Department of Defence
RFQ No: RFQTS 15144
Role: Cognos Developers
Closing Date: 2:00 pm Wednesday 10th Aug 2016
Contract Start Date: 29 August 2016 to 30 Jun 17
Baseline preferred however Citizenship also considered
Please send your replies to
Background / The implementation of the Defence eHealth System across the Garrison Health Operations was completed 13 Dec 2014. Since this time the Health Information Management Systems Directorate (HISD) has been stood up to provide sustainment functions for business as usual and associated ad-hoc information system projects.The ongoing embedding of the eHealth capability and the associated Health Information Management has shown that HISD is still in the storming phase of capability development. Given the three year forward work plan it is unlikely that the HISD will move into purely business as usual for the foreseeable future.
The HISD Business Plan is broken into two categories; sustainment or project activities. The majority of the work program is considered a priority one activity and directly contribute to the strategic objectives of Joint Health Command.
To ensure the successful delivery of this work program the current team needs to be strengthened.
Task Deliverables / The Health Information Systems Directorate is seeking qualified and experienced Cognos technicians to work with the technical team to develop and maintain a range of reporting and business intelligence tools.
Responsibilities include developing and supporting a number of reports relating to financial, clinical and management matters. We are seeking mid-level developers to provide exceptional analysis, design, development, testing and issue resolution support.
The technicians will work as part of a small and dynamic team to assist Defence in the management of health-related data. They will be expected to proactively identify and execute processes to support the customer’s top priorities and ensure success.
Skills required / Technical / Professional Skills:
· Hands-on experience with the Cognos Business Intelligence software suite
· Hands-on experience with Cognos Administrator and Report Studio
· Demonstrated experience with Cognos Framework Manager an advantage
· Good knowledge of SQL Server 2008R2
· Good understanding of business intelligence concepts and practices
· Sound knowledge of TSQL
· Knowledge of:
o Microsoft suite - Word, Excel and Access
o Operating Systems - Windows XP, 2007 2008R2 & 2010
o Software languages like Java, C#, HTML and XML
Personal Skills / Requirements
· Self-starter
· An ability to work with minimal supervision
· Good communication skills
· Strong interpersonal skills
· A well organised and positive personality
· Flexible to adjust in all work environments
· A fast learner
· An ability to work to compressed timeframes
Selection Criteria / · Please submit a 1-2 page outline of your approach to the task and understanding of the required deliverables; and knowledge of the critical requirements of the Services to be provided
· CV outlining relevant previous or similar experience
Security requirements / Australian Citizen – Baseline security clearance
Location / Campbell Park, ACT
Other requirements / The following expenses shall be reimbursed to the Contractor under the Contract:
Where the Commonwealth has provided its prior consent, the Contractor shall be entitled to reimbursement for travel, accommodation and meal expenses up to the Defence Travelling Allowance rates which have been adjusted to include an element for GST. All claims for such reimbursement shall be submitted on a valid tax invoice showing the GST exclusive price, with GST then being charged on the total amount. The total GST inclusive claim for such reimbursement shall not exceed that of the total allowable Defence Travelling Allowances. As an alternative to reimbursement of such expenses, and at the discretion of the Commonwealth, the Commonwealth may undertake to arrange travel and accommodation required by the Contractor for the purposes of the Contract. The Contractor shall promptly supply all necessary information required by the Commonwealth to make these arrangements.
If the Contractor is required to travel under the Contract, the hours spent travelling are not billable work hours, and the maximum allowable billable hours for each day shall be eight hours (a standard work day). Time spent travelling for work under the Contract does not constitute a reimbursable expense.
If the Contractor is required to travel under the Contract, the Commonwealth shall provide the most recent Travel Budget Calculator to the Contractor for completion. This Travel Budget Calculator is to be submitted to the Commonwealth Representative for written approval prior to booking of any travel.
If requested by the Commonwealth Representative, the Contractor shall provide satisfactory evidence to substantiate any specified claim for reimbursement prior to any payment of the related claim.
Travelling Allowance Rates provided to the Contractor under the Contract have been supplied to the Department of Defence under licence by the Department of Education, Employment and Workplace Relations for Defence Purposes only. The Travelling Allowance Rates are to be used only for the payment of allowances or for budgeting purposes. The Contractor shall not make public or disclose the Travelling Allowance Rates to other agencies, organisations or individuals without the prior written consent of the Department of Defence. This clause shall survive the expiration or termination of the Contract and shall apply regardless of whether the Travelling Allowance Rates are or become public knowledge.
Name / First Name / <response>Surname / <response>
Gender / <response>
Your mobile number / <response>
Your email / <response>
Date of birth / <response>
Home address / <response>
Availability / <response>
Rate (Excluding GST and Agency Fee) / Your Rate Excluding GST and Agency Fee>
Citizenship Status / Australian Permanent Resident Work Visa
Security Clearance / Clearance Level: / <response>
Date Granted: / <response>
Department: / <response>
Department contact: / <response>
Referee 1 / Name: / <response>
Professionals relationship to you:
Referee 2 / Name: / <response>
Professionals relationship to you:
Other Requirements
Business Address: L21, Suite 3, Goldfields House, 1 Alfred Street, Sydney, NSW-2000, Mailing address: Po.Box 153 Civic Square, ACT -2608,
Ph: 02 6108 3661, Fax: 02 6108 3662, E-mail: ,, ABN: 92 129 869 174