DCSDC Peace IV Board Report – 10 October2017
Derry City and Strange District Peace IV Partnership Board – 10th October 2017
Minutes of Meeting
Meeting Date:Tuesday 10thOctober 2017
Time:10.00am – 11.40 am
Venue:Glenelly Room, Strabane Council Offices, Strabane.
1. Meeting Opening
1.1 Welcome & Apologies:
The Chair welcomed all members to the meeting.
Kevin O’Connor / DCSDC / Cllr Gus Hastings / SDLPRoisin Doherty / DCSDC / Cllr Martin Reilly / SDLP
Sue Divin / DCSDC / Ald Thomas Kerrigan / DUP
Mary Claire Kerlin / DCSDC / Ald Drew Thompson / DUP
Fiona Lafferty / DCSDC / Willie Lamrock / YMCA
Jennifer Coyle / DCSDC / Paul Gallagher / Strabane Area Trade Union
Cllr Christopher Jackson / Sinn Féin / Allison Wallace / Waterside NP
Cllr Colly Kelly / Sinn Féin / Margaret McLaughlin / Dennett Interchange
Cllr Eric McGinley / Sinn Féin / Gearóid Ó hEára / An Gaeláras Ltd
Cllr Caoimhe McKnight / Sinn Féin / Teresa Stewart / Strabane A.Y.E
Cllr Ruairí McHugh / Sinn Féin / Agnieszka Luczak / Polish Board
1.1 Apologies/Welcomes:
Cllr John Boyle (SDLP) on other DCSD Council business, Maura O’Neill (WHSCT), Paul Donnelly(DEARA), Gerard Deeney (NIHE), (SDLP), Ald David Ramsey (DUP), Maureen Hetherington (The Junction), Catherine Cooke (FWIN), Anne Mc Taggart (Youth Action NI), Dairine McGarrigle (DFC), Ivor Morton (PSNI),Darren O’Neill (Youth Representative), Stephen Quigley (EA), Wendy Gibbons (OWNRP), Kathleen McCaul (NWRC), Colleen Heaney (YJS), Cllr Karina Carlin (Sinn Féin).
1.2 Declarations of Interest
Agnieszka Luczak declared an interest as she is working with the Cohesive Neighbourhood tender.
Alison Wallace declared an interest as she is working with the Interface tender and also the Waterside shared village tender.
Gearóid Ó hEára declared an interest as he is working with the cross cultural tender.
Willie Lamrock, Gus Hastings, Alison Wallace, Gearóid ÓhEára Caoimhe McKnight, Declared an interest in the small grants.
1.3 Minutes
The minutes of the 12th September 2017 previous Board Meeting was held to be an accurate record and were adopted.
Proposed: Colly KellySeconded: Gus Hastings
2. Update from PEACE IV Secretariat
2.1 Septembers Update (Sue + Any additional input from team)
Sue gave an update on the on the work completed by PIV Team throughout September which included the work on 8 small grantspublic information sessions over the 8 DEA areas. Then 4 more detailed information sessions after all the 28 expressions of interest were received.
Sue highlighted to the members that the re-bid was due in last week and all 3 themes have been uploaded successfullyon the Ems system and we should hear back from SEUPB in due course.
Sue advised that the Baseline evaluation monitoring and completion of financial claims training took place on the 27th September 2017. A number of the projects have started in putting their participants through the relevant baseline questionnaires.
Sue confirmed that project officers have completed a number of the pre contract checks and that the tenders scoring panels have been set up for the Oct/Nov 2017.
3. Update on Operational Steering Group (Chair Agnieszka Luczak)
3.1 Update from the steering group meeting 28th Sept 2017.
Aggie gave an update on the Operational Steering Group meeting that took place on the 28th September 2017explaining that Claire Hood the DCSDC statistician came. Claire presented the Societal Information document which includes statistics from 4 different sources which are:
- Citizen Survey 2015
- PSNI Hate motivation statistics
- NI Life & Times Survey 2014-16 combined
- NI Young Life & time Survey 2015-2016
Aggie advised that the operational steering group discussed what should be done as recognition for Conal McFeeley’s contribution to the PEACE programmes over a numbers of years.
The recommendation to the PEACE IV Board was to present Conal with a token at the January 2018 Small grants event.
