Spring 2010 Exam Schedule
Monday, May 3 / Tuesday, May 4 / Wednesday, May 5 / Thursday, May 6 / Friday, May 7 / Saturday, May 89 a.m. / Property, L508
/1 Robertson
LB 11
Proctor: Cherry
/2 Cherry
LB 237
Proctor: O’Neill
/3 Lewis
LB 12
Proctor: Staff
Evidence, L661/1
LB 201**
Proctor: Robertson
MW 9 a.m. / Corporations, L692
/1 Borden
LB 201**
Proctor: Marek
Crim Pro I, L621 /1 Marek
LB 237
Proctor: Forte
1st Amendment, L680/1 Forte
LB 202**
Proctor: Borden
TTh, 1 p.m / Civil Pro., L505
/2 O’Neill
LB 201**
Proctor: Becker
/3 Becker
LB 12
Proctor: Garlock
Criminal Law,
/1 Garlock
LB 237
Proctor: Gelman
Law & Med., L605
/1 Gelman
LB 207
Proctor: O’Neill
MW, 2:45 p.m. / Legal Profession, L643
/1 Lazarus
LB 202
Proctor: Staff
Emergency/ Make-up/Reschedule*
LB 237
Proctor: Staff / Civil Pro., L505
/1 Ray
LB 237
Proctor: Witmer-Rich
Criminal Law,
/2 Witmer-Rich
LB 201
Proctor: Falk
/3 Falk
LB 202**
Proctor: Ray
TF, 9 a.m. / Sports Law, L683/480 Novick
LB 207
Proctor: Staff
1 p.m. / Emergency/ Make-up/Reschedule*
LB 237
Proctor: Staff
6 p.m / Torts, L502
/61 D. Davis
LB 11
Proctor: Staff
Civil Pro, L505
/61 Steinglass
LB 12
Proctor: Warrell
Remedies, L619
/61 Warrell
LB 208
Proctor: Ritzert
Tax II, L697
/61 Ritzert
LB 207
Proctor: Steinglass
MW, late / Juvenile Law, L736
/51 Yeomans-Salvador
LB 207
Proctor: Staff
TTh, 4 p.m. / Emergency/Make-up/Reschedule*
LB 237
Proctor: Staff / Contracts, L501
/61 Green
LB 11
Proctor: Staff
Const. Law, L516
/62 Forte
LB 12
Proctor: Borden
Agency & Ptshp., L691
/61 Borden
LB 237
Proctor: Buckley
Commercial Law, L601
/61 Buckley
LB 208
Proctor: Nauman
Copyright, Patent & Trademark, L658
/61 Nauman
LB 206**
Proctor: Witmer-Rich
Crim Pro II, L678
/61 Witmer-Rich
LB 201
Proctor: Wilson
1st Amendment, L680
/61 Wilson
LB 202
Proctor: GeierForte
Tax: Intl, L628
/61 Geier
LB 207**
Proctor: Staff
TTh 6 / Emergency*
* “Emergency” denotes exams rescheduled because of emergency closing of Cleveland State University at the regularly scheduled exam date; “make-up” denotes rescheduling of an individual exam missed because of illness or individual documented circumstances; “reschedule” denotes an exam reschedule date for students with exam conflicts under Academic Regulation 3.6.
** Denotes exam administered in room other than regular classroom
9 a.m. / Commercial Law, L601
/1 Sundahl
LB 237
Proctor: Staff
MW, 1 / Torts, L502
/1 Gard
LB 237
Proctor: Garlock
/2 Garlock
LB 11
Proctor: Buckley
/3 M. Davis
LB 12
Proctor: Staff
Emp. Disc. Law, L639
/1 Kowalski
LB 208
Proctor: Staff
Secured Transactions, L603
/1 Buckley
LB 201**
Proctor: Gard
TTh, 2:45 / Const. Law, L516
/1 Lazarus
LB 11
Proctor: Oh
/2 Oh
LB 12
Proctor: Lazarus
Psychiatry & Law, L558
/1 Gelman
LB 66
Proctor: Gelman (MC – short)
WF, 10:45 / Contracts, L501
/1 Borden
LB 237
Proctor: Wilson
/2 Wilson
LB 11
Proctor: Werber
/3 Werber
LB 12
Proctor: Vanik
Tax I, L607
/1 Vanik
LB 208**
Proctor: Geier
Tax II, L697
/1 Geier
LB 207
Proctor: Borden
TTh, 10:45 / Emergency/Make-up/Reschedule*
LB 237
Proctor: Staff
6 p.m. / MW, 4 p.m / Emp. Law, L684AR
/61 Kirsanow
LB 237**
Proctor: Neel
Evidence, L661
/61 Neel
LB 201**
Proctor: Schweihoefer
Health Care Law, L686
/61 Schweihoefer
LB 202**
Proctor: Weinstein
Land Use Control, L608C/D
/61 & 62 Weinstein
LB 207
Proctor: Turner
Real Estate Law, L648
/61 Turner
LB 208**
Proctor: Kirsanow
TTh, late / Criminal Law, L506
/61 Crocker
LB 11
Proctor: Staff
Bus. Bankruptcy, L637
/61 Greenfield
LB 206
Proctor: Staff
Crim Pro I, L621
/61 Marek
LB 201**
Proctor: Snyder
Legal Profession, L643
/61 Snyder
LB 208**
Proctor: Hanselman
Securities Reg, L655B
/61 Hanselman
LB 207
Proctor: Marek
MW 6 / Emergency/Make-up/Reschedule*
LB 237
Proctor: Staff
* “Emergency” denotes exams rescheduled because of emergency closing of Cleveland State University at the regularly scheduled exam date; “make-up” denotes rescheduling of an individual exam missed because of illness or individually documented circumstances; “reschedule” denotes an exam reschedule date for students with exam conflicts under Academic Regulation 3.6.
** Denotes exam administered in room other than regular classroom.
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