Department of Political Science 1734 Pine Lane
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MIT. Ph.D. in Political Science, February 1996. Major fields: Comparative Politics, Political Economy, and Defense and Arms Control. Dissertation: “The Politics of Institutional Transfer: Two Postwar Reconstructions in Germany, 1945-1995.”
University of Bonn. Coursework on EC/EU and on German foreign and security policy, 1987-88. Thesis on CDU/CSU opposition to SPD Ostpolitik, 1969-1973.
Brigham Young University. B.A. in European Studies, May 1987. Magna cum laude and University Honors. Honors thesis on Cambodian politics since the fall of the Khmer Rouge.
Brigham Young University. Professor of Political Science, 2007-present.
Brigham Young University. Associate Professor of Political Science, 2002-2007.
University of Bonn, Germany, Visiting Professor, Department of Political Science, June-July 2005.
University of Cagliari, Italy, Visiting Professor, Department of Law, May-June 2005.
Brigham Young University. Assistant Professor of Political Science, 2000-2002.
University of California, Berkeley. Visiting Scholar, Department of Political Science, 1998-1999.
Grinnell College. Assistant Professor of Political Science, 1995-2000.
Seminar XXI. Research associate responsible for analytical preparation and discussion groups at MIT’s monthly forum on the politics of foreign societies held for senior members of the US national security policy community in Washington, DC, 1991-1994. Faculty supervisors were Suzanne Berger, Myron Weiner, Barry Posen and Kenneth Oye.
MIT Industrial Performance Center. Research associate conducting interviews and evaluating written materials on German machine tool industry for follow up to the Made in America study, 1993-94. Faculty supervisors were Richard Lester and Suzanne Berger.
United States House of Representatives. Legislative assistant responsible for defense, foreign affairs and international political economy issues for Rep. Richard Stallings (D-Idaho), 1988-89.
Brigham Young University. Teaching assistant for BYU Honors Program. Taught review sections and graded exams and papers for two courses: Readings in the History of Ideas (Fall 1985, Fall 1986) and History of Western Science (Winter 1986, Winter 1987). Faculty supervisor was F. Kent Nielsen.
Bonn Jets/Konstanz Falken. Quarterback for Bonn Jets (German First Division) and for Konstanz Falken. Member of German national championship team with the latter.
Carnegie Endowment for International Peace. Research Analyst, Arms Control Association, 1986.
Paech Brot Bäckerei. Production line worker in Berlin’s largest bakery, Summer 1986.
2008. “Agent Permeability, Principal Delegation, and the European Court of Human Rights.” (With Darren Hawkins). Forthcoming at Review of International Organizations.
2008. “Minority Traditions and Postcommunist Politics: How do IGOs Matter?” In Mitchell Orenstein, Stephen Bloom, and Nicole Lindstrom (eds), Transnational Actors in Central and East European Transitions. Pittsburgh: Pittsburgh University Press, pp. 111-153.
2007. “Managing Globalization by Managing Central and Eastern Europe.” Forthcoming in European Studies Forum, 37(2) (Fall).
2007. “Yielding Sovereignty to International Institutions: Bringing System Structure Back In” (with Scott Cooper, Darren Hawkins, and Daniel Nielson). Forthcoming in International Studies Review.
2006. “Inspiration, Coalition, and Substitution: External Influences on Postcommunist Transformations.” World Politics 58 (4) (July), pp. 623-651.
2006. The Enlargement of the EU and NATO: Ordering From the Menu in Central Europe. New York: Cambridge University Press, paperback edition.
2006. “Is the New Europe a Good Substitute for the Old One?” International Studies Review 8, pp. 175-188.
2006. “How Agents Matter” (with Darren Hawkins). In Darren Hawkins, David Lake, Daniel Nielson, and Michael Tierney (eds), Delegation and Agency in International Organizations. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, pp. 199-228.
2006. “German Transatlanticism Between Narcissism and Nostalgia.” In John Baylis and Jon Roper (eds). Disunited States?: America and Europe Beyond the Neo-Conservative Divide. Manchester: Manchester University Press, pp. 55-71.
