portion of civic issues
III / Civic leaders and the public do not view the library as a primary resource in promoting civic dialogue
III / The concept of the public library as an impartial forum is not widely understood.
Board Priority II
Outcomes / Strategic Approach / Implementation Strategies
Business owners and non-profit organization directors and their mangers will have the resources they need to develop and maintain strong, viable organizations. / 2A. Support the development of leadership and management skills within the business and non-profit community. / 2A-i: Develop a specialized collection in collaboration with the COCC BusinessCenter, local chambers, and other support agencies
2A-ii: Promote the study of management and marketing through in-house displays and niche marketing
2A-iii: Partner with the chambers and other agencies to sponsor relevant programs
2A-iv: Provide well-designed, well-equipped space where local businesses and non-profits can hold educational meetings
2B. Support developing businesses and non-profit agencies / 2B-i: Incorporate “ready-reference for business and non-profits” into ready-reference staff training
2B-ii: Expand the online collection of databases that can be used to conduct market research
2B-iii: Provide library research classes designed specifically for businesses and non-profits
2B-iv: Provide individual assistance by a professional librarian by appointment
2B-v:Provide access to GIS data collected as part of the library planning process
2B-vi:Work with the COCC BusinessCenter and local Chambers to develop a referral list of support services available for businesses and non-profits
Board Priority II
Outcomes / Strategic Approach / Implementation Strategies
Residents will have programs and services that promote appreciation and understanding of their personal heritage and the heritage of others in the community. / 3A. Convey respect and appreciation for diverse populations / 3A-i: Create administrative structures to incorporate a review of diversity issues into the program development process
3A-ii: Provide customer training that promotes valuing, respecting, and welcoming all library users.
3A-iii: Monitor and address ADA compliance issues (WEB and facilities)
3B. Promote cultural awareness / 3B-i: Maintain a collection that provides broad coverage of cultural groups and diversity issues.
3B-ii: Co-sponsor programs with local support groups that celebrate diversity and promote cultural diversity
3B-iii: Organize programming around cultural holidays and celebrations.
3C. Promote positive cross-cultural interactions / 3C-i: Sponsor “participation events” designed to engage a broad range of demographics
Board Priority I
Outcomes / Strategic Approach / Potential Solutions
Residents will have high-speed access to the digital world with no unnecessary restrictions or fees to ensure that everyone can take advantage of these services. / 4A. Provide public access to the latest information technology and infrastructure / 4A-i: Regularly upgrade computers and software to the latest technology
4A-ii: Monitor and increase bandwidth as needed
4A-iii: Enable as many software features as possible without creating security issues.
4A-iv: Provide equipment needed to access electronic content
4B. Support information-age skill development / 4B-i: Maintain a well designed collection and e-collection of how-to materials
4B-ii: Provide ongoing training to ensure that staff can support current and emerging technology
4B-iii: Assign techno-helper to each computer area
4B-iv: Work with BitMobile to design classes that align with the Districts desired outcomes
4B-v: Provide mobile wireless computer labs to support in-library classes
4B-vi: Provide online tutorials and live online assistance
4C. Provide no-charge access to online reference tools / 4C-i: Select and license content to allow access from home or business
4C-ii: Improve user interfaces
Priority / Gap Statement
I / The technological skill of staff members is inconsistent (breadth and currency)
I / The public does not have the assistance they need where and when they need it.
I / The public and staff do not have the latest, fully-enabled software
II / The demand for public access computers exceed demand
II / User interfaces are confusing to the public
Board Priority I
Outcomes / Strategic Approach / Implementation Strategies
Children from birth to age five will have programs and services designed to ensure that they will enter school ready to learn to read, write, and listen. / 5A. Provide county-wide leadership to support and promote Early Literacy / 5A-i: Designate a professional librarian to act as lead on early literacy issues
5A-ii: Develop high-level, in-house expertise in Early Literacy
5A-iii: Provide training for all staff to increase awareness of the importance of early literacy
5A-iv: Conduct a marketing campaign to promote the importance of Early Literacy, available resources, and the central role of the public library
5B. Encourage library visits by parents/guardians with young children / 5B-i: Increase the quantity of in-library programs to meet the growing demand
5B-ii: Establish Early Literacy staff competencies linked to training & evaluation
5B-iii: Schedule alternative times and locations for children’s programs.
5B-iv: Niche market to parents with young children
5C. Involve parents/guardians in school readiness training / 5C-i: Partner with area agencies to provide training opportunities for parents
5C-ii: Provide networking opportunities for parents
5D. Reach a larger number of children through outreach / 5D-i: Provide programming and resources to children attending daycare, headstarts, and preschools.
5D-ii: Provide on-line Early Literacy skills training for parents and child-care providers (podcasts, etc.)
