María D. Colomina-Garrigós
Department of Hispanic Studies
College of Charleston
66 George Street
Charleston, SC 29424
Ph.D. in Hispanic Cultural Studies. Michigan State University. 2003.
M. A. in Spanish. Michigan State University. 1998.
B. A. in English. University of Alicante, Spain. 1996.
La nueva novela latinoamericana del dictador. Un estudio de la autoridad discursiva (The New Latin American novel of the Dictator. A Study of Discursive Authority), Prof. María Eugenia Mudrovcic, Director.
Areas of Research
Discourse and Power in Contemporary Spanish American Narrative
Postmodern Spanish American Narrative
Globalization and Cultural Mediatization in 21st century Argentine and Chilean Narrative
Transatlantic Studies in Post-Dictatorship Fiction of the Southern Cone and Spain
Teaching Experience
College of Charleston
2009-Present: Associate Professor of Hispanic Studies
2003-2009: Assistant Professor of Hispanic Studies
Courses taught (B.A.):
Elementary Spanish I
Elementary Spanish II
Elementary Spanish for High Beginners
Elementary Spanish for High Beginners LC9 (Learning Community)
Intermediate Spanish I
Intermediate Spanish II
Intermediate Spanish I & II
Spanish Skills Review
Spanish Composition
Spanish Conversation
Intensive Spanish Composition & Conversation
Introduction to the Study of Hispanic Literature
Civilization & Culture of Spain I
Latin American Civilization & Culture I
Latin American Civilization & Culture II
Topics in Hispanic Cultures
Survey of Spanish-American Literature I
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Survey of Spanish-American Literature II
Contemporary Spanish-American Poetry
Contemporary Spanish American Fiction
Seminar: Special Topics in Hispanic Literature: Postmodernity and Globalization in
Contemporary Spanish American Narrative
Seminar: Special Topics in Hispanic Literature: Spanish American Narrative of the 21st
century: The Role of Mass Media in the Global Consumerist Era
Directed Reading: Cuentística Contemporánea Argentina: Borges y Cortázar (Contemporary
Argentine Short Fiction: Borges and Cortazar) (Justina Sparling & Samuel Hilliard)
Independent Study: Intensive Spanish Conversation & Composition through Spanish
American Literature (Whitney Barnes)
Bachelor’s Essay: The Representation of Motherhood in Argentinean Feminist Literature during
the Proceso (Jewel Perkin)
Bachelor’s Essay: Reconstructing Female Identity under Argentina’s Dirty War (Stephanie
Bachelor's Essay: Nicanor Parra: Antipoesía y contradicción (Erin Smith)
Internship: Developing advertising and marketing skills in Spanish (Elise Lasko)
Introduction to Latin American and Caribbean Studies
Contemporary Latin American Literature in (English) Translation: Contemporary
Narrative in Dictatorial and Post-Dictatorial Latin American Societies
Courses taught (M.A.):
Tyranny in Spanish American Film & Literature
Course development:
Span 655: Tyranny in Spanish American Film & Literature
Michigan State University
2002-2003: Visiting Instructor of Spanish
1996-2002: Graduate Assistant of Spanish
Courses taught (B.A.):
Elementary Spanish I
Elementary Spanish II
Intensive Review of Elementary Spanish
Second Year Spanish I
Second Year Spanish II
Introduction to Latin American Literature (Guest lecturer; Professor Javier Durán)
Media and Conversation: Advanced Spanish Conversation
Publications (peer-reviewed)
“No, la película, o el impacto de hegemonías discursivas de marketing en la transición chilena según
Pablo Larraín.” Agentes de cambio: perspectivas cinematográficas de España y
Latinoamérica en el siglo XXI. Madrid: Pliegos, 2014. 233-60.
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“La espectacularización de lo real en Realidad de Sergio Bizzio.” Bulletin of Spanish Studies XCI
(2014): 1-16.
“Una mirada transatlántica a narrativas contestatarias de hegemonías mercadotécnicas: Belén
Gopegui y Rodolfo Fogwill.” Letral: Revista de Estudios Transatlánticos de Literatura 11
(December 2013): 145-56.
