Elizabeth (Partridge) Allen of Sandwich, 1665
James Allen of Tisbury, 1663
Jedediah Allen of Sandwich, 1646
John Allen of Barnstable, 1649
Mary (Allen) Lassell of Sandwich, 1665
Isaac Allerton of Cape Cod, 1627
Thomas Allyn of Barnstable, 1639
Ann (Barker) Annabelle of Barnstable, 1651
Ann (Clark) Annabelle of Barnstable, 1644/5
Anthony Annable of Barnstable, 1640
Sarah (Annabelle) Ewell of Barnstable, 1639
Simon Athearn of Edgartown, c 1659
Nathaniel Atkins of Truro, 1667
Stephen Atwood/Wood of Eastham, 1658
Rev. Stephen Bachiler of Barnstable, 1638
Hannah (Mayo) Bacon of Barnstable, 1639
Nathaniel Bacon of Barnstable, 1639
Edward Bangs of Eastham, 1644
Thomas Barnard of Nantucket, 1659
Robert Barnard of Nantucket, 1659
Mary (Throop) Barney of Barnstable, 1667
William Bassett of Sandwich, 1651
John Bates of Barnstable, 1666
Ann (Barker) Annabelle of Barnstable, 1651
Ann (Williams) Barker Blush of Barnstable, 1677
John Barker of Barnstable, 1677
Austin/Augustine Bearse of Barnstable, 1639
Joseph Benjamin of Barnstable, 1680
Richard Berry of Barnstable, 1643
Anthony Besse of Sandwich, 1637
Ann (Williams) Barker Blush of Barnstable, 1677
Mary (Throop) Barney of Barnstable, 1667
William Betts of Barnstable, 1639
John Bishop of Nantucket, 1661
Joshua Blackwell, Sr. of Sandwich, 1681
Michael Blackwell of Sandwich, 1658
Sarah (Bodfish) Blossom of Barnstable, 1663
Abraham Blush of Barnstable, 1641
Ann (Williams) Barker Blush of Barnstable, 1677
Joseph Bodfish of Barnstable, 1657
Robert Bodfish/Botfish of Sandwich, 1637
Sarah (Bodfish) Blossom of Barnstable, 1663
Thomas Borman/Bourman of Barnstable, 1643
Henry Bourne of Barnstable, 1639
Richard Bourne of Sandwich, 1639
Elder William Brewster of Cape Cod, 1627
John Bryant of Barnstable, 1640
Mary (Lewes/Lewis) Bryant of Barnstable, 1639
William Bunker of Nantucket, 1659
Thomas Burgess of Sandwich, 1637
John Bursley of Barnstable, 1639
Thomas Carr of Nantucket, 1665
John Case of Tisbury, 1681
WiliamCaseley of Barnstable, 1639
John Casley of Barnstable, 1639
Robert Cathcart of Tisbury, 1690
Mary (Chapman) Throop of Barnstable, 1666
William Chase of Cape Cod, 1638
Hope (Howland) Chipman of Barnstable, 1649
Elder John Chipman of Barnstable, 1649; West Barnstable (Great Marshes) & Sandwich, 1680
Hon. John Chipman of Barnstable, 1670; & Sandwich, 1691
Mary (Skiffe) Chipman of Sandwich, 1671
Richard Church of Eastham, 1649
James Claghorn of Barnstable, 1654
Ann (Clark) Annabelle of Barnstable, 1644/5
Thomas Clarke of Harwich, 1670
Elder Henry Cobb of Barnstable, 1639
Benjamin Coffin of Nantucket, 1659
Dionis (Stevens) Coffin of Nantucket, 1660
Enoch Coffin of Nantucket, 1678
James Coffin of Nantucket, 1659
Lt. John Coffin of Nantucket, 1660
Peter Coffin of Nantucket, 1659
Tristram Coffin, Jr. of Nantucket, 1659
Tristram Coffin, Sr. of Nantucket, 1659
Henry Coggin of Barnstable, 1639
Edward Coleman of Barnstable, c 1655
Margaret (Lumbard/Lombard) Coleman of Barnstable, 1649
Thomas Coleman of Nantucket, 1662
Tobias Coleman of Nantucket, 1665
Josias Cook of Eastham, 1644
John Cooper of Barnstable, 1639
Edward Cottle of Nantucket, 1665; Tisbury, 1680
Jane (Look) Cottle of Nantucket, 1680
John Crocker of Barnstable, 1640
William Crocker of Barnstable, 1639
John Crow(e) of Nobscusset (now Dennis), 1639