5E. Develop programs that identify and focus upon at-risk children / 5E-i: Work with area agencies to identify and provide services to low-income families
5E-ii: Provide and promote programs addressing the needs of immigrant families.
5F. Provide support and encouragement to child care providers to promote school readiness / 5F-i: Assign library staff to network with child care providers on early literacy issues
5F-ii: Provide early literacy training for staff
5F-iii: Provide support materials
Priority / Gap Statement
1st / We are reaching a relatively small percentage of the population that would benefit.
1st / The public doesn’t understand the importance of Early Literacy nor the role of the public library in supporting Early Literacy
2nd / Demand for Early Literacy programming exceeds the current capacity.
3rd / Many staff members have not had an appropriate level of Early Literacy Training
3rd / We haven’t defined what we mean by Family Literacy and School Readiness nor have we defined our role in these areas
3rd / We are not fully utilizing existing resources to support Early Literacy
Board Priority III
Outcomes / Strategic Approach / Implementation Strategies
Residents and visitors will have the resources they need to connect the past with the present through their family histories and to understand the history and traditions of the community. / 6A. Provide support for local history and genealogical research / 6A-i: Assign lead staff to liaison with local history groups.
6A-ii: Provide individualized research assistance by appointment
6A-iii: Provide focused ready-reference training for all public service staff
6B. Extend services by partnering with local history / 6B-i: Work with local history groups to create digital content on the Library’s website
6B-ii: Partner with local history organizations to develop in-library programming
6C. Provide support for genealogical research / 6C-i: Assign lead staff to liaison with genealogy groups.
6C-ii: Develop collection development procedures that actively involve genealogy groups
6C-iii: Provide an online forum where genealogists can obtain peer-to-peer support moderated by staff
6D. Extend services by partnering with genealogy groups / 6D-i: Develop or participate in genealogical RSS feeds, list-serves, etc.
6D-ii: Partner with local history/genealogical organizations to develop in-library programming
Board Priority III
Outcomes / Strategic Approach / Implementation Strategies
Residents will have the services and support they need to express themselves by creating original print, video, audio, or visual content in a real-world or online environment. / 7A. Support agencies and non-profits that provide educational and networking opportunities for writers and artists / 7A-i: Develop and promote pertinent areas of the collection (instructional materials for writers and artists)
7A-ii: Partner with agencies and non-profits to sponsor classes and programs
7B. Spotlight the works of local writers and artists / 7B-i: Develop a virtual gallery (image, video, & music) on the Library’s Website
7B-ii: Purchase and spotlight books by local writers that meet qualitative standards
7C. Encourage young writers / 7C-i: Incorporate writing clubs into youth and teen services
7C-ii: Expand the Redmond writing/publishing contest into a district-wide program
7C-iii: Conduct a district-wide, web-based, interactive short-story and/or poetry contest
7D. Provide access to digital resources that support creativity / 7D-i: Install “creativity” computer workstations with installed software for creating/editing audio, video, and images.
7D-ii: Purchase books, CDs, and training DVDs to support the software
7D-iii: Partner with community members and organizations like COCC to provide advanced classes and individualized tutoring
Board Priority II
‘Outcomes / Strategic Approach / Implementation Strategies
Residents will have someone to answer their questions on a wide array of topics of personal interest. / 8A. Create an in-branch environment that welcomes and encourages requests for ready-reference / 8A-i: Develop an ongoing ready-reference training program that integrates customer service training as well as skill development for emerging technology
8A-ii: Amend core competencies to assign proactive customer service to all library staff
8A-iii: Implement the roving reference concept
8B. Increase awareness and usage of telephone and online ready-reference / 8B-i: Restructure to support the telephone and WEB based ready-reference hotline services – establish and monitor response time
8B-ii: Design a campaign to promote the ready-reference telephone/WEB hotline
8B-iii: Partner with other libraries to provide 24/7 online reference services
Priority / Gap Statement
1st / We do not have a positive approach to Customer Service.
1st / We are not innovative in providing alternative reference service
1st / Our Library Culture is not customer centered
3rd / We are unable to communicate with and effectively serve the growing non-English speaking community
Board Priority III
Outcomes / Strategic Approach / Implementation Strategies
Residents will have a central source for information about the wide variety of programs, services, and activities provided by community agencies and organizations. / 9A. Support other agencies providing community referral services / 9A-i: Train ready-reference and hotline staff to provide referral services utilizing tools developed by other agencies
9A-ii: Partner with local agencies and nonprofits to expand the Library’s WEB based calendar (with email notification) to include entries by other agencies and organizations
9A-iii: Provide informational welcome packets to all newcomers
9B. Supplement existing referral services provided by other agencies to “fill gaps” / 9B-i: Review existing community referral systems to identify gaps in services that could be addressed by the public library
9B-ii: Partner with correctional institutions to develop lists of community services available to recently released inmates
Board Priority III
Outcomes / Strategic Approach / Implementation StrategiesAdults and teens will have the support they need to improve their literacy skills in order to meet their personal goals and fulfill their responsibilities as parents, citizens, and workers. / 10A. Support agencies and non-profits that provide literacy services / 10A-i: Work with local agencies providing literacy services to identify and develop a collection of support materials.