“En otro orden de cosas de Rodolfo Fogwill: resistencias discursivas a la mediatización cultural en
la postdictadura argentina.” Hispanófila 169 (Sept. 2013): 159-173.
“Paratextualidad y metaficción como discurso contestatario a la lógica capitalista en Mano de Obra
de Diamela Eltit.” Confluencia Volume 27 no. 1 (Fall 2011): 2-15.
“El tratamiento metatextual del desamor en La crueldad de la vida de Liliana Heker.”
Hipertexto 10 (Summer 2009): 63-73.
“(Re)Construyendo historias: Apropiación y Resemantización del discurso narrativo en El
fin de la historia de Liliana Heker.” Hispanic Journal 29 no. 1 (Spring 2008): 107-
“Autoridad discursiva y falocentrismo en La Fiesta del Chivo de Mario Vargas Llosa.”
Delaware Review of Latin American Studies Vol. 8 no. 1 (2007).
“La lucha por el espacio de la enunciación en El seductor de la patria.” Revista de Literatura
Mexicana Contemporánea 33 (2007): 59-66.
“La problematización de la representabilidad histórica a través de la metaficción historiográfica
en La novela de Perón.” Monographic Review/Revista Monográfica XIX (2003): 251-
“La deconstrucción del concepto de identidad en Galíndez, de Manuel Vázquez Montalbán.”
Lucero 13 (2002): 114-122.
“La reescritura de la historia y el peso de la conciencia histórica en El largo atardecer del
caminante, de Abel Posse.” Tropos 27 (2001): 7-20.
Joseph T. Snow & Lola Colomina. “Fernando de Rojas y Celestina: documento bibliográfico”.
Celestinesca 22.2 (Otoño 1998): 89-108.
Accepted For Publication
“El cuerpo como locus performativo y enunciativo de lo marginal en Impuesto a la carne de
Diamela Eltit.” XXIV Congreso Anual de la Asociación Internacional de Literatura y
Cultura Femenina (La Habana, Cuba: November 10-14, 2014). Centre Dona i Literatura.
Universitat de Barcelona. forthcoming.
Submitted For Publication
“Urbana (2003) de Fogwill, o cómo revertir prácticas discursivas de la literatura de consumo”.
Submitted to Revista Canadiense de Estudios Hispánicos.
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Works In Progress
“La virtualización de la urbe bajo el menemismo en Las Islas (1998) de Carlos Gamerro”
Conference Presentations & Lectures
“El cuerpo como locus performativo y enunciativo de lo marginal en Impuesto a la carne de
Diamela Eltit.” XXIV Congreso Anual de la Asociación Internacional de Literatura y Cultura
Femenina. Instituto de Literatura y Lingüística José Antonio Portuondo Valdor in Havana,
Cuba. November 14, 2014
“Resistencias discursivas a procesos de mediatización cultural en postdictadura.” Universidad de
Santiago de Chile. Santiago, Chile. November 13, 2013.
“La espectacularización de lo real en Realidad de Sergio Bizzio.” I Congreso Internacional: Nuevos
Horizontes de Iberoamérica. Universidad Nacional de Cuyo. Mendoza, Argentina. November
7, 2013.
“A Transatlantic Approach: Contestatory Fictions of Market-Oriented Practices from Argentina
and Spain.” Honors College Faculty Lecture Series. College of Charleston. March 29,
“Prácticas de resistencia discursiva y editorial en la producción crítico-literaria y artística de Nelly
Richard y Diamela Eltit.” 54th International Congress of Americanists (“Building Dialogues
in the Americas”). Vienna, Austria. July 15-20, 2012.
“Contestatory Discourses to the Logics of Capitalism and to Globalised Cultural Production from
The Southern Cone.” 54th International Congress of Americanists (“Building Dialogues in
The Americas”). Vienna, Austria. July 15-20, 2012.
“Paratextualidad y metaficción como discurso contestatario a la lógica capitalista en Mano de obra
de Diamela Eltit.” Cuarto Congreso Internacional Escritura, Individuo y Sociedad
en España, Las Américas y Puerto Rico. Arecibo, Puerto Rico. November 18, 2010.
