Biochemistry (

Dentistry; academic year 2012/2013



Student is expected to:

-attend all lecture, laboratory classes, seminars and intermediate assessments on time

-be prepared for and participate in discussion during seminars and laboratory classes

In case of illness, emergency or other excusable absence student has to contact dr. hab. Iwonna Rahden-Staroń, as soon as possible (no later than within a week).

Excused absences will require either prior approval, written verification or doctor’s certificate.

Unexcused absences from the laboratory classes, seminars and intermediate assessment/s and not credited intermediate assessments will result in failing the entire course of biochemistry - will have to repeat the course.


Laboratory classes: Students knowledge, manual skills,participation and preparedness for the laboratory areawarded with points (from 1 to 6).

Maximal number of gained points is 42 (7 labs x 6 points), and 30 are needed to get the credit.

Only excusedabsence from each laboratory class results in its written retake at the end of the spring semester (in May).

Seminars:Students activity is awarded with grades from 2 to 5. Average grade of 3 (sat) or more is needed to get the credit at the end of the course.

More than 3 absences from seminars (in both winter and spring semesters) will result in the retake from all seminar topics at the end of the course (in May).

Intermediate assessments: twoin the winter (I: MCQ test, II: written) and two (III: written; IV: MCQ test) in the spring semester. More than 50% of correct answers are needed to pass.

Unexcused absence(within a week) means failing.

Student can get the credit for the whole courseif he/she credits laboratory classes, seminars and gets the average grade from all assessments ≥ 3 (at least 3 assessment tests must be passed!).

Student has to take retake test from the whole course if he/she fails two or more intermediate tests. There are two retake tests (II and III) in May.

Final exam (in June) is mostly composed of multiple choice questions, howevershort answer essay, matching and formulas may be included. The grade obtained from the final exam may be increased for students who are very active during seminars, labs and have got high grades from intermediate tests.

Academic honesty: Cheating will not be tolerated! The minimum penalty for cheating will be zero points for a test orexam.

Prof. Anna Barańczyk-Kuźma

Head of Department of Biochemistry