Gen. James Cudworth of Barnstable, 1640
Hepzibah (Daggett) Eddy of W. Tisbury, 1660
John Daggett of Martha’s Vineyard, 1651;
Joseph Daggett of Tisbury, 1671
Dollar Davis of Barnstable, 1641/2
Thomas Dexter of Sandwich, 1645
Elder Thomas Dimmick of Barnstable, 1639
Deacon John Doaneof Eastham, 1644
Hepzibah (Daggett) Eddy of W. Tisbury, 1660
John Eddy of Tisbury, 1660
William Eldred of Nobscusset (now Dennis), 1641
John Ellis of Sandwish, 1643
Henry Ewell of Barnstable, 1639
Sarah (Annabelle) Ewell of Barnstable, 1639
Edward Fitz Randolph of Barnstable, 1639
Peter Folger of Nantucket, 1663
Richard Foxwell of Barnstable, 1639
Edmond Freeman of Sandwich, 1637
Dr. John Fuller of Barnstable, 1652
Matthew Fuller, MD of Barnstable, 1652
Samuel Fuller of Barnstable, 1641
John Gardner of Nantucket, c 1673
Richard Gardner of Nantucket, 1665
William Gayerof Nantucket, 1665
William Gifford of Sandwich, 1650
Jane (Godfrey) Swain of Nantucket, 1659
Roger Goodspeed of Barnstable, 1639
Capt. John Gorham of Yarmouth, 1652
Stephen Greenleaf of Nantucket, 1659
John Hall of Barnstable, 1641
David Hamblen of Barnstable, 1639
James Hamblin of Barnstable, 1639
Benjamin Hammond of Yarmouth, 1643
Joseph Harding of Eastham, 1660
Thomas Hatch of Barnstable, 1641
John Hathaway of Yarmouth, by 1675
Edmond Hawes of Yarmouth, 1649
Louis Hebert, Sieurd'Espinay of Cape Cod, 1605
William Hedge of Sandwich, 1640
Samuel Hicks of Barnstable, 1662
Richard Higgins of Eastham, 1644
John Hinckley of Barnstable, 1644
Samuel Hinckley of Barnstable, 1640
Thomas Hinckley of Barnstable, 1639
Giles Hopkins of Yarmouth, 1638
Stephen Hopkins of Yarmouth, c 1637
Samuel Howes of Barnstable, 1639
Thomas Howesof Nobscusset (now Dennis), 1639
Hope (Howland) Chipman of Barnstable, 1649
John Howland of Barnstable, 1620
Thomas Huckins of Barnstable, 1639
Rev. Joseph Hull of Barnstable, 1639
Capt. Christopher Hussey of Nantucket, 1659
Capt. John Hussey of Nantucket, 1671
John Isum of Barnstable, by 1677
Samuel Jackson of Barnstable, 1639
John Jenkins of Eastham, 1646
Ralph Jones of Barnstable, 1654
John Joyce of Sandwich, 1637
Edward Kendrick of Barnstable, c 1637
Nathaniel Knowles of Eastham, 1686
Jonathan Lambert, Jr. of Tisbury, 1684
Jonathan Lambert, Sr. of Barnstable, 1657
Rachel (Tilton) Lambert of Chilmark, 1683
Mary (Allen) Lassell of Sandwich, 1665
Rev. John Lathrop/Lothrop of Barnstable, 1639
Thomas Lathrop/Lothrop of Barnstable, 1639
Isaac Lawton of Martha's Vineyard, 1674
Thomas Lawton of Martha's Vineyard, 1663/4
George Lewes/Lewis of Barnstable, 1639
Mary (Lewes/Lewis) Bryant of Barnstable, 1639
Robert Linnell of Barnstable, 1638
Lawrence Litchfield of Barnstable, 1639
Thomas Lombard/Lumbard of Barnstable, 1639
Jane (Look) Cottle of Nantucket, 1680
Bernard Lumbard/Lombard of Barnstable, 1639
Margaret (Lumbard/Lombard) Coleman of Barnstable, 1649
Thomas Look of Tisbury, 1685
Henry Luce of Tisbury, 1666
William Lumpkin of Nobscusset (now Dennis), 1639
Sarah (Macy) Worth of Nantucket, by 1665
Thomas Macy of Nantucket, 1659
John Manter of Eastham, 1657
AbishaiMarchant of Yarmouth, 1651; Edgartown, Martha’s Vineyard, 1695
John Marchant of Yarmouth, by 1648
Lieut. John Marchant of Yarmouth, 1648; Edgartown, Martha’s Vineyard
Mary (Taylor) Marchant of Yarmouth, 1650; Edgartown, Martha’s Vineyard, 1695