“Heritage, Diversity, Integrity and Honor: the Renewed Hope of America.” National Hispanic
Heritage Month Luncheon. U.S. Customs and Border Protection. Charleston, SC.
September 16, 2010.
“Discourse and Power (and their effect on Spanish American ‘Novels of the Dictator’).” Lecture
delivered in INTR 510 – Language and Culture, part of the Master’s Program of Bilingual
Interpreting. College of Charleston. Charleston, SC. April 2, 2009.
“Falocentrismo y reescritura histórica en La Fiesta del Chivo de Mario Vargas Llosa.”
The 15th Annual Carolina Conference of Romance Literatures. University of North
Carolina at Chapel Hill, NC. March 28, 2009.
“(Re)Construyendo historias: Apropiación y Resemantización del discurso narrativo en
El fin de la historia de Liliana Heker.” XXVII International Congress LASA.
Montréal, Canada. September 6, 2007.
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“Replanteamientos del poder discursivo en dos novelas de la dictadura: La novela de Perón
de Tomás Eloy Martínez y El fin de la historia de Liliana Heker.” 54th Annual
Meeting of South Eastern Council of Latin American Studies. San José, Costa Rica.
April 21, 2007.
“De la escritura como proceso a la escritura como objeto: metaficción y autorreferenciali-
dad en La novela de Perón.” 59th Annual Kentucky Foreign Language Conference.
University of Kentucky, Lexington, KY. April 21, 2006.
“La lucha por el espacio de la enunciación en El seductor de la patria de Enrique Serna.” XI
Congreso de Literatura Mexicana Contemporánea. University of Texas at El Paso,
Texas. March 2, 2006.
“La fragmentación totalizante en La Fiesta del Chivo de Mario Vargas Llosa.” IV Congreso
Internacional UNINTERlingua. Universidad Internacional de Cuernavaca, Mexico. May
13, 2005.
“La alegoría como recurso codificador de la historia política venezolana en Los cuatro reyes de la baraja de Francisco Herrera Luque.” Southeast Coastal Conference on Languages & Literatures. Georgia Southern University, Statesboro, GA. March 25, 2004.
“La autoridad discursiva del compilador. Estudio comparado de Yo el Supremo y El seductor
de la patria.” 53rd Annual Mountain Interstate Foreign Language Conference.
College of Charleston, Charleston, SC. October 11, 2003.
“La problematización del discurso histórico y de la autoridad discursiva en La novela de Perón:
el proceso textual como objeto del discurso narrativo.” Michigan Academy of Science,
Arts & Letters. Hope College, Holland, MI. March 21, 2003.
“La educación filipina en la narrativa de José Rizal.” The 11thAnnual Charles F. Fraker
Conference. University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI. March 9, 2002.
“The Carnivalesque in I, the Supreme, by Augusto Roa Bastos, or the deconstruction of the
historical figure of the dictator.” Hispanic Studies Colloquia. Michigan State University,
East Lansing, MI. February 23, 2001.
“La reescritura de la Historia y el peso de la conciencia histórica en El largo atardecer del
caminante, de Abel Posse.” Tropos Graduate Student Conference. Michigan State University, East Lansing, MI. November 18, 2000.
“La deconstrucción del concepto de identidad en Galindez, de Manuel Vázquez Montalbán.”
M/MLA Annual Convention. Kansas City, MO. November 3, 2000.
“Inversión de roles y su función dentro del contexto sociopolítico de El obsceno pájaro de la
Noche.” VII Jornadas Metropolitanas de Estudios Culturales. Mexico City. July 7, 2000.
“La cuestión de la esclavitud y su inscripción en el discurso colonialista de Naufragios de Alvar
Núñez Cabeza de Vaca.” Twentieth Annual Cincinnati Conference on Romance Languages and Literatures. University of Cincinnati, Cincinnati, OH. May 11, 2000.
“Idealización de la esclavitud en María de Jorge Isaacs y verosimilitud de la voz narrativa.” 52nd
Annual Kentucky Foreign Language Conference. University of Kentucky, Lexington, KY. April 22, 1999.
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Grants and Academic Awards & Honors
Research & Development Grant. Department of Hispanic Studies. College of Charleston.
