Doctor of Audiology (Au.D.)



Department of Audiology, Speech Language Pathology & Deaf Studies

Towson University

8000 York Road

Towson, MD 21252-0001





  • Philosophy and Goals of the Doctor of Audiology (Au.D.) program


  • Doctor of Audiology (Au.D.) Program of Study
  • Course Syllabi for current rotation


  • Responsibilities of the Clinic Administrator and Liasons
  • Attendance Policy
  • Dress Code
  • Malpractice Insurance Letter


  • Audiology Off-Campus Clinical Rotation Grading Policy
  • Expectation of Clinical Skills for Au.D. Students
  • Student Levels of Expertise
  • Important Information Regarding the AFSA


  • Due dates for Off-Campus Paperwork
  • Council on Academic Accreditation (CAA) Form
  • Directions Form
  • Mid-Semester Evaluation Form
  • Audiology Formative Skills Assessment (AFSA)
  • Audiology Clinician/Supervisor Contact Time Sheet
  • Instructions for Completing Off-Campus Supervisor Certification
  • Percent of Observation Form
  • Audiology Clinic Hours Report
  • Off-Campus Evaluation Form



Speech, Language & Hearing Center

Towson University-8000 York Road-Towson, MD 21252-0001

Voice or TDD: 410-704-3095 - Fax: 410-704-6303





The Department of Audiology, Speech-Language Pathology & Deaf Studies (ASLD) at Towson University (TU) offers coursework and clinical practicum in the discipline of audiology at both the undergraduate and graduate levels. It is the intent of the Department to provide undergraduate students adequate exposure to the principles and practices of audiology and hearing science. At the graduate level, students in the Doctor of Audiology (Au.D.) program are presented with in-depth exposure to required and elective coursework in audiology. Additionally, varied clinical experiences are offered to students so that they may develop and refine diagnostic and remediation skills requisite to practicing independently as a licensed and/or certified audiologist.

The ASLD Department maintains the Speech-Language & Hearing Center at Towson University, which offers a wide variety of communication disorders services. These diagnostic and treatment services are available to the students, faculty and staff of the University as well as to the general community in and around the metropolitan Baltimore area. Audiologic services include diagnostic and remediation procedures which are available to children and adults of all ages. These services are provided by members of a professional staff of licensed and certified audiologists as well as by Au.D. students, under the direct supervision of the certified, licensed professional staff. It is the intent of the clinical component of the audiology program to provide quality clinical services to the patient population as well as quality clinical training to our students.


The established goals of the Doctor of Audiology program are directed toward maximizing the communicative competence of each patient. The basic goals are to provide comprehensive, quality pre-professional and graduate educational and clinical practicum experiences to our students and to provide comprehensive diagnostic, consultative, and treatment services for patients with hearing disorders. These goals reflect a continuum including prevention, identification, diagnosis, consultation, treatment, and referral.

IAcademic Goals

A. To provide undergraduate students majoring in Speech-Language Pathology/Audiology with the academic foundation requisite for success in graduate school.

B.To provide graduate students majoring in audiology with the ability to meet the Doctor of Audiology (Au.D.) degree requirements of Towson University.

C.To provide graduate students majoring in audiology with the ability to meet the academic requirements requisite for certification by the American Speech-Language-Hearing Association (ASHA) and licensure by the Board of Examiners for Audiologists of the Maryland State Department of Health and Mental Hygiene.

II.Clinical Skills Goals

A.To provide undergraduate students majoring in Speech-Language Pathology/Audiology observation opportunities as an introduction to the clinical process in speech-language pathology and audiology.

B.To provide graduate students majoring in audiology with ability to meet the clinical practicum requirements requisite for certification by ASHA and licensure by the Board of Examiners for Audiologists of MD State Department of Health Mental Hygiene.

C.To provide audiology graduate students with training in administration and interpretation of diagnostic procedures to evaluate a patient's auditory competence.

D.To provide audiology graduate students with training in preparation of an individual plan of intervention.

E.To provide audiology graduate students with training in maintenance of appropriate records for each patient.

F.To provide audiology graduate students with training in review of patients’ progress with appropriate professionals.

G.To provide audiology graduate students with training in counseling sessions regarding the nature of, prognosis of, and adaptation to the patient’s communication skills.

III.Community Services Goals

A.To provide hearing screening services to the University community and community at-large.

B.To establish and maintain clinical affiliations for graduate students majoring in audiology.