10A-ii: Provide meeting space for tutors and students
Board Priority III
Outcomes / Strategic Approach / Implementation Strategies
Adults and teens will have the skills and resources they need to identify career opportunities that suit their individual strengths and interests. / 11A. Support adults and teens investigating new careers or applying for positions / 11A-i: Select and install software to support skill development and assist with the application process
11A-ii: Train staff to assist with software and utilize the print and e-services reference tools
11A-iii: Coordinate collection development with the staff of schools and non-profit agencies that provide career development services
11B. Support non-profit agencies providing career development services / 11B-i: Develop a resource list of non-profit agencies that provide career development services
11B-ii: Alert library users with career related reference questions that additional services are available from non-profit agencies
11B-iii: Coordinate teen services with school staff providing career development services
Board Priority II
Outcomes / Strategic Approach / Implementation Strategies
Residents will have the resources they need to identify and analyze risks, benefits, and alternatives before making decisions that affect their lives. / 12A. Develop the collection and e-collection to a greater depth in selected life-choice areas. / 12A-i: Review community needs to identify focal areas
12A-ii: Update and expand the collection and e-collection to support focal areas (health, retirement, etc.)
12B. Work with relevant area agencies to promote the utilization of resources that support life decisions. / 12B-i: Partner with the medical community to develop a series of programs focusing on health (in-library, at retirement centers, and via podcasts).
12B-ii: Partner with agencies to develop a series of “planning for retirement” programs.
12B-iii: Provide bookmobile service to seniors (retirement, residential care, assisted living)
Board Priority I
Outcomes / Strategic Approach / Implementation Strategies
Residents will have the resources they need to explore topics of personal interest and continue to learn throughout their lives. / 13A. Develop and support the areas of the print and e-services collection that support life-long learning. / 13A-i: Actively solicit public input in collection development.
13A-ii: Centralize collection development to improve efficiency and effectiveness
13B. Promote selected life-long learning topics / 13B-i: Sponsor in-branch and offsite programs with partnering agencies on selected life-long learning topics.
13B-ii: Create WEB based “learning centers” on selected topics
13C. Provide research training for the public to assist patrons to effectively use print and electronic resources / 13C-i: Sponsor in-branch and offsite classes – generic research and topic specific
13C-ii: Create WEB-based tutorials
Priority / Gap Statement
1st / Patrons are not finding the resources in the collection (Lifelong Learning)
1st / Staff and the public do not understand the role of the public library (Lifelong Learning)
2nd / The percentage of local residents that utilize the public library as primary source of Lifelong Learning resources needs to increase
3rd / The collection does not meet the Lifelong Learning needs of the community
3rd / Selectors do not have sufficient information regarding the Lifelong Learning interests of Library District residents
3rd / The staff and the public do not understand the value of Lifelong Learning
Board Priority II
Outcomes / Strategic Approach / Implementation Strategies
Residents who want materials to enhance their leisure time will find what they want when and where they want them and will have the help they need to make choices from among the options. / 14A. Maintain a diverse print and e-services collection that reduces wait-lists and supports an interesting browsing collection. / 14A-i: Purchase additional copies of high demand items to stock a second “no holds” new books section
14A-ii:Review hold-ratio policy for non-print titles
14B. Connect readers with new releases and old favorites / 14B-i: Promote online “saved searches,” RSS feeds, and posted “new books” lists
14B-ii: Increase and monitor qualitative and quantitative expectations for in-library “merchandizing’ displays
14C. Promote online access to e-collection / 14C-i: Use email and WEB to alert patrons to online resources.
14C-ii: Develop and promote podcasts – particularly for teens
14C-iii: Partner with computer stores and Internet providers to promote online resources.
14C-iv: Provide download stations for talking books
14D. Promote reading / 14D-i: Develop incentive program to encourage all staff members to be active readers
14D-ii: Implement a system-wide “I recommend” readers advisory program
14D-iii: Sponsor library book clubs at each branch library
14D-iv: Sponsor a countywide adult reading program
14D-v: Conduct a countywide adult library card campaign
14D-vi: Sponsor off-site programs at senior centers and other venues.
14D-vii: Support neighborhood book clubs
14D-viii: Provide off-site pick-up and drop-off at convenient locations
Priority / Gap Statement
1st / Patrons don’t receive proactive assistance
1st / Library is lacking in innovative promotion
2nd / We need to increase the number of programs at off-site venues
3rd / The collection is insufficient to stimulate imagination (Stimulate Reading)
3rd / Displays and the collection are constrained by space
Board Priority II