Events Industry Board
Department for Digital, Culture, Media & Sport, 100 Parliament Street
04 July 2017
Attending:Michael Hirst (chair)
Ellen Mackrill (minutes)
John Glen
Jeremy Stewart
Laura Clayton
Stephen Darke
Simon Gidman
Ufi Ibrahim
Lowri Jones
Laura Faulkner
Chris Foy
Tracy Halliwell
Simon Hughes
Martin Lewis
Stephen McGowan
Anthony Pickles
Mike Rusbridge
Chris Skeith
Apologies:Will Whitehorn, Mike Rusbridge, Giles Smith, Naomi Waite, Paul Bush
Introductions from chair
The chairman introduced the meeting and welcomed the members. The Board cleared the previous minutes with no revisions.
Update from DCMS
DCMS updated the Board on changes since the previous meeting, these included:
●A new Minister for Arts, Heritage and Tourism - John Glen MP - has been appointed
●There has been a name change in the Department which is now the Department for Digital, Culture, Media and Sport.
●Work on the advocacy agenda has taken place, including looking at a cross government comms plan to help better coordinate the government’s offer on events
●Work had taken place on the competitiveness paper and a plan on how to take this forward would be devised by DCMS and DIT.
Discussion on the status of the Board and BV&E strategy
Michael Hirst introduced the item to the Board, noting that since the previous strategy there has been two general elections, a referendum to leave the EU and the publication of the industrial strategy. He noted that although the figures are out of date the strategy is still relevant today. Michael asked the Board to feedback their thoughts on the strategy and remit of the Board. The Board noted that:
●There is no mention of skills in the strategy and that this will be a particular issue following Brexit
●We should consider the timings around revising the strategy, especially considering the uncertainties surrounding Brexit etc
●Government should consider if DCMS or DIT are best placed to hold events within their remit
●Board members should consider if they could take a more proactive role within the industry
●A new strategy could include the role of UK companies in overseas markets
Action: Further thoughts to be sent to Ellen Mackrill by end of July.
Update from VisitBritain and the devolved nations
Chris Foy updated the Board on the results of the Motivations and Barriers research commissioned last year which concluded that subvention is not vital for bringing events into the UK, and that individual buyers own networks are the most important.
Chris also updated the Board on the ongoing events work in VisitBritain, which includes a smaller financial support programme and a larger focus on advocacy. Work is continuing on the Gold List and business cases being developed to look at the scale of these events and the UK’s capacity to host them as well as doing a cost benefit analysis on hosting these events. For UK based events, VB are working with DIT and AEO to identify the top 25 events and what actions could be taken to help them grow.
Simon Gidman updated the Board on the work of VisitEngland, who have organised a workshop with DMOs to discuss new ways of working, and also their thoughts on the event support programme and how it can better support them. They will also be an exercise to map the capacity of the sector in terms of its physical space, skills, venues and the role of DMO’s.
Michael Hirst thanked Chris and Simon for their hard work and wished them luck in their future roles.
Lowri Jones updated the Board on events work in Wales, which has involved setting up a small team in VisitWales which is linked with the major events unit.
Action: Lowri Jones to circulate the press release to the Board
Update from DIT
Laura Faulkner noted that DIT is a new Department, and has been given a large agenda. She emphasised that DIT ministers are equally interested in the events space. It is important to highlight to ministers exactly what difference they can make if they go to an event.
Stephen McGowan then updated the Board on the work of DIT since the previous meeting. They are looking to map the sectors and markets against current list to identify any gaps. Going forward the work is to be outcome focused and how they can support VB to showcase Britain. Additionally, DIT and VB are looking to recruit a member of staff to coordinate ministerial bid support across Whitehall.
Action: Stephen McGowan to share the list of sectors with the Board
Update of Industrial Strategy
Anthony Pickles updated the board on the Industrial Strategy and the Tourism Sector Deal. Four working groups have been set up on: Connectivity, Industry of Choice, Industry of Future and Regulation. He highlighted that the key thing government is looking for from sectors is the ability to speak with one voice and to be clear on what they want to achieve. Anthony noted that Michael Hirst and Simon Hughes have been a good advocate for events throughout the process and that a consultation will be published asking the industry for their inputs.
Introduction to the Minister for Arts, Heritage and Tourism
Michael Hirst welcomed the Minister to the meeting and asked Board members to introduce themselves.
John Glen MP, Minister for Arts, Heritage and Tourism, then addressed the Board, reiterating his support for the events sector and asked how he could help in the process. He mentioned the previous meeting he had had with Michael Hirst and Nick de Bois and was amazed at the opportunities the events sector could provide.
Short and long term issues on competitiveness
Michael Hirstasked the Board to consider the updated competitiveness paper and ask them to feed in their views.
Action: Board to send thoughts on competitiveness to Ellen Mackrill
Meetings to be rescheduled
Michael Hirst updated the Board on the meeting cancellations which had to take place due to purdah and confirmed they would be re-set up. This includes the Hoteliers meeting to discuss a potential events ‘charter’, and an industry roundtable/reception for association buyers.
Action: DCMS and DIT to look at options for buyers roundtable / reception
Action: DCMS to work with BHA to rearrange Hoteliers meeting
Laura Faulkner committed to DIT bringing a presentation on DIT work in the events space to the next meeting.
The next meeting will take place on Tuesday 17th October at 13:30