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NOTES: / Applications will remain current for 12 months.
Position Title:
TSS Position Title:
Work Unit:
JEMS Review Date:
PD Approved: / Guidance Officer
Guidance Officer
State School/State High School/Special School/other education institution
Band 5 (Teachers' Award – State)
July 2008
August 2008
The Department is responsible for the delivery of quality education and training services to all Queensland students and for the provision of advisory and advocacy services for arts and cultural development in Queensland.
The Department’s vision for education and training is to ensure that all Queensland students become active citizens in a learning society – The Smart State. The central purpose of education and training in Queensland is to create a safe, tolerant and disciplined environment within which young people are encouraged to be active and reflective citizens with a disposition to life long learning. The Department provides quality education and training services to all state school and TAFE students through the auspices of Education Queensland and Training Queensland.
The Department’s vision for training is to help Queenslanders develop the skills they need for employment and supporting the social and economic capacity of communities and businesses. The Department’s vision is for all Queenslanders to excel in learning, skills development and work, for the benefit of themselves, their communities and the Queensland economy.
The Department’s vision for the arts is for a Creative Queensland. Its’ mission is to achieve this by working with partners to create a cultural environment that maximises quality of life, social equity and economic independence in Queensland.
Schools perform a vital role in providing opportunities to students to acquire knowledge and understanding, pursue special interests, strive to achieve excellence and develop social and vocational skills. Schools also aim to support the participation ofparents, students, administrators, teachers and others in the school community and facilitate partnerships between the school, departmental and externalsupport structures.
Guidance officers provide a guidance, counselling and student support service in a variety of organisational settings. Most services are delivered in state government primary, secondary and special schools, predominantly to students inthe prep, compulsory school ageor compulsory participation phase of schooling.
Provide professional expertise, leadership and support to school communities and networks in the development and implementation of plans, programs, and procedures to assist students in achieving positive educational, developmental and lifelong learning outcomes.
Collaboratively negotiate, develop and implement programs for students that have a focus on preventative and early intervention strategies; areresponsive to identified personal, social, emotional and educational needs; and aim to foster resilience and personal skillsdevelopment.
Advocate, provide counselling, psychoeducational assessment and/or individual student support, recommendations and advice to students, teachers and parentsconcerning educational, behavioural, career development, mental healthand family issues.
Guidance Officers contribute towards, and are accountable forthe provision of a comprehensive student support program that is responsive to the identified and changing needs of students.The program will be negotiated with and authorised by a line manager, usually the school principal. Guidance Officers are required to provide this service in collaboration with other school-based personnel and external support providers in a variety of educational contexts, including schools and alternative education programs.
Guidance Officers are required to participate in regular clinical and technical supervision with aSenior Guidance Officer or their nominee,to ensure the provision of ongoing professional support and development.
Collaboratively plan, negotiate and provide a comprehensive student support program within the context of the school community.
Work as part of a multidisciplinary team and facilitate effective working relationships and partnershipswith parents, school personnel andexternal support agencies in order toprovide a comprehensive support, case-management and referral service that optimises students’ access and engagement in educational programs.
Provide a counselling and referral service to assist students in decision making about critical educational,personal, social, emotionaland/or career development, and provide ongoing support during the implementation phase of their decision.
Conduct activities such as student observationand psychoeducational assessmentin order to determine the nature of student learning difficulties, disabilities, developmental levels or psychological and emotional status in order to make recommendations for educational adjustments andinterventions.
Assist schools in the implementation of student protection, gifted education, behaviour support policies and risk management processes that mayinvolve the development of individualised student plans, including Educational Support Plans.
Provide specific support in secondary schools that may include involvementin the process of Senior Education and Training (SET) planning, career development and future pathway options counselling.
Balance the ethical issues of privacy and confidentiality for each student with the appropriateness of sharing information with others, and maintain a comprehensive and professional record keeping system that complies with policy and legal requirements of parental and legal access to official records.
Participate in relevant professional development, and prepare and implement professional and personal skill development programs and in-service activities for administrators, teachers and parents.
Provide leadership and specialised support in response to student protection issues;critical incidents and emergencies; andthe transition of students into alternative education programs, and their reintegrationback into mainstream schooling.
Guidance Officers (Intensive Behaviour Support)work collaboratively with other school-based support personnel toassess and address the needs of students requiring the most intensive behaviour support.
Your application should specifically address each of the selection criteria listed below. All selection criteria are of equal weighting. Please limit your written response to a maximum of one (1) A4 page per criterion (minimum font size is 10 point in Arial font).
Applicants must have full registration or eligibility for full registration as a teacher in Queensland;
Aminimum of two (2) years full-time, supervised experience working with children and/or young people in an education, child protection or counselling environment; and
- One year (minimum) full-time (or part-time equivalent) coursework Masters, majoring in guidance and counselling.
- Full registration as a psychologist within Queensland in accordance with the provisions of the Psychologists Registration Act 2001 or a fourth year qualification in psychology that will enable full registration as a psychologist within Queensland in accordance with the provisions of the Psychologists Registration Act 2001, following completion of the Supervised Practice Program.
- Qualifications which in the opinion of the Director-General of Education, Training and the Arts are acceptable.
Professional membership of the Queensland Guidance and Counselling Association (QGCA), or the Australian Psychological Society (APS) will be favourably considered.
Please note:DO NOT write to SC5 in your written application. Applicants are required to
demonstrate SC5 at interview and through referee comments.
SC1Capacity to provide leadership that enables the effective delivery of whole-of-school educational programs and services that support the inclusion of all students.
SC2Capacity for effective counselling and individual case management involving a multidisciplinary approach, within an environment of competing priorities.
SC3Demonstrated strong interpersonal skills and the capacity to develop and sustain productive relationships within and beyond the school community.
SC 4Capacity to develop and implement student support programs and services for students with high support needs, that reflect best-practice and that align with departmental policies and procedures.
SC5Demonstrated capacity to effectively respond to sensitive and complex student issues within an ethical framework. (Do not write to this in your application.)
Guidance officers are appointed to a Region. Work locations will be negotiated with the Senior Guidance Officer prior to the commencement of each school year.
Information on teacher registration requirements is available at or on toll free 1300 720 944
Guidance Officers are able to indicate a preference for working in the primary or secondary school sector.
All Guidance Officers are requiredto participate in regular individual or group supervision sessions provided by a Senior Guidance Officer or an appropriate officer nominated by the Senior Guidance Officer.
The Department of Education, Training and the Arts prefers that school and region based classified officers serve a minimum of two (2) years from the date of appointment to the position and location.
The Department of Education, Training and the Arts is committed to inclusive workplaces where diversity is valued, and to fair and equitable treatment of all current and prospective employees.
A non-smoking policy is effective in Queensland Government buildings, offices and motor vehicles.
For further information regarding applying for teaching positions, refer to the Department of Education, Training and the Arts’ teacher employment information at .
Overseas trained applicants are required to apply to the Department of Employment, Training and the Arts for a Skills Recognition Assessment. For information about how to apply phone 1300 369 935 or (07) 3237 1900 or email . Information is also available at
g:\schstrec.unt\posndesc\education\education-queensland\schools\general teach\band5-guidance-officer.doc
JEMS Review Date:July 2008
JEMS codes are E+3-c+ 153 D-4- 125 D+1+d= 134 Advice Total 412 (Band 5)