3.2 Recommendation for Board to consider Attendance Policy at Board
Aggie explained that the group discussed Board members and Steering group members attendance see page 19 of the Board report. Eric proposed for the individuals to be contacted in relation to their attendance and if it continues it should then be brought back to the Board.
The PEACE IV Board were content with Eric’s proposal.
3.3 Recommendation for Board to decide on Grants Panel.
Gearóid advised that the Board has a decision to make on whether or not to have a selection panel for the Small Grants process. If a selection panel is needed then the Board needed to consider its structure. The Small Grants assessment panel could include representatives from the PEACE IV Board to include councillors, Social and Statutory partners.
Sue confirmed that she has recently received an E mail from SEUPB to advise that they were in favour of a panel to include Board members.
Eric voiced his concerns that he felt that the Officers should lead on the marking of the small grants application. Paul noted that in previous PEACE Programmes the Board did sit on the panels.
Sue explained the process could be that the Officers complete the initial scoring then the assessment panel could look at a random selection of the applications for scrutiny. She explained examples of systems used within council. Sue made the group aware that the scoring process could take up to 7 days. Sue noted our target is for the successful applications to go for Committeeinformation and PIV Board approval is December 2017.
Willie raised his concerns on the selection approach and he advised that every application should be looked at by the panel. Kevin highlighted that Sue’s approach is what would be the normal process throughout council. Gearóid expressed the need to have the right balance.
There were two different proposals presented to the Board one which the panel scrutinise a random selection of applications and the other proposal was for the panel to see all applications. A vote was taken.
Decision: The majority of the PEACE IV Board agreed on the proposal for the panel to see all of the applications for the Small Grants applications.
Action – The PEACE IV Board Members to confirm any conflict of interests in relation to small grants. Conflicts of interest will automatically rule out members from being on the panel.
Action – For anassessment panel to be set up of a balanced representation of the PEACE IV Board (suggested 5 representatives). Panel to be scheduled for Monday 13th November.
4. Update from Children and Young People Steering Group
4.1 Update from steering group meeting 19th September 2017
Suegave an update on the last C&YP Steering group which hadwelcomed the new staff members two PEACE IV Officers Cathy Malcolm, Hollie Carroll and the new Children and Young People’s Officer Claire Lynch. Sue explained that there is a meeting on Monday the 16th October 2017 to discuss projects.
4.2 Brief Project Specific updates:
Fiona and MaryClaire talked through the following Children and Young people’s projects.
- Marginalised Youth (Wellbeing)–The launch is being worked on for the programme to start.
- Youth Participation and Democracy–Terms of reference developed and tender will go out soon.
- Youth Leaders and Citizenship–Officer working on launch and meeting with a number of local organisations to engage.
- Skills/Learning Pathways for Young People – There has been a lot of interest with over 90 applicants. A proactive approach was taken when the posts where advertised. The Equality Commission advised on the pairing of employees was discussed. Ongoing discussions highlighting concerns took place with the Board members after the query on duplication from the Department for the Economy. Gearóid suggested that this should be discussed with SEUPB face to face.
- Pilot Youth Zone – The programme is being developed and meetings are ongoing.
- Cross-Community Youth Programme (Re-bid) is completed awaiting response from SEUPB.
- Cross-Community Children’s Programme (Re-bid) is completed awaiting response from SEUPB.
5. Update from Shared Spaces and Services Steering Group
5.1 Update from steering group meeting 21st September 2017
Sue provided a general update on the Shared Space meeting that took place on 21St September 2017. Sue advised the two new PEACE IV Officers attended the meeting Sean McMonagle and Linzi Simpson.
A discussion took place on the need for the replacement of a Chair for the Shared Spaces Steering group due to the work commitments for Cllr John Boyle as deputy Mayor. However, John will remain on the Board and Steering group.
Action: For the replacement of chair of the Shared Spaces to be discussed and agreed at the next meeting 19th October 2017.
5.2 Brief Project Specific updates
Fiona and MaryClaire talked through the following Shared Spaces projects.
- Shared Space: Castlederg Steering group to be set up with the terms of conditions to be developed, ongoing discussions have taken place in relation to the purchase of land.
- Shared Space: St.Columb’s the land required has now been purchased and CPD have approved the PPQ.
- Shared Space: Waterside Shared Village Alison gave an update that the steering group has meet, they have started to implement and the recruitment has started for the Programme Managers position.
- Natural Connections: Peace Tourism – Project Officer is now in place and is working on building a number of additional contacts throughout the tourism industrial throughout the Derry, Strabane and Donegal areas.
