Department: ReligionCourse: Intro to Sacred Scripture2016-2017

Term, Phrase, or Expression / Simple Definition / Comprehension Support
bible / Collection of sacred books for Christians. Contains different kinds of writing. /
scriptures / Sacred readings from the Bible /
covenant / Promise, pact, agreement
*A covenant is a special promise made between people or between people and God. /

Scriptures / Holy writings / Scrolls, stylus
Advent /

ad·vent: means “arrival” in Latin

1. The coming or arrival of something or someone that is important or worthy of note: the advent of the computer.
2. AdventChristianity
a. The liturgical period preceding Christmas, beginning in Western churches on the fourth Sunday before Christmas. /
Video about Advent
Circle of Grace / Respect of personal space / Hula Hoop of personal space
creation /
Original sin
mercy / Forgiveness, Abundant love, compassion /
believe / something that it thought to be true, like an opinion.
Religion / a set of beliefs that help us answer life’s questions.
Conscience / The “inner voice,” guided by human reason and Divine Law, that enables us to judge what is good and what is evil. To make good judgments, one needs to have a well-formed conscience. /
Vocation / A call from God to all members of the Church to embrace a life of holiness. /
Natural Revelation / The process by which God makes himself known to human reason through the created world. Historical conditions and the consequences of Original Sin, however, often hinder our ability to fully know God’s truth through natural revelation alone
Fathers of the Church (Church Fathers) / During the early centuries of the Church, those teachers whose writings extended the Tradition of the Apostles and who continue to be important for the Church’s teachings.
Salvation history / The pattern of specific events in human history in which God clearly reveals his presence and saving actions. Salvation was accomplished once and for all through Jesus Christ, a truth foreshadowed and revealed throughout the Old Testament.
Canon / The collection of books the Church recognizes as the inspired Word of God. /
Divine Revelation / God’s self-communication through which he makes known the mystery of his divine plan. Divine Revelation is a gift accomplished by the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit through the words and deeds of salvation history. It is most fully realized in the Passion, death, Resurrection, and Ascension of Jesus Christ.
Sacred Tradition / - Tradition comes from the Latin tradere, meaning “to hand on.” Sacred Tradition refers to the process of passing on the Gospel message. It began with the oral communication of the Gospel by the Apostles, was written down in the Sacred Scripture, and is interpreted by the Magisterium under the guidance of the Holy Spirit
Magisterium / - The Church’s living teaching office, which consists of all bishops, in communion with the Pope.
Divine Inspiration / - The divine assistance the Holy Spirit gave the authors of the books of the Bible so the authors could write in human words the salvation message God wanted to communicate.
Biblical inerrancy / - The doctrine that the books of the Scriptures are free from error regarding the truth God wishes to reveal through the Scriptures for the sake of our salvation.
Oral tradition / The handing on of the message of God’s saving plan through words and deeds.
Written tradition / Under the inspiration of the Holy Spirit, the synthesis in written form of the message of salvation that has been passed down in the oral tradition.