POETRYA highly charged form of literature in which every word is packed with meaning. It has a ______quality that may be achieved through meter, rhyme, repetition, and sound devices.


______Purposeful word choice. Writers choose their words with purpose. If we can understand why they chose the words they did, it will help us to decipher their theme or purpose. To analyze diction is to analyze ______and ______.

DENOTATIONThe ______or literal meaning of a word.

Ex. Plump = a full, round, and pleasing figure

CONNOTATIONAll the______, ______, or ______that a word suggests.

Ex.Fat = while similar in denotative meaning to plump, it has a very harsh and mean tone to it.


IMAGERYVivid ______that recreate ______experiences for readers. This is accomplished through the use of ______.

SENSORY LANGUAGEWords and phrases that appeal to the ______of sight, hearing, smell, taste, and touch.


FORMA poem’s______– the way the words are ______on the page.


Traditional / Organic
  • Follows ______rules such as a specified number of lines
  • Has a regular pattern of rhyme and rhythm
/ Characteristics
  • Doesn’t follow established rules for form.
  • Doesn’t have a regular pattern of rhythm and may not rhyme at all
  • May use ______spelling, grammar, and punctuation

  • epic, ode, ballad, sonnet, limerick, haiku, villanelle
/ Forms
  • free verse, concrete poetry

LINEEach individual ______of a poem; the length of lines, where they break, and how they are punctuated all contribute to a poem’s ______and ______.

STANZAA grouping of consecutive in a poem that form a single unit; analogous to a paragraph in prose


NARRATIVE POEMTells a ______in verse

Ex. Odyssey (an epic) and “Incident in a Rose Garden”

LYRIC POEMA brief poem in which the writer expresses feelings of a single speaker, creating a single effect on the reader. Lyrics are notable for their ______qualities, achieved through ______and______.

BALLAD A ______poem that is meant to be ______or recited. Typically, a traditional ______focuses on a single tragic event and usually implies more than it tells explicitly. A ballad includes setting, plot, characters, dialogue, and repetition.

SONNET A fourteen-line poem written in ______pentameter; used to explore such deeply felt issues as the fleeting nature of ______and the aching questions of______; typically presents a problem/issue and then offers a “solution”

DRAMATIC MONOLOGUE A poem in which the speaker addresses a ______or absent listener, as if engaged in a ______conversation. The speaker often reveals his or her own feelings, attitudes, ______, and character traits in a moment of high intensity or deep emotion.

CONCRETE POEMA poem in which the poet uses ______shape to create a picture related to the poem’s subject.

FIGURES OF SPEECH (REVIEW)We have already covered these at length. Make sure you know them!

FIGURATIVE LANGUAGELanguage that communicates meanings beyond the literal meanings of words. Writers use figurative language to create______, emphasize ideas, and evoke ______.

SYMBOLA person, place, object, or activity that functions ______as ______and as something more than itself.

Ex. ______= piece of cloth that represents a country; White dove = a bird that represents peace

SIMILEMakes a comparison between two ______things, using words such as like, as, similar to or resemble

Ex. My love is as boundless as the sea; Her eyes sparkled like diamonds

METAPHORA ______between two unlike things WITHOUT using words such as like or as. A ______says that one thing IS another thing.

Ex. It is the East, and Juliet is the sun.

ALLUSIONAn ______reference to a ______person, place, event, or literary work.

PERSONIFICATIONThe giving of ______qualities to an ______object, animal, or idea.

Ex. The house’s walls breathed with every gust of wind.

HYPERBOLEAn ______or ______used for effect

Ex. He weighs a ton; I’ve tried to call you a thousand times.

UNDERSTATEMENTSaying ______than you mean

Ex. Albert Einstein is perhaps fairly intelligent.

PARADOXAn apparent contradiction that reveals a______.

Ex. The harder I work, the more behind I fall.


Rhythm and Meter

RHYTHMA pattern of ______and ______syllables in a line of poetry.

METERA regular ______of rhythm.

FOOTThe ______of measuring rhythm.

SCANSIONThe charting of meter, in which stressed syllables are marked with a ‘ and unstressed syllables with a ᵕ.


RHYMEThe occurrence of ______or ______sounds at the end of two or more words.

Ex. suite, heat, and complete

INTERNAL RHYMERhyme that occurs within a ______line of poetry

Ex. It dropped so low – in my Regard - / I heard it hit the Ground

SLANT RHYMEApproximate rhyme; occurs when authors attempt to rhyme words that simply ______rhyme exactly

Ex. What immortal hand or eye / Could frame thy fearful symmetry?

END RHYMERhyme that occurs at the ______of lines of poetry

Ex. And be one traveler, long I stood / And looked down one as far as I could.

RHYME SCHEMEA pattern of ______rhymes in a poem. A rhyme scheme is noted by assigning a letter of the alphabet, beginning with a, to each line. Lines that rhyme are given the same______.

Ex. Two roads diverged in a yellow wood,a

And sorry I could not travel bothb

And be one traveler, long I stooda

And looked down one as far as I coulda

To where it bent in the undergrowthb


REPETITIONA sound, word, phrase, or line that is ______for emphasis and unity.

Ex. back off from this poem / it has drawn in yr feet / back off from this poem

REFRAINRepeated word, phrase, line, or group of lines.

ALLITERATIONRepetition of ______sounds at the beginnings of words

Ex. Which circle slowly with a silken swish

ASSONANCERepetition of similar ______sounds in words that don’t end with the same consonant.

Ex. young love; deep-eyed deer

CONSONANCERepetition of similar consonant sounds ______and at the ends of words

Ex.The archetypal arachnid attacked the critical acrobat’s katydid.

Other Sound Words

ONOMATOPOEIAWords that sound like their meaning

Ex. swoosh, zip, click, zoom, pop, crackle


SONNETA fourteen-line poem written in iambic pentameter; used to explore such deeply felt issues as the fleeting nature of love and the aching questions of mortality; typically presents a problem/issue and then offers a “solution”

VOLTA (TURN)The ______from problem to resolution.

COUPLETA series of ______rhymed lines with a pattern of AA, meaning that the ends of the two lines rhyme with each other.

QUATRAINA series/unit of ______rhymed lines

SESTETA series/unit of ______rhymed lines

OCTAVEA series/unit of ______rhymed lines



Consists of three quatrains and one couplet

Allows for a more detailed development of the question, problem, or situation

The answer/solution is provided quickly in the couplet

Generally follows rhyme scheme ______

Poetry Terms 1