Schedule5 – Request for Quotation

This Request for Quotation (including its attachments) is issued by the Department in accordance with clause 5 of the Deed of Standing Offer for the provision of ICT Contractor Services, executed between the Department and the Vendor on or about 01 November 2012 (the Deed). Quotations, in the form of Schedule 6 to the Deed, must be sent via email to

RFQ number / 0007
RFQ closing date / COB (17:00) 03 December 2012
Note: responses must be received by this date to be considered. Late applications will not be considered.
Department contact details for RFQ /

Department requirements for this RFQ

Item number / Description / Details
Proposed Work Order Start Date / Immediate start and pending satisfactory security checks
Proposed Initial Contract Period / Contract until 30 June 2013
Contract Option Period / Not applicable
ICT Service Category / Category C – Applications Management
Personnel Category (Skill set) / Senior Business Analyst
Number of Specified Personnel required / Two (2)
Reduced activity period / The Department will notify a Christmas/New Year shut down period. Some specified personnel may be required to work during this period however prior approval will be required from their DIAC contract manager.
Working Hours / Specified Personnel service arrangements are 40 hours per week. If it is necessary to exceed the 40 hours in any given week, written approval must be obtained prior to the work being undertaken.
Replacing Specified Personnel / Clause11.6 of the Terms and Conditions of Contract will notapply
Maximum no. of candidates per Vendor / Three ( 3)
(Only Australian Citizens will be considered)
Services/work required / The senior business analysts will be required to deliver services across multiple projects in accordance with the department’s project management and business analysis frameworks.
The services will include and not be limited to:
  • Identify and convey (orally and in writing) the objective of a business need to the appropriate stakeholder level – enterprise, program, operational and project levels;
  • With business stakeholders, priorities each business requirement according to its merits of enhancing business efficacy;
  • With business stakeholders, present all pertinent business information to an agreed standard as required by ICT to enable solution design and application support in accordance with agreed and approved business requirements;
  • Work in and across teams for varying duration to achieve the identified work area outcomes: this will require team leadership and/or technical leadership skills;
  • Organise, facilitate and co-facilitate workshops to extract business requirements and define new or improved business processes;
  • Define and document new business practices and processes in a consistent and easily understood manner and facilitate the agreement and sign-off of these with appropriate stakeholders;
  • Define and acquire ownership of the business requirements throughout the project lifecycle and verify that the solution will meet the business need and deliver targeted business outcomes;
  • Facilitate the implementation of agreed changes to business practices and processes;

Indigenous Opportunities Policy / Clause24 of the Terms and Conditions of Contract will not apply
Methodology / Successful candidates will need to adhere to DIAC’s project management and business analysis frameworks.
Performance / Successful candidates will report to the Director of VPT Program Support Section and a performance based agreement will be established on commencement and reviewed periodically during the term of the contract.
Documentation / The successful candidate will be responsible for the delivery of the following project documentation:
  1. BaselinedStatement of Requirements by 28 Feb 2013.
  2. Revised Business Requirements– as required.
  3. Defined new business practices and processes in a consistent and easily understood manner by 28 Feb 2013.
  4. Log of all agreed changes to business practices and processes in accordance with the VPT Program Schedules.
The above dates may change subject to the appropriate approvals in accordance with DIAC’s project management framework.
Skills knowledge transfer / Successful candidates will mentor relevant VPT Program Support Section staff and provide written feedback to the VPT Program Office on junior business analysts.
Selection criteria
Please note the importance of responding to this Selection Criteria.
Criteria do not need to be addressed separately, if clearly demonstrated in CV. / Mandatory/Essential Criteria:
  • Demonstrated experience in a business analysis role, aligning business and technology solutions with business strategies, in a large-sized corporate organisation – with offices in Australia and abroad;
  • Process analysis, design and delivery capabilities;
  • Technology requirements, analysis, delivery and testing experience;
  • Strong analytical capabilities – situational analysis, problem and cause identification;
  • Excellent report writing skills – able to write persuasive cases for change based upon situational analysis;
  • Ability to develop innovative responses / solutions to identified business challenges;
  • Demonstrated high level skills in stakeholder management and developing trusted and enduring relationships with business clients.
Desirable Criteria:
  • Business analysis in the Global Transaction Processing streams