January 2012.
William E. Murray International Travel Grant. The School of Languages, Cultures, and World
Affairs. College of Charleston. January 2012.
Sabbatical Leave. College of Charleston. Spring 2012.
Global Scholar Certification. College of Charleston. September 2009.
Research & Development Grant ($500). The School of Languages, Cultures, and World Affairs.
May 2009.
Research & Development Grant ($2,000). The School of Languages, Cultures, and World Affairs.
May 2007.
Research & Development Grant ($2,000). Department of Hispanic Studies. College of Charleston.
June 2006.
First-year Faculty Research Grant ($2,500). The School of Humanities and Social Sciences.
College of Charleston. May 2004.
Graduate Student Research Enhancement Award. The Graduate School. Michigan State
University. Spring 2002.
Tinker Field Research Grant. Center for Latin American and Caribbean Studies. Michigan
State University. Spring 2002. (Dissertation Research in Caracas, Venezuela: May 2002).
Graduate Merit Fellowship. College of Arts and Letters. Michigan State University. Spring 2002.
Departmental Award for Outstanding Graduate Scholarly Paper. Department of Romance and
Classical Languages, Michigan State University. Spring 2001.
Graduate Student International Travel Grant. International Studies and Programs. Michigan State
University. Summer 2000.
Johann Sachse Award for Outstanding Graduate Student in Spanish. Department of Romance
and Classical Languages, Michigan State University. Spring 2000.
Erasmus Scholarship to study English at the University of Aberdeen, Scotland. University of
Alicante. 1994.
Bancaixa Scholarship (in collaboration with the Erasmus project). University of Alicante. 1994.
Service to the College
Co-Director of the 2015 Summer Study Abroad Program to Trujillo, Spain.
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Program Session Director of the 2015 Mountain Interstate Foreign Language Conference. August 2014-Present.
Member of the Ad hoc Trujillo Faculty Committee. College of Charleston. October 2014-May 2015.
Member (alternate) of the Post Tenure Review Committee. College of Charleston. August 2014-May 2015.
Member of the Search Subcommittee (Peninsular theater/Transatlantic Studies position). Fall 2014.
Library co-liaison. Department of Hispanic Studies. College of Charleston. August 2014-Present.
Director of the Study Abroad Program to Santiago de Chile. College of Charleston. Fall 2013.
Assisted with the re-certification process of Spanish courses for General Education credit. Spring 2013.
Member & Secretary of the Faculty Committee on Academic Standards. College of Charleston.
Fall 2012-August 2013.
Member of the Search Committee. Department of Hispanic Studies. College of Charleston. Fall 2012-Spring 2013.
Organizer of film screenings (El secreto de sus ojos; También la lluvia) in celebration of Hispanic Heritage Month. Department of Hispanic Studies. Fall 2011.
Library Co-liaison. Department of Hispanic Studies. College of Charleston. 2010-2103.
Editor of Hispanews. Department of Hispanic Studies. College of Charleston. 2009-2011.
Member of the Exit Interview Panel for the M.Ed. Candidate Tiffany Dixon. April 28, 2011.
Faculty Advisor to the Alternative Spring Break Program to Las Terrenas, Dominican Republic.
College of Charleston. March 5-12, 2011.
Chair of the Ad-Hoc Study Abroad Courses Rubric. Department of Hispanic Studies. College
of Charleston. Spring 2011.
Co-Chair of the Publicity Committee. Department of Hispanic Studies. College of Charleston.
Member of the Hearing Committee (alternate). College of Charleston. 2009-2011.
Director of the Study Abroad Program to Trujillo, Spain. College of Charleston. Spring 2010.
Co-Chair of the Faculty Educational Technology Committee. College of Charleston. 2008-2009.
Member of the Faculty Educational Technology Committee. College of Charleston. 2007-2008.
Editor-in-Chief of Hispanews. Department of Hispanic Studies. College of Charleston. 2006- 2008.
Member of the Hispanic Heritage Month Committee. Department of Hispanic Studies. 2006-2008.
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Member of the Ad-Hoc Senior Seminar Committee. Department of Hispanic Studies. 2007-08.