2005. “External Incentives and Lesson-Drawing in Regional Policy and Health Care.” In Frank Schimmelfennig and Ulrich Sedelmeier (eds), The Europeanization of Eastern Europe: Evaluating the Conditionality Model. Ithaca: Cornell Univ. Press, pp. 91-111.
2005. “Military Competence or Policy Loyalty? Central Europe and Transatlantic Relations.” In David Andrews (ed), The Atlantic Alliance Under Stress: US-European Relations After Iraq. New York: Cambridge University Press, pp. 232-255.
2005. “Institutional Transfer: Can Semisovereignty be Transferred? The Political Economy of Eastern Germany.” In Simon Green and William Patterson (eds), Governance in Germany: The Semisovereign State Revisited. New York: Cambridge University Press, pp. 21-45.
2004. “Patch-work Solidarity: Describing and Explaining US and European Labour Internationalism” (with Brian Burgoon). Review of International Political Economy 11(4), pp. 849-879.
2004. The Enlargement of the EU and NATO: Ordering From the Menu in Central Europe. New York: Cambridge University Press.
2004. “Tax Reforms and Modell Deutschland: Lessons from Four Years of Red-Green Tax Policy” (with Achim Truger). In James Sperling (ed), Germany at Fifty-Five: Berlin is not Bonn? Manchester: Manchester University Press, pp. 387-410.
2004. “The Rise of Experimentalism in German Collective Bargaining” (with Martin Behrens). British Journal of Industrial Relations 42(1), pp. 95-123.
2002. “Amerikanische Gewerkschaften und Einwanderung: Eine schwierige Umarmung” (with Brian Burgoon). WSI-Mitteilungen, Special Issue, October, pp. 2-16.
2002. “Das Wettrennen um die EU-Mitgliedschaft: Warum die Osterweiterung für Makroökonomen von Bedeutung ist.” WSI-Mitteilungen. May, pp. 292-99.
2002. “The EU’s Pivotal Role in the Creation of Czech Regional Policy” (with Pavel Černoch. In Ronald Linden (ed). Norms and Nannies: The Impact of International Organizations on the Central and East European States. Boulder, CO: Rowman & Littlefield, pp. 317-40.
2002. “Talking the Talk and Walking the Walk: The Cultural and Institutional Effects of Western Models.” In Frank Bönker, Klaus Müller and Andreas Pickel (eds), Postcommunist Transformation and the Social Sciences: Cross-Disciplinary Approaches. Boulder, CO: Rowman & Littlefield, pp. 129-52.
2001. “Americanization by Negation? Occupation Forces, Codetermination, and Works Councils.” In Wolfgang-Uwe Friedrich (ed), Germany and America: Essays in Honor of Gerald R. Kleinfeld. New York: Berghahn Books.
2001. “Experimentalism as a Tool of Economic Innovation in Germany” (with Martin Behrens). German Politics and Society 19(3), Fall, pp. 1-33.
2001. Imitation and Politics: Redesigning Modern Germany. Ithaca: Cornell University Press. Paperback edition.
2001. “Tutors and Pupils: International Organizations, Central European Elites, and Western Models.” Governance 14(2), pp. 169-200.
2001. “The Imitation-Innovation Trade Off: Does ‘Borrowing Dull the Edge of Husbandry?’“Comparative Political Studies 34(3), pp. 263-293.
2000. Imitation and Politics: Redesigning Modern Germany. Ithaca: Cornell University Press. CHOICE Outstanding Academic Book for 2000.
1999. “Priest and Penitent: The EU as a Force in the Domestic Politics of Eastern Europe.” East European Constitutional Review 8(1-2), pp. 62-67. Reprinted in Christian Soe (ed), Annual Editions: Comparative Politics, 2000-2001. Guilford, CT: Dushkin/McGraw Hill, 2000.
1999. “Exemplars, Analogies, and Menus: Eastern Europe in Cross-Regional Comparisons.” Governance 12(3), pp. 455-78.
1997. “The Dilemmas of Diffusion: Social Embeddedness and the Problems of Institutional Change in Eastern Germany” (with Richard Locke). Politics and Society 25(1), pp. 34-65.