Intellectual Property Rights – ownership of Contract Material / The Department owns the Intellectual Property Rights in Contract Material.
Limitation of liability – cap / $ 10 Million in aggregate.
Insurance / As set out in Item 10 of the Deed.
Fee structure / Hourly rates to be quoted in either half or full dollars, GST exclusive.
Security Clearances / ‘BASELINE VETTING’ security clearance required.
IMPORTANT: Where the need for a security clearance has been identified (as above), DIAC requires all specified personnel commencing in the department to undergo a security clearance. In this instance, you must have completed and submitted a security pack to AGSVA before you will be allowed to commence.
To initiate the security clearance process, a “Request/Confirmation of security clearance” form is to be obtained from and submitted to your DIAC Contract Manager/Panel Administrator.
The Contractor will be required to meet the cost of any security clearances that are required.
Other requirements / Please ensure the following requirements listed below are addressed in the Schedule 6 submission for each specified personnel.
  • Indicate if specified personnel are currently employed at DIAC or havepreviously been employed at DIAC.
  • Indicate if specified personnel have a financial interest in the company (Vendor).
  • Indicate the availability of the specified personnel.
  • Rate should appropriately reflect specified personnel’s skills and experience.
  • Specified personnel submitted must be Australian Citizen. Confirmation of specified personnel’s citizenship status is required.
  • Successful specified personnel must be available to start at short notice.
  • Interstate specified personnel must be prepared to travel to Canberra for an interview. Phone interviews will not be considered.
  • DIAC work order requirements – See attachment A to this RFQ.

Attachment A

Invoices / Tax invoices are to be submitted monthly in arrears and include the following information:
  1. Title of Services, or reference to this agreement;
  2. Name of the Specified Personnel;
  3. Name of the Cost Centre Manager;
  4. Contract number and or Standing Order number;
  5. Relevant timesheets including number of hours worked by Specified Personnel in the billing period;
  6. Timesheets signed by the appropriate DIAC financial delegate, including the cumulative total hours worked under this contract in the current financial year; and
  7. Applicable amount of GST identified as a separate item.
  8. Contractors ABN and address

Police Checks / Character checking includes a check of police records and disclosing whether you have ever been disciplined or dismissed for misconduct during previous employment. Before commencing, specified Personnel must complete the following as part of the building access process:
  • Criminal History Declaration
  • National Police Check Application Code 30
DIAC reserves the right to carry out reviews in respect of personnel, facility and information technology security clearance checks.
DIAC expects the Contractor to meet current departmental security instructions.
Compliance with industry codes and guidelines / Panel Members should be active in industry bodies, associations and communities of practice relevant to the tendered services
Where applicable, Panel Members should demonstrate their commitment to relevant industry codes or guidelines, including codes of practice, skills accreditation, competency certification, or quality standards
Travel / Where Specified Personnel are required to travel on behalf of the department, the following travel payments and process for claiming payment will apply.
Airfares and Accommodation*:
  • All domestic travel must have the prior written approval of an appropriate departmental delegate (FMAR9) prior to the person travelling .The department will not pay for any travel, accommodation or expenses unless they have been pre-approved in writing by the department.
  • International travel can only be approved by the relevant Deputy Secretary and must be cleared by the relevant First Assistant Secretary.
  • Specified Personnel who are required to travel domestically or internationally on behalf of the department must travel economy class.
  • All air travel, hire cars and accommodation must be booked by a departmental staff member through the department’s travel management company.
  • The department will meet the cost of accommodation up to the rates set for non-SES.
  • Specified Personnel must not provide their frequent flyer number or accrue rewards/point in relation to any travel undertaken on behalf of the department.
Meals and essential expenses*:
Expenditure on meals is subject to the following conditions:
  • The maximum amount that will be paid for a ‘full day’ is the meals only amount as outlined below:
Lunch: $25.00
Actual expenditure only will be reimbursed up to the maximum rates as listed above.
  • No payment for a meal(s) will be made if the Specified Personnel are attending an event where meals are provided.
  • No payment for a meal will be made if the accommodation rate includes that meal (eg breakfast), even if the Specified Personnel sources their meals elsewhere.
  • If the travel is overseas, the Specified Personnel can claim for meals only from the time of arrival at the destination to the time of departure (i.e. no amount will be paid in relation to meals for the period of time in transit).
  • Expenses related to essential transport costs such as taxis, parking or tolls may be reimbursed if approved by the appropriate delegate and original receipts are provided to verify the expenditure.
A ‘Full day’ is defined as a working day that includes overnight accommodation and is greater than 8 hours in total travel time on the day of departure or return.
Invoicing – Travel Expenses:
  • The department must be provided with a separate correctly rendered tax invoice for all travel expenses. Such invoices may only be submitted to the department after the expenses have been incurred, in accordance with the Terms and Conditions of Contract clause 15.9.
  • Supporting documentation, e.g. original copies of receipts and delegate approval must be provided with the invoice to verify and support actual expenditure.
  • Specified Personnel cannot claim travel expenses for which they have been reimbursed as a tax deduction.
  • Specified Personnel cannot claim travel time as actual hours worked.
*In circumstances where travel is longer than 21 days in duration, the travel payments listed above do not apply.