- Interface Investment Programme (3 Lots) – Alison provided an update on the Top of the Hill and Irish Street Interface noting that the first event is coming up. The Tullyally and Currynierin interface has completed the recruitment for a new member of staff and The Fountain and Bishop Street Interface has had their pre contract check completed by their Project Officer.
- Contested Space: Bonfires new Officer Sean McMonagle is now in place and has meet with a number of community development organisations. Sean is working on implementation of a plan. There has also been a procurement process around specialist support.
- Shared Space Tendered Programme (Re-bid) – Sue confirmed that the re bid has been uploaded to SEUPB’s Ems system and we will hear back in about 6-8 weeks’ time.
Action: Jennifer to send a hard copy of the Evaluation and Monitoring questionnaire to Alison in Waterside partnership.
6. Update from Building Positive Steering Group Meeting
6.1 Update from steering group meeting 26th September 2017
Sue gave a brief update on the BPR Steering Group that took place on the 26th September 2017 advising that the two new Project Officers attended the meeting Martin Gallagher and Michael Savage.
6.2 Unheard Voices branding
Sue advised that as per Maureen’s discussion at the last Board, the Unheard Voices project will need to be adjusted in name (though not content). There is an issue around branding conflicting with a Creggan Enterprise project of the same name. Sue confirmed that she has made SEUPB aware of the issue and we are awaiting approval from SEUPB on the change of the name to ‘Valued Voices.’ Board were content with ‘Valued Voices’ as appropriate.
6.3 Brief Project Specific updates
Fiona and MaryClaire talked through the following Building Positive Relations projects.
- One Community – New Officer Martin has met up with a number of Community workers throughout the 8 DEA’s. A champion will be appointed in each DEA to help promote the project.
- Cross-Cultural Strategic Initiative – An Gaeláras are now in place project has appointed two part time project workers.
- Riverine – The new Officer is now in place Michael Savage who help with the re bid for the project and is working on an action plan. Willie Lamrock commented that it could be helpful to link this up with the Rural Development Programme. Point was noted and peace IV team will potentially invite this project in December for detailed presentation. Kevin noted that Deirdre from RDP could potentially attend too if available.
- Sport – The officer in place Paul has a call out for a steering group and has started procurement exercises.
- Decade of Commemorations – Nerve centre’s Niall is to give a presentation at the end of the meeting and Roisin was here representing Heritage and Museum Services.
- Unheard Voices/’Valued Voices’– Has completed their launch and as discussed above the name of the project is to be changed.
- Patriarchy - The Launch hastaken place in the 29th September 2017 and the ten week training programme started last Friday.
- BME/Minority Inclusion – 1 lot of the tenders where successful and was won by Lettershandoney and District Development Group,the remaining 3 Lots have now been retendered.
- Small Grants – 28 expressions of interest came in. Deadline for full application is 20th Oct 2017 12 noon.
- Youth/Schools Train the Trainers – Gaslight Media have set up a steering group and the training is taken place mid Oct 2017.
- Marginalised Young Adults – Pre contract checks have now been completed.
7. Project Presentation
7.1 Decades Of Commemoration
Niall Kerr presented a detailed and informative PowerPoint Presentation on the Decades Of Commemoration/Centenaries. Members were able to ask questions.
Roisin Doherty also thanked Niall and welcomed the chance to get to work with the Nerve Centre throughout the life of the project.
The Board Members thanked Niall for presenting the presentation to the Board.
8. Meeting Closing
8.1 Any other Business
8.2 Review of Actions/Recommendations
The recommendation to the PEACE IV Board was to present Conal with a token at the January 2018 Small grants event.
Action:The PEACE IV Board to confirm any conflict of interests in relation to small grants.
Action:For anassessment panel to be set up of a balanced representation of the PEACE IV Board (5 reps potentially).
Action: For the replacement of chair of the Shared Spaces to be discussed at the next meeting 19th October 2017.
Action: Jennifer to send the Evaluation and Monitoring questionnaire to Alison in Waterside partnership.
Action: Riverine Project (Michael Savage) to be invited to present project at December Board Meeting. PIV team to check availability of RDP Deirdre Harte to attend at same point.
8.3 Date of Next Meeting
Tuesday 14th November 2017 @10am (Guildhall, Derry~Londonderry)
Meeting concluded at 11.40am
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