1997. “The Dilemmas of Diffusion: Institutional Transfer and the Remaking of Vocational Training Practices in Eastern Germany” (with Richard Locke). In Lowell Turner (ed), Negotiating the New Germany: Can Social Partnership Survive? Ithaca: Cornell University Press.
2006. “Don’t Buy What Yoo’s Selling.” Op-ed in The Daily Universe, January 23.
2006. “Side Payments Over Solidarity: Financing the Poor Cousins inGermany and the EU.”Working Paper of the American Consortium of EU Studies.
2005. “No Justification for Torturing Any Prisoner” (with Gary Bryner, Richard Davis, Byron Daynes, Eric Hyer, Kendall Stiles). Op-ed in The Daily Herald, December 13.
2005. “The Enlargement of the EU and NATO.” European Union Studies Association Newsletter, June.
2005. “The Enlargement of the EU and NATO.” Research Brief 10, European Union Center of California, March.
2003. “Criticism of Protests Unsupported.” Op-ed in The Daily Universe, March 26.
2003. “Tax Reforms and Modell Deutschland: Lessons from Four Years of Red-Green Tax Policy” (with Achim Truger). Working Paper of the Institute for European Studies, University of California, Berkeley.
2003. “Iraq War not in US Interests” (with Donna Lee Bowen, Gary Bryner, Byron Daynes, Darren Hawkins, Eric Hyer). Op-ed in Deseret News, January 23.
1996. “The Politics of Institutional Transfer: Imitating Labor Institutions.” Clio 6(2).
1996. “Germany Loses Its Consensus on Social Policy.” Op-ed in Christian Science Monitor, June 21.
1993. “Competition, Trade and the Pressures for National Institutional Convergence,” Working paper of the MIT Industrial Performance Center.
1991. “Russia’s Future.” Precis 3(1), pp. 1-2.
Additional TV and radio appearances on Voice of America, CNN International, BBC.
“Side Payments Over Solidarity: Financing the Poor Cousins inGermany and the EU.”Revise and resubmit at West European Politics. Recently appeared as a Working Paper of the American Consortium of EU Studies after undergoing peer review by their editorial board.
“Is Immigration Dividing US Labor?” (With Brian Burgoon). Revise and resubmit at British Journal of Industrial Relations.
“The Europeanization of Child Protection Policy in Romania.” (With Gabriel Lataianu). Under initial review at Comparative Political Studies.
Twenty entries (most of which were co-authored with BYU students) to the Nato Encyclopedia. Edited by Craig Cobane, (Clio Publishing), 2007.
Book reviews on books by Richard Rose (West European Politics) and Rebecca Henderson (Comparative Political Studies), both appeared in 2006.
Deutscher Akademischer Austausch Dienst/American Institute for Contemporary German Studies DAAD Prize, awarded triennially to a North American scholar for work on German politics, 2006.
Marshall Shulman Book Prize, American Academy for the Advancement of Slavic Studies/Harriman Institute, Columbia University (for The Enlargement of the European Union and NATO), 2005.
Young Scholar Award, BYU, 2004-2006
Choice, Outstanding Academic Book for 2000 (for Imitation and Politics)
German Marshall Fund Research Fellow, 1998-1999
National Council for Eurasian and East European Research Fellow, 1998-1999
Carl Friedrich Prize of the American Political Science Association, Conference Group on German Politics, best dissertation in German studies (political science and history) for 1994-1996
Alexander von Humboldt Foundation Bundeskanzler Scholarship, 1994-95
Social Science Research Council Dissertation Grant for Western Europe, 1993-94
Harvard Center for European Studies Dissertation Grant, 1993-94
Freie Universität Berlin Dissertation Research Grant, 1993-94 (declined)
Harvard Center for European Studies Short-Term Research Grant, 1990
Jacob Javits Foundation Graduate Fellowship, 1989-93
William J. Fulbright Scholarship, 1987-88
Founding Director, BYU Center for the Study of Europe, 2003-2006
North American Editor, German Politics, 2006-2007
Editorial Board, Governance, 2005-2007
Program Chair, European Union Studies Association, Bi-Annual Conference, Montreal, 2007
Treasurer, American Political Science Association, European Politics Section, 2005-2006
Planning and Policy Committee, Political Science Department, BYU, 2004-2006
Chair, Rank and Status Committee, Political Science Department, BYU, 2005-2006
Rank and Status Committee, Political Science Department, BYU, 2003-2004
Washington Seminar Internship Committee, Political Science Department, BYU, 2004-05
Academic Advisory Board, European Union Center of California, 2001-2006
Program Chair, Political Science, German Studies Association, 2002-2003
Book Review Editor, Politik, 2001-2003
Conference Group on German Politics, Midwest Representative, 1998-2000
Curriculum Committee, Political Science Department, BYU, 2001-2002.