Schedule6– Standard form of quotation

1)[insert name of Vendor] submits a Quotation in accordance with the Deed entered into between the Department and the Vendor dated 01 November 2012to supply the Services specified in RFQ no. [insert]. The Vendor confirms that the terms and conditions specified in the Terms and Conditions of Contract and the Department's RFQ will apply in the event that this Quotation is accepted by the Department.
2)This Quotation will remain valid for a period of 30 days from the date of submission.
3)The Vendor acknowledges that no binding contract (express or otherwise) is created between the Department and the Vendor until the parties execute a Work Order.
Date and RFQ no. / [insert date and the Department's RFQ number]
Vendor account manager / [insert name and contact details]
Specified Personnel / [insert name(s) of each candidate on offer. Identify no more than the maximum number of candidates specified in the RFQ (or if no number is specified, no more than 3)]
Personnel Category (skill set) / [insert from Department's RFQ (eg ICT Infrastructure Management – software and middleware developers)]
Subcontractors / [insert names, ABNs and ACNs of any subcontractors that the Vendor proposes to use to perform the Services. Otherwise insert ‘not applicable’]
Note: The Vendor must provide information about any proposed subcontractor as requested by the Department (ie this information may be requested after submission of the Quotation to assist in the Department's evaluation of the Quotation. To avoid doubt, this will include any independent contractors engaged by the Vendor.
Reduced activity period / [insert response to the reduced activity period(s) specified by the Department in the RFQ.]
Working Hours / [insert response to the Working Hours specified by the Department in the RFQ]
Vendors must provide the information set out below for EACH CANDIDATE/SPECIFIED PERSONNEL offered under this Quotation:
Name of candidate/Specified Personnel / [insert full name]
Responses to selection criteria specified in the RFQ / [insert responses to the selection criteria specified in the RFQ (eg If the criteria in the RFQ is designated as 'mandatory/essential' and ‘desirable’ provide a response to each of the criteria as follows:]
Mandatory/Essential criteria
[insert list and response to each of the criteria]
Desirable criteria
[insert list and response to each of the criteria]
Fee structure / [include details of the fee structure required in the RFQ (e.g. hourly rates quoted in half or full dollars on a GST exclusive basis)]
Note: The rates specified here must not exceed the Capped Rates.
Curriculum Vitae / [attach CVs]
Referees / [insert contact details for at least 2 professional referees]
Other requirements / [insert response to items listed under 'Other requirements' of the RFQ]
  • Indicate if specified personnel are currently employed at DIAC or have previously been employed at DIAC.
  • Indicate if specified personnel have a financial interest in the company (Vendor).
  • Indicate the availability of the specified personnel.
  • Confirmspecified personnel’s citizenship status.
  • Interstate specified personnel prepared to travel to Canberra for an interview.