C.To provide consultative services to the community.

D.To participate in community interest groups.



Doctor of Audiology Program of Study- Towson University (rev 01/07/10)

Pre-Requisite Courses

Course/Grade / Date Completed
Life Science (e.g. Biology)
Physical Science (e.g. Chem, Physics)
Social Science (e.g. Psychology)
Course/Grade / Date Completed
Behavioral Statistics
Language Development

Doctoral Program of Study

Semester/Year / Course Title / Credit / Course #
Fall 2010 / Introduction to Audiology Practice / 1 / ACSD 601
Anatomy & Physiology: Peripheral / 3 / ACSD 603
Acoustics and Psychoacoustics / 2 / ACSD 611
Auditory Diagnostics I / 3 / ACSD 621
Auditory Diagnostics I LAB / 1 / ACSD 622
Hearing Aids I / 3 / ACSD 655
Spring 2011 / Anatomy & Physiology: Central / 2 / ACSD 604
Genetics in Audiology / 1 / ACSD 607
On Campus Clinic I / 3 / ACSD 690
Auditory Diagnostics II / 3 / ACSD 721
Hearing Aids II / 3 / ACSD 755
Summer 2011 / Calibration / 2 / ACSD 731
On Campus Clinic II / 3 / ACSD 745
Audiol. Pract. Mngt or Hearing Conserv.
(Circle one) / 2 / ACSD 706 or 751
Cerumen Management / 1 / ACSD 756
Fall 2011 / Communication & Aging / 2 / ACSD 645
Research Methods in Audiology / 2 / ACSD 714
Electrophysiology Peripheral / 3 / ACSD 743
On Campus Clinic III / 3 / ACSD 746
Hearing Aids III / 3 / ACSD 855
Semester/Year / Course Title / Credit / Course #
Spring 2012 / Medical Audiology / 2 / ACSD 723
Electrophysiology Central / 3 / ACSD 744
Off Campus Clinic I / 2 / ACSD 747
Pediatrics / 3 / ACSD 753
Doctoral Thesis Proposal Development I / 2 / ACSD 796
Summer 2012 / Off Campus Clinic II / 2 / ACSD 748
Audiol. Pract. Mngt or Hearing Conserv.
(See summer 2011, Circle alternate course) / 2 / ACSD 706 or 751
Statistics / 3 / HLTH 636
Fall 2012 / Audiologic Rehabilitation across the lifespan / 2 / ACSD 754
Doctoral Thesis Proposal Development II / 2 / ACSD 797
Vestibular Assessment & Rehabilitation / 3 / ACSD 843
Off Campus Clinic III / 2 / ACSD 847
Cochlear Implants / 3 / ACSD 853
Spring 2013 / Counseling in Audiology / 2 / ACSD 605
Pharmacology in Audiology / 2 / ACSD 606
Tinnitus / 1 / ACSD 844
Off Campus Clinic IV / 2 / ACSD 848
Doctoral Thesis / 3 / ACSD 898
Summer 2013 / Audiology Clinical Externship / 6 / ACSD 998
Fall 2013 / Audiology Clinical Externship / 6 / ACSD 998
Spring 2014 / Audiology Clinical Externship* (*48 weeks total) / 6 / ACSD 998
/ TOTAL / 105
Program of study timeline / Sem/yr
First course for graduate credit / Fall 2010
End of 10-year period / Fall 2020
Expected graduation / Spring 2014

Towson University

Department of Audiology Speech-Language Pathology and Deaf Studies

Audiology Clinic Off-Campus I (2)

ACSD 747

Scheduled time (e.g., 3-5 days a week)

Location (e.g. , school, hospital, private practice)

Date (e.g. Spring 2011)







Catalog Description:

Audiology off-campus practicum clinical sequence I.

Prerequisite Courses:

  • ACSD 746, a passing grade on Audiology Gateway Exam, FACS exams I-IV, and consent of the department.

