The Department of Planning and Landscape Architecture will have openings for two or three graduate student Teaching Assistant position(s) this coming fall – Semester II, 2018-2019. Courses under consideration for positions include:

LA 250: Survey of Landscape Architecture Design: (1 possibly 2 positions available) Principles of landscape and environmental design. Incorporates element and materials of landscape planning and management. Provides background to the ideas and personalities shaping landscape architecture in America. This is a web-based course.Lectures and supplementary materials such as practice quizzes and discussion exercises are available online.For most students, there is a required in-class discussion section that meets once a week.There are some sections of this course that are taught completely online. For these students there are online discussions and question and answer forums

LA 210(1 position) Introduction to the techniques of landscape design, planning, and management through studio exercises.

LA 261:(1 position)Principles of Landscape Architecture Design and Graphics

Basic principles in the design of landscapes to aid the student in developing individual capacities and approaches to designing. Principles of graphic communication media and development of practical graphic skills.

LA 365(1 position) Planting Design I Fundamentals of planting composition with emphasis on visual consideration of ecological relationships. Lectures enhanced by student sketches, plans, and models

For LA 210, 261, and 365, previous training in and/or experience with landscape architecture is preferred. For LA 365, knowledge of plant materials is important. The duties may include: assisting the course instructor with such things as conducting studio desk crits and consultations; preparing class materials, including active-learning exercises; grading designs, papers, exercises and exams; and holding regular, weekly drop-in office hours

For LA 250, previous training in or experience with landscape architecture is preferred. Familiaritywith Canvas would be helpful. The duties may include leading weekly face-to-face discussion sections; monitoring and participating in online discussions; preparing class materials, including active-learning exercises; grading papers and various problem-solving exercises; holding regular, weekly drop-in office hours; and responding to online questions.

In addition to a salary, each graduate student TA receives tuition remission from the University.

If you are interested in any of these positions, submit a letter indicating for which of the courses you would like to be considered and listing your professional and teaching credentials, to ShiraHand (Room 112B, Music Hall, ), by Friday, June 15th.

If you have questions, please feel free to contact Shira Hand or Professor Evelyn Howell, . Learn more about the department at: dpla.wisc.edu.