Department of Speech Pathology and Audiology
Strategic Plan
2008 - 2011
Program Evaluation
Category / Goal / Action Steps / Date / ResponsibleProgram Evaluation / Evaluate Programs / Review Portfolio Process / 1/9/08 / All faculty
Engage faculty in TK20 Training / All faculty
Pilot the TK20 Portfolio Process / M. Fitzgerald
Evaluate graduate curriculum for adherence to CAA standards
- Summer modular courses
- Collapsing Courses
- AAC course
- Professional issues strand, cultural diversity, ethics
- Curriculum Committee
- Curriculum Committee
- Curriculum Committee
- Curriculum Committee
Implement TK20 / On Going / All faculty
Evaluate BS curriculum, including role of prerequisites / All faculty/Curriculum committee
Re-evaluate the clinical training program for DE students / Clinic committee
Modify clinical training program for DE students / Clinic committee
Retention / Evaluate students and provide formative assessment / Evaluate retention policy including revision of role of Academic Standards Committee / Academic Standards Committee
Provide remediation based on portfolio, including professional writing / Ongoing / Academic Standards Committee
Identify process for rewarding excellence / 5/1/06 / Task Force (I. Johnson, T. Smith, P. Sims)
Enrollment / Recruit and accept students with potential / 1. Re-evaluate admissions process forgraduate program (formative)
2. Modify admissions process for
graduate program (summative)
3. Submit for review
4. Increase number of students
5. Create an enrollment plan
6. Refine enrollment plan / 1.
6. / Graduate Admission Committee
Develop admissions standards for undergraduate program / Done / Matlock and Smith
Outcomes Assessment / Increase summative evaluation scores on Praxis / Review institutional report of first-time pass rate / Ongoing / T. Smith
Identify resources to assist students to increase scores / Ongoing
Evaluate scores for changes in curriculum and student success
(Institutional Review Report) / Faculty
Prepare report to ASHA / All faculty, lead by P. Sims and F. Jones
Increase summative evaluation scores on graduate comprehensive examination / Identify passing score / Faculty
Develop scoring rubric / Faculty, lead by V. Matlock
Review institutional report / Faculty
Identify resources to assist students to increase scores / Matlock
Evaluate scores for changes in curriculum and student success / Faculty
Prepare yearly report to TSU
Increase summative evaluation scores on SPTH Senior Exit Examination / Review departmental report on scores
Identify resources to assist students to increase scores
Evaluate scores for changes in curriculum and student success / Faculty
Prepare yearly report to TSU
Increase summative evaluation scores on TSU Senior Exit Examination / Review departmental report on scores / Faculty
Identify resources to assist students to increase scores / Academic Advisors/Faculty
Prepare yearly report to TSU / T. Smith
Resources / Develop plan for expanded resources, including dollars, clinical sites, personnel, graduate students, supplies, technology, library
Continuing Education / Identify available resources / Ongoing / T. Smith
Identify process for resource allocation / All faculty, T. Smith
Identify methods for increasing resources / All faculty, led by T. Smith
Modernize clinical procedures / Ashford, Branson, Fitzgerald, Clinical Supervisors
Research and Scholarly Activity / Engage in research and scholarly activity / Identify and encourage research opportunities for faculty / Ongoing / R. Theriot, T. Smith
Provide appropriate resources / Part of resource plan
Identify methods to reward success / All faculty, with H. Mitchell, F. Jones, I. Johnson
Document for maintenance of certification / Dr. Mitchell
Develop plan for providing CEUs / Matlock, Fitzgerald, Ashford
Public Relations / Increase awareness of TSU, Dept. of Speech Pathology and Audiology / Document program success / Ongoing / Dr. Mitchell
Develop departmental plan for public relations