Course Outcomes:

At the conclusion of this course, students will be able to:

  • Apply in a clinical setting theoretical concepts specific to normal and abnormal development and disorders of human communication;
  • Use appropriate and effective evaluation skills in a non-university audiology center. Settings may include hospital, school, private practice, physician's office, industrial center, or other facility. Practicum may vary from 3 to 5 days per week at the discretion of the Audiology Clinical Administrator.
  • Upon request and the direct supervision of a licensed and certified audiologist, develop and modify testing techniques that are appropriate for their clinical setting and patient population.
  • Use appropriate and effective treatment skills including providing informational and affective counseling and hearing aid orientation for patients and family members.
  • Demonstrate proficiency with equipment utilized in the research, evaluation and/or treatment of communication disorders;
  • Accurately self-evaluate clinical performance.
  • Use effective skills in verbal reporting, writing, and editing. Students are expected to adapt their writing style to the requirements of the off campus placement site. Reports will indicate appropriate analysis and synthesis of diagnostic test results within the framework of the required report format.
  • Develop and maintain clinical records including personal patient data, billing, and hearing aid logs.
  • Identify ethical, legal, regulatory, and reimbursement aspects of professional conduct;
  • Interact effectively with diverse patients and patient families/guardians.
  • Interact professionally with peers, preceptors, and clinical staff and provide in-service training for staff, health fairs, and other outreach efforts as requested.
  • Demonstrate growth and development as independent, self-evaluating clinicians who are sensitive to patients of various ages and cultures.

ASHA Knowledge and Skills Acquisition Standards (KASA):

The following KASA skills are learned and/or applied throughout the off-campus clinical practicum experience. Due to the fluctuating nature of the types of procedures and populations that are scheduled at a given site, some of these standards will be met and/or applicable, while others will be met/will have been met in subsequent/previous off-campus clinical practicum experiences.

ASHA KASA standards

Standard / KASA Requirements/
Objectives / Standard / Learning Activities / Evaluation Criteria
IV-A / Foundations of Practice / The applicant must have knowledge of:
A7. Effects of hearing loss on communication and educational, vocational, social and psychological functioning.
A9. Patient characteristics (e.g., age, demographics, cultural and linguistic diversity, medical history and status, cognitive status, and physical and sensory abilities) and how they relate to clinical services.
A10.Pathologies related to hearing and balance and their medical diagnosis and treatment.
A15. Assistive technology.
A16. Effects of cultural diversity and family systems on professional practice.
A19. Legal and ethical practices (e.g., standards for professional conduct, patient rights, credentialing, and legislative and regulatory mandates).
A20. Health care and educational delivery systems.
A21. Universal precautions and infectious/contagious diseases
A22. Oral and written forms of communication.
A23. Principles, methods, and applications of acoustics (e.g., basic parameters of sound, principles of acoustics as related to speech sounds, sound/noise measurement and analysis, and calibration of audiometric equipment), as applicable to:
  • a. occupational and industrial environments
  • b. community noise
  • c. classroom and other educational environments
  • d. workplace environments
A24. The use of instrumentation according to manufacturer’s specifications and recommendations.
A25. Determining whether instrumentation is in calibration according to accepted standards.
A26. Principles and applications of counseling.
A27. Use of interpreters and translators for both spoken and visual communication. / Patient management , including the following: case history intake, counseling and direct patient contact during clinical experiences, clinical report writing, disposition notes, patient follow-up and scheduled weekly meetings throughout the semester with clinical supervisors.
For Standard A25 only: Daily biologic calibration. / Audiology Supervisor/s Grading for all IV-A Standards
IV-B / Prevention and Identification / The applicant must have the knowledge and skills necessary to:
B2. Promote hearing wellness, as well as the prevention of hearing loss and protection of hearing function by designing, implementing, and coordinating universal newborn hearing screening, school screening, community hearing, and occupational conservation and identification programs
B3. Screen individuals for hearing impairment and disability/handicap using clinically appropriate, culturally sensitive, and age- and site-specific screening measures
B4. Screen individuals for speech and language impairments and other factors affecting communication function using clinically appropriate, culturally sensitive, and age- and site-specific screening measures
B6. Identify individuals at risk for balance problems and falls who require further vestibular assessment and/or treatment or referral for other professional services / Same as above with the addition of participation in the Towson University Hearing Conservation Program and Aural Rehabilitation Program for Standard B2. / Same as above.
IV-C / Assessment / The applicant must have knowledge and skills in:
C2.Assessing individuals with suspected disorders of hearing, communication, balance, and related systems
C3.Evaluating information from appropriate sources and obtaining a case history to facilitate assessment planning.
C4.Performing otoscopy for appropriate audiological assessment/management decisions, determining the need for cerumen removal, and providing a basis for medical referral.
C5.Conducting and interpreting behavioral and/or electrophysiologic methods to assess hearing thresholds and auditory neural function.
C6. Conducting and interpreting behavioral and/or electrophysiologic methods to assess balance and related systems.
C7. Conducting and interpreting otoacoustic emissions and acoustic immitance (reflexes).
C8. Evaluating auditory-related processing disorders
C9. Evaluating functional use of hearing
C10. Preparing a report, including interpreting data, summarizing findings, generating recommendations, and developing an audiologic treatment/management plan
C11. Referring to other professions, agencies, and/or consumer organizations / Same as above. / Same as above.
IV-D / Intervention (Treatment) / The applicant must have knowledge and skills in:
D1. The provision of intervention services (treatment) to individuals with hearing loss, balance disorders, and other auditory dysfunction that compromises receptive and expressive communication
D2. Development of a culturally appropriate, audiologic rehabilitative management plan that includes, when appropriate, the following:
  • Evaluation, selection, verification, validation, and dispensing of hearing aids, sensory aids, hearing assistive devices, alerting systems, and captioning devices, and educating the consumer and family/caregivers in the use of and adjustment to such technology
  • Determination of candidacy of persons with hearing loss for cochlear implants and other implantable sensory devices and provision of fitting, mapping, and audiologic rehabilitation to optimize device use
  • Counseling relating to psychosocial aspects of hearing loss and other auditory dysfunction, and processes to enhance communication competence
  • Provision of comprehensive audiologic treatment for persons with hearing loss or other auditory dysfunction, including but not exclusive to communication strategies, auditory training, speech reading, and visual communication systems
D7. Evaluation of the efficacy of intervention (treatment) services / Same as above, including use of pre and post-subjective questionnaires to evaluate efficacy of rehabilitative management plan which involves the use of hearing aid and/or other FM or amplification devices. / Same as above.
IV-E / Advocacy/ Consultation / The applicant must have knowledge and skills in:
E3. Identifying underserved populations and promoting access to care / Same as above. / Same as above.
IV-F / Education/
Administration / The applicant must have knowledge and skills in:
F1. Measuring functional outcomes, consumer satisfaction, efficacy, effectiveness, and efficiency of practices and programs to maintain and improve the quality of audiologic services
F2. Applying research findings in the provision of patient care (evidence-based practice) / Same as above. / Same as above.