Sarah ( )Marchant of Yarmouth, 1648
Thomas Mayhew of Nantucket, Martha’s Vineyard and Elizabeth Islands, 1641
Hannah (Mayo) Bacon of Barnstable, 1639
Rev. John Mayo of Barnstable, 1639
Samuel Mayo of Barnstable, 1639
William Merrick of Eastham, 1637
Joseph Merry of Tisbury, 1669
Hannah (Moulton) Tilton of Martha’s Vineyard, 1673
Andrew Newcomb of Edgartown, 1676
William Nickerson of Yarmouth, by 1663
Nicholas Norton of Edgartown, 1659
John Oates of Barnstable, by 1643
Ichabod Paddock of Yarmouth, 1687
Elizabeth (Partridge) Allen of Sandwich, 1665
William Pearse of Barnstable, 1643
Benjamin Perry of Sandwich, 1670
Dinah (Swift) Perry of Sandwich, 1695
Ezra Perry of Sandwich, 1644
John Phinney of Barnstable, 1653
Robert Pike of Nantucket, 1661
William Pike/Pile of Nantucket, 1659
Richard Pinkham of Nantucket, 1665
Gov. Thomas Prence of Eastham,1644
Daniel Pryor of Barnstable, 1641
Catherine (Reynolds) Starbuck of Nantucket, 1660
Sarah (Rich) Thatcher of Eastham, 1695
Isaac Robinson of Barnstable, 1639
Joseph Rogers of Eastham, 1647
William Rogers of Tisbury, 1669
John Rolfe of Nantucket, 1665
Henry Rowley of Barnstable, 1640
Moses Rowley, Jr. of Falmouth, 1685
Moses Rowley, Sr. of Barnstable, 1657
John Scudder of Barnstable, 1639
Richard Sears of Yarmouth, 1639
Thomas Shaw of Barnstable, 1639
Robert Shelley of Barnstable, 1639
Nicholas Simpkins of Barnstable, 1643
James Skiffe of Sandwich, 1637
Lydia (Snow) Skiffe of Sandwich, 1665
Mary (Skiffe) Chipman of Sandwich, 1671
Capt. Stephen Skiffe of Sandwich, 1641
John Smalley of Eastham, 1644
John Smith of Barnstable, 1639
Ralph Smyth of Eastham, 1653
Lydia (Snow) Skiffe of Sandwich, 1665
Nicholas Snow of Eastham, 1644
Catherine (Reynolds) Starbuck of Nantucket, 1660
Edward Starbuck of Nantucket, 1659
Nathaniel Starbuck of Nantucket, 1659
Dionis (Stevens) Coffin of Nantucket, 1660
Samuel Storrs of Barnstable, 1663
Jane (Godfrey) Swain of Nantucket, 1659
John Swain of Nantucket, 1659
Richard Swain of Nantucket, 1659
Dinah (Swift) Perry of Sandwich, 1695
William Swift, Jr. of Sandwich, 1643
William Swift, Sr. of Sandwich, 1637
Peter Tallman of Martha's Vineyard, 1663/4
Mary (Taylor) Marchant of Yarmouth, 1650; Edgartown, Martha’s Vineyard, 1695
Richard Taylor of Yarmouth, 1643
Ruth (Whelden) Taylor of Yarmouth, by 1638
Anthony Thacher of Nobscusset (now Dennis), 1639
Sarah (Rich) Thatcher of Eastham, 1695
Mary (Chapman) Throop of Barnstable, 1666
Mary (Throop) Barney of Barnstable, 1667
William Throop of Barnstable, 1666
William Tilly of Barnstable, 1639
Hannah (Moulton) Tilton of Martha’s Vineyard, 1673
Rachel (Tilton) Lambert of Chilmark, 1683
Samuel Tilton of Martha’s Vineyard, 1673
John Trott of Nantucket, 1665
William Twining, Sr. of Yarmouth, 1641
William Vaughn of Nantucket, 1665
Isaac Wells of Barnstable, 1639
Gabriel Whelden of Yarmouth, 1638
Ruth (Whelden) Taylor of Yarmouth, by 1638
Nathaniel Weare of Nantucket, by 1680
Rev. Thomas Whalley of Barnstable, 1663
Gabriel Whelden of Yarmouth, 1639
Jeremiah Whitten of Tisbury, 1661
Ann (Williams) Barker Blush of Barnstable, 1677
Jashub Wing of Sandwich, 1674.
Stephen Atwood/Wood of Eastham, 1658
Peter Worden of Yarmouth, 1648
Dr. Samuel Worden of Yarmouth, 1646
William Worth of Nantucket, 1662
Joseph Young of Eastham, 1682