DENTON PARISH NEWS – November 2016

Parish Council

Anyone is welcome to attend Parish Council meetings. Meetings take place in the Village Hall in January, March, May, July, October and December and the dates are posted in the Hungate Road noticeboard and on our website If you have any matter(s) that you wish to raise with the Parish Council then these should be put in writing to the Clerk, or put to a Parish Councillor, at least 10 days before the upcoming meeting. The matter will then be put on the Agenda for discussion by the Parish Council, and a decision made at the meeting.

Details of Denton Parish Councillors

Keith Hiley (Chairman), Pendle, Main Street, Denton, NG32 1JZ Tel. 01476 870501

Stuart Hollyer , Sycamore Cottage, 66 Main Street, Denton, NG32 1JZ Tel. 01476 870287

Niall Brady, The Laurels, Main Street, Denton, NG32 1JZ Tel. 01476 870752.

Martin Crush, Manor Cottage, Harston Road, Denton, NG32 1LL Tel. 01476 870268

Alan Geeson, Orchard House, Main Street, Denton, NG32 1JW Tel. 01476 879276

Sir Bruno Welby, Denton Manor, Harston Road, Denton, NG32 1LL Tel. 01476 870268

Parish Clerk : Lesley Frances, 24 High Street, Harlaxton, Grantham, NG32 1JD Tel. 07916 628673

County Councillor : Bob Adams, 25 Dallygate, Great Ponton, NG33 5DP.

Wheelie Bin Stickers

The Parish Council still has a number of the 30 mph stickers for wheelie bins. If anyone would like to have them for their bins, please contact either the Clerk or one of the Councillors (contact details above).

Lincolnshire Alert

This is a community messaging system run by Lincolnshire Police. The messaging system acts as a tool for the police to give information to registered members on crime reduction and community safety issues. Members are also able to provide information to the police. If you would like to receive updates, visit the website at and click the “register now” button. You can unsubscribe at any time or choose to personalise your messages.

Benefits include :

Website available 24 hours a day totally confidential, secure service, your data I never shared without your consent.

Subscribe to receive alerts by e-mail, text and phone.

Report information to your neighbourhood Policing team.

Completely free to receive service and you can unsubscribe any time.

Best Kept Village

We unfortunately didn’t make it through the first round this year. We achieved 117 out of a possible 150 marks. Their comments included play area needing some attention, area behind village hall needs attention, area around phone box untidy and certain areas of the churchyard unkempt.

St Andrews Church, Denton

St. Andrew’s Church recently said ‘Goodbye’ to Rev. Keith Hanson and his wife Linda, who have taken

up a new position in the Sheffield Diocese. Along with the other parishes in the Harlaxton Group we are

now in a period of Interregnum.

During this time, the church will continue in the same way as now. The service times will continue in the

established pattern. Services and events will continue to be run by the Church Parochial Council (PCC).

On Sunday, 13th November there will be a Remembrance Service at 11am. On 20th November the

Archdeacon of Boston will officiate at the 9.30am service and Sunday 27th November will mark the

Patronal Festival of St. Andrew. Please see the ‘Villager’ Magazine and church notice boards for details

of services. Everyone is welcome to join us.

The ’Villager’ magazine which is circulated around the five villages in the Harlaxton Group of Parishes

continues to thrive. Over 800 copies are now circulated. We have had many appreciative comments and

contributions are coming in. Please feel free to submit articles of news, interests or experiences. The

success of this little magazine depends on you!

St. Andrew’s Church PCC continues to work hard to maintain our beautiful Church and is grateful to all

those who regularly lend a hand both inside and outside the church.

On Tuesday, 20th December the Belvoir Wassailers Choir will present their popular Christmas Concert

at 7.30 pm when festive refreshments and mulled wine will be available. There will also be a Raffle and

any contributions of prizes will be welcome. The proceeds of the evening will be shared for charities

supported by the Wassailers and for the church. Tickets at £5.00 each are available from members of

the PCC, phone 870501, or the Wassailers, or at the door.

The traditional Christmas Carol Service will be held at 6pm on Christmas Eve and there will be the

Christmas Service at 10.30am on Christmas Day.

Members of Denton PCC send their Good Wishes to everyone. Please come and join us

Yoga Group

Denton now has a thriving yoga group which has been running for over a year. We meet every Thursday from 7.30p.m. to 9p.m. in the Village Hall. The group is run by a qualified Yoga Teacher Erica Tranfield who is a member of the British Wheel of Yoga and who teaches other Yoga Groups in the Vale. Each session that you attend costs £6.50 which includes the hire of the hall. People who attend vary in age and their experience of Yoga. At the moment the Denton Group is mostly women but at other groups in the Vale men attend and are welcomed. Do come along and try this group.