Required Textbook(s):

Audiology (Au.D.) On-Campus Clinic Manual

Course Policies and Procedures:


Any assignments given by your supervisor/s and/or Audiology Clinical Director, must be completed on time, as defined in your clinic manual and/or by your supervisor/s. Be aware of these deadlines. The supervisor and/or Audiology Clinical Director reserve the right to assign a zero for late work. It is the student’s responsibility to inform the supervisor of any difficulties and to use email correspondence to obtain permission to extend deadlines.


Attendance is mandatory. Any missed clinic day or partial day, will result in one letter grade decrease in the final grade unless the preceptor receives and gives the approval of prior notice and documentation, confirming an excused absence. The preceptor and/or instructor will confirm the authenticity of the documentation. Students will receive a failing grade for any missed clinic session, whether due to an unexcused absence or for improper attire; however, the student is still responsible for turning in the written reports and/or assignments given on time, for which a grade will be issued by the preceptor. At the discretion of the Clinic Supervisor, in consultation with the Audiology Graduate Program Director, the Audiology Clinical Director, the Speech-Language Clinical Director and the Department Chairperson, the student may be removed from clinic practicum for conduct that is not professional, conduct that is unethical, conduct that does not hold paramount the welfare of the patient, and/or of one unexcused absence or 2 or more excused absences. At the discretion of the preceptor of the assigned site, the student is responsible for making up any and all missed clinic days.


Incomplete grades are given when verifiable circumstances prevent the student from completing a course within the term. The Towson University Academic Regulations regarding the grade of incomplete can be reviewed in the Towson University Undergraduate Catalog.

Course Repetition

Students may not repeat a course more than once without prior permission of the Academic Standards Committee. Students who wish to take a class for the third time must complete a “Third Attempt for a Course Petition Form” and submit it to the department chair before registering for, or taking the class. If approved, the department chair will send the form to the Academic Standards Committee for final approval.

Towson University Cheating and Academic Dishonesty Policy

The Department of Audiology, Speech Language Pathology and Deaf Studies adheres to the Student Academic Integrity Policy approved by the Towson University Senate available on the university web page . Please take time to familiarize yourself with this policy.