DemonstrationStandard Operating Procedure

This is a TEMPLATE ONLY until all applicable parts are filled out and signed by the Faculty/ Sponsor and an EHSRMS&EM designee.

Demonstration/ Activity Information

Department / Click here to enter sponsoring department. /
Demonstrator(s) / Click here to enter name(s) /
Location(s) of demonstration / Click here to enter building(s), room(s) /
Date(s) / Click here to enter a date the demo or activity is scheduled. /

Audience participation?☐Yes☐No

Safety Precautions

What safety precautions will be taken to meet legal safety standards and better professional practices based on a hazards analysis, risk assessment and safety action for your activity?

Click or tap here to enter text.

Will the materials for the demonstration be transported between locations? ☐Yes☐No

Click or tap here to enter text. Describe how the materials will be secured during transport, means of conveyance to be used, and other safety precautions that apply.

Safety Equipment and Personal Protective Equipment

MANDATORY - Appropriate clothing. See Chemical Hygiene Plan for more information.

Check boxes for all safety equipment and/ or PPE needed for demonstrator, assistant, and participant safety.

☐Blast shield☐Fire extinguisher

☐Lab Coat☐Regular/ chemical protection☐Fire resistant


☐Thermal protectionfor: ☐Heat☐Cold

☐Safety glasses☐Splash-proof goggles

☐Face shield (only in addition to glasses or goggles, NEVER as the sole source of eye protection)


Waste produced from activity

Click or tap here to enter all waste produced from the demo/ activity.

How will this waste be disposed?

Click or tap here to enter text.

Documentation Needed for Approvals

Attach a copy of the following for the demonstration:

  • A list of the materials, equipment, supplies, chemicals, etc.
  • A complete list of steps utilized during the demonstration.
  • SDS for each chemical (if applicable)


In accordance with EHSRMSEM, I accept the responsibility for the proper use and disposal of these materials in the demonstration or audience participation activity described above. Where needed, I have assigned safety responsibilities for this activity to people with appropriate training and/or experience.

Click here to enter a date.

Printed Name


Faculty Sponsor

I have reviewed and approve this Standard Operating Procedure.

Click here to enter a date.

Printed Name



Demo SOP1 of 2created August 2017