Brief overview of the UniversityThe University of New Mexico was founded in 1889, and is now the largest institution for higher education in the state of New Mexico. The campus encompasses over 600 acres along Route 66 in the heart of Albuquerque, a city of more than 800,000 people that enjoy over 300 days of sunshine a year. The university is a diverse cultural institution with over 28,000 students. The institution is classified as Doctoral/Research University – Extensive. The University offers 93 bachelor’s degree programs, 68 masters, and 37 doctorate programs in a broad range of departments.
Financial requirement
Financial guarantee amount / University of New Mexico requires written financial guarantees for at least$6,625.00 per semester
Application information
How to apply / Please read the Study Abroad Application package very
Meet your Study Abroad Advisor as instructed
Research choices and get final department approval(s)
Complete the application form
Give your fully completed application package to your Study Abroad Advisor by the deadline. Here is our web link for the complete application procedure and all the forms you need to fill out:
Deadline: / For Fall: October 15th
For Spring: April 1
Application processing information
Which month of the year are applications processed? / During February and May and during October and November.
Which month of the year do you send out offer letters? / April to July and October to December – depending on the receipt of the complete application material
Academic issues
Academic strengths / The University is consistently placed high for the anthropology program, fine arts including photography film, drawing, painting, dance, music, and theatre, Latin American Studies, physics and astronomy, Anderson School of Management, engineering, and architecture and planning.
Restricted/closed Departments / There are no faculties which explicitly state that you cannot enrol, but there are some that have specific requirements. Law, Pharmacy, and Medical studies only accept graduate students and have different application and admission requirements!
Can I pre-register for classes before arrival? / Yes. Exceptions to this are architecture, fine art, and business classes, and classes that have pre-requisites.
If yes, please give details / If you want to take those classes, please contact:
Susi Knoblauch,
Link/s to detailed subject or
Course descriptions: / The following website has links to all the departments at the university:
There a For lists of the classes that will be offered for the upcoming semesters. These lists typically include a course description as well. In case the course description is not found under the department website, all course descriptions can be found at the university catalogue which can be found at the following web page:
Semester and Orientation Dates
Spring 2017: 16 January 2017 – 13 May 2017
Fall 2017: 21 August, 2017 – December 16, 2017
Spring 2018: 15 January, 2018 – May 12, 2018
Check in: The week before classes start
Orientation: Fall semester: Thursday before classes start
Spring semester: Friday before classes start
Housing, Short-Term Stay with Host Family, and Airport Pick-Up
Guaranteed housing? / No – however, there is never a problem to reserve a room.
If no, is on campus housing readily available? / Yes. Student must apply by housing deadline. See website below.
When is housing information sent? / You will receive information about Housing in your acceptance packet
Link to housing website / On-campus housing:
Off-campus housing:
Brief details / There are several different options if you choose to live on the UNM campus. The most common, is typically a shared room; single rooms are available upon request. Both of these options are within a standarddormitory with shared bathrooms. The University also offers apartment style housing on campus. The Student Residence Centre (SRC) building houses 6 students toa floor, and offers a full kitchen and living area. The Redondo Village Apartments (RVA) house 4 students to each floor;these also include a full kitchen and living area. Off-campus housing is also available. Off-campus housing, typically apartment housing, is inexpensive and fairly easy to find; many international students prefer this option. For off campus housing options, please visit the website above. Our office arranges airport pick-up and housing help for incoming students, and short-term home stay until students find their accommodation of choice (more information below).
PLEASE NOTE: there is a link to the “Lobo Village” and the “Casa del Rio” in the housing web page. Those apartments are NOT part of UNM housing but they are private. Casas del Rio are generous sponsors of our international program and we recommend this housing option.
Immigration information
Which month of the year do you hope to send immigration documents? / April to July and October to December – depending on the receipt of the complete application material
Where can I find further information about immigration? /
and in our HANDBOOK FOR INTERNATIONAL EXCHANGE STUDENTS which you find in our web site:
Pre-arrival information
Which is your nearest airport? / Albuquerque International Sunport
Do you offer an airport pick up programme? / An off-site volunteer organization offers airport pick-up. Please contact: for details.
Brief details / Pickup from Albuquerque International "SunPort" (ABQ), stay for up to 3 nights with an American family, and transportation to and from UNM. This service is free and offered on a first-come, first-serve basis.
Do you have an orientation programme? / Yes
Is it mandatory? / Yes
How much does it cost? / $275
What are the dates? / Thursday the week before classes start.
Health Insurance
Do you have mandatory health insurance? / Yes. Students can request a waiver on-line
Brief details /
Approximately, how much does it cost? / $900 per semester (est.)
Can this be waived by my own policy? / Yes,if it meets the requirements outlined on the webpage listed above.
Additional costs
Do I have to pay any mandatory costs? / Yes
If yes, please provide details and costs / Some classes at UNM require fees (for labs, management, architecture, fine arts, etc.) and these fees will be your responsibility.
The fees can be up to $200 per course!!
You will have to pay for visa fees and the SEVIS fees for US immigration of $275 per semester.
Remember: you will have to buy books which can cost up to $400.
General Information
Links to tourist information /
Link to the Study Abroad office pages / Global Education Office (GEO)
Study Abroad:
For more detailed information about UNM, visa application, registration for courses, housing, banking, health insurance, student activities, and much more, click on:
Contact details
Primary contact / Susi Knoblauch
Study Abroad Advisor
Tel: +1-505-277-4032 * Fax: +1-505-277-1867