If you would like to know more phone Erica on 07805206976 or Daphne on 01476 870287.

Denton CE School

This year, Denton CE School Christmas performance will be held in Denton Church at 5.30 pm on Thursday 15th December. We would like to invite everyone from the village to attend.

Denton Street Market 2016

Denton’s popular annual Street Market held onto its reputation of being one of the best events in the district despite the afternoon rain shower!

The event on 2 May raised enough money to maintain an excellent level of support for the three traditional recipients, the Village Hall, Denton School Fund and St Andrew’s Church.

At the wash up meeting on the 13th June the organising committee agreed to allocate £3000.00 to each of those three bodies, plus additional funds to cover the insurance and the licence for the Street Market Raffle.

To our visitors the Street Market may still present the traditional appearance of the last few years but road and health and safety regulations now have to be met. These include such requirements as an event risk assessment, temporary road closures, lost child protocols, event management and traffic management plans.

To this end and under the Chairmanship of Debbie Nicholls, representatives of the organising committee attended meetings of the Lincolnshire Event Safety Partnership Safety Advisory Group with the fire, ambulance, highways and other interested bodies, all to make our event safe for visitors.

In 2014, with the application of Mick George Ltd to open an 84 hectare quarry on Gorse Lane, the organising committee recommended that the remit for receipt of market proceeds be widened to include other activities impacting on the village.

In 2015 £1000.00 was donated to GOLAG, the organisation formed to fight the application and at the 2016 wash up meeting it was decided to put aside and ringfence an additional £1000.00 should the quarry application be approved.

The application was actually turned down unanimously by Lincolnshire County Council on the 3rd October 2016, so unless Mick George Ltd goes to appeal and GOLAG has to re-double its efforts with any additional work, these funds may not be needed. Funds were also put aside to help with repairs to market stalls, purchase of new tarpaulins and repairs to the trailers.

Please note the next meeting of the Denton Street Market organising group is to be held in the Village Hall on TUESDAY 22ND NOVEMBER AT 7.30. ALL INVITED!

Village Hall

Denton Village Hall was brought from the Machine Gun Corps encampment in Belton Park in 1919 for the benefit of Denton villagers and members of the surrounding communities. Bringing joy to villagers with its many activities from Social Evenings, Whist drives, Bingo, Dances and many family occasions and we would like it to continue in this vein for many more years.

The existing committee have given valuable time over the years in seeing that the village hall continues to be used for such activities but none of us are getting any younger and new blood is needed to see that the Village Hall reaches its centenary.

Please come along to The Annual General Meeting in the Committee Room on Monday 5th December at 7.00 pm in and give us your support.

Denton Charity Distribution 2016

Christmas Lunch

Free to all women over the age of 60 and men over the age of 65 -

Booking form below.

Trustees of the Denton Parish Charity have again agreed to offer a Christmas Lunch to all men over 65 and women over 60 who live in Denton Parish. The lunch will be held at The Nags Head, Saltby on Wednesday 14th December at 1 pm. It is anticipated that transport will be available at 12.25 pm. Partners of those eligible may also attend but will have to pay for the event £15.00, if they are not eligible themselves. If you are interested in the lunch, then please telephone either Alan Geeson on 01476 879276 or Lesley Frances on 07916 628673 as soon as possible so that we can collate numbers, and be sure that we have sufficient interest to go ahead with the lunch.

For those who would prefer to receive the annual payment, this is offered as an alternative; those choosing the lunch will be given a payment for the difference between the annual payment and the cost of the lunch. Payment will be made by cheque as this is a safer and easier method of payment—cheques will be issued just prior to Christmas.

If you are eligible, please complete the booking form below, indicating whether you wish to attend the lunch, thus confirming your telephone request (and receive the balancing payment) or claim the full payment.

Please return to : Denton Parish Charity, 24 High Street, Harlaxton, Grantham, NG32 1JD to arrive no later than 30th November 2016. If you know of someone who may be eligible but cannot complete the form please either offer assistance or contact the Parish Clerk (Lesley Frances on 07916 628673).


Denton Parish Charity—Christmas 2016.

Name of Applicant ______


Tel. No ______Signed ______

Do you wish to attend the Christmas Lunch? YES or NO ______

Name of Second Applicant ______

Do you wish to attend the Christmas Lunch? YES or NO ______

Age of Second Applicant ______