Pi Sigma Alpha Faculty Advisor, BYU, 2000-2002.
Assessment Committee, Political Science Department, BYU, 2000-2001.
Chairman of Board, International Demining Corporation, 1995-1999. (IDO was a non-profit “public benefit corporation” promoting landmine removal in Cambodia).
Program Committee, Society for the Advancement of Socio-Economics, 1997-1998.
Screener, SSRC International Studies Dissertation Program, 1997-1998.
Writing Across the Curriculum Committee, Grinnell College, 1997-1998.
Russian/East European Studies Concentration Committee, Grinnell College, 1999-2000.
Off-Campus Study Committee, Grinnell College, 1999-2000.
“Solidarity or Side Payments? Financing the Poor Cousins in Germany and Europe.” Paper presented at the panel, New Developments in German Federalism, German Studies Association Annual Meeting, San Diego, October 6, 2007.
“Europe and the Management of Globalization.” Talk given at the Institut Barcelona d’Estudis Internacionals, June 25, 2007.
“Managing Globalization by Managing Central and Eastern Europe.” Paper given at the conference Europe and the Management of Globalization, Princeton, February 18, 2007.
“What German Reunification Teaches us about Post-Communist Transformations in Eastern and Central Europe.” Talk at the American Institute for Contemporary German Studies and Johns Hopkins SAIS, Washington, DC, November 5, 2006.
“Two Germanies.” Talk at the AICGS Global Leadership Awards Dinner, New York City, November 2, 2006.
“Importing Good Governance.” Talk given at the conference, New Instruments of International Governance: Transatlantic and Global Perspectives, Vienna, Austria, May 8-10, 2006.
“Enlarging the EU and NATO: Ordering from the Menu in Central Europe.” Talk given at Temple University’s Temple-Penn European Studies Colloquium, April 27, 2006 and at the panel, New Books on the European Union, International Studies Association Conference, San Diego, March 23-26, 2006.
“The EU, International Organizations and Post-Communist Reform: Five Paradoxes.” Talk given at the Woodrow Wilson Center East European Studies Program, April 26, 2006.
“EU Enlargement as a Policy Instrument.” Talk given at the conference, Enlargement and the European Union: Strategy, Impacts, Limits, Yale University, April 7-8, 2006.
“Globalization Research and the Study of Europe.” Talk given at the roundtable of the Globalization Research Group of the Council for European Studies, Chicago, March 29, 2006.
“Is Immigration Dividing US Labor?” Paper given at the conference, The Political Economy of Immigration and Migrant Labour, London School of Economics, March 10-11, 2006.
“From Kosovo to Fallujah: The Crisis in US Civil-Military relations.” Talk given at Brigham Young University, January 19, 2006.
“Enlarging the EU and NATO: Ordering from the Menu in Central Europe.” Talk given at the European Union Center, University of Illinois, Urbana, November 7, 2005.
“Institutional Emulation in the EU and NATO Enlargements.” Talk given at McGill University, Montreal, November 4, 2005.
“Minority Traditions and Transnational Politics in Post-Communism.” Paper presented at the conference, Post-Communist State and Society: Transnational and National Politics, Moynihan Center, Syracuse University, September 30-October 1, 2005.
“Federalism, Fiscal Policy, Finanzausgleich: Recent Developments.” Paper presented at the panel, Germany's Crisis Areas, German Studies Association Annual Meeting, Milwaukee, WI, September 30, 2005.
“Is the New Europe a Good Substitute for the Old One?” Paper presented at the conference, The Changing Face of Europe: European Institutions in the 21st Century, Claremont McKenna College, Claremont, CA, April 8, 2005.