Delton Area Business Association
Present: Sandy Barker, Cheryl Bower, Drew Chapple, Dee DeFields, Wes Kahler, Jacquie McLean, Jack Nadwornik, Carl Schoessel, David Stoll, Christy Tigchelaar.
The meeting was called to order by Dee at 2:00 at the Barry Township Hall. All present stood for the pledge.
Minutes from the meeting held on July 17th were reviewed and accepted with a motion by Christy, 2nd by Jack.
Treasurer’s report also read and accepted. Total combined funds on hand were reported as $2291.98. Several businesses sent in dues for this year, as letters were sent out in an attempt to include more businesses in our group. We’ll ask Becky for a complete list of members for our next meeting.
Old Business:
- Founders’ Festival: Wes reported that this year’s festival was a great success. More groups participated and there were LOTS of people in town having fun. He mentioned that the committee has some changes and improvements planned for next year.
- Delton Farmers’ Market: There have been a few venders for the new farmers market, it is starting slowly. The market behind Tujax is also up and running.
New Business:
- The date of December 5 for Hometown Christmas was discussed. It was enthusiastically decided to change the annual Tuesday evening event to an all-day Saturday winter festival. More details will follow as plans are formed, put this date on your calendars.
Committee Reports:
- Carl Schoessel, DKS superintendent, reported that the school equipment garage sale during Founders’ Festival raised approx $2500. The trolley made stops at each of the school buildings to encourage purchase of old items and to allow people to see improvements that have been made to our buildings. He also reported that we have increased enrollment for this school year, which is a good thing. There will be a hearing on Oct 21st with the State finance attorneys. Carl encouraged us to contact our state reps, Mike Callton and Mike Nofs, to ask for their support of DK Schools.
- Delton Pride Committee: Thanks to all who have been taking care of the planters around town! It looks fantastic. Christy brought up the idea of thanking Brian Gordon and Mike Hatten by presenting them with shirts for all of their volunteer work. She’ll donate the shirts.
- Barry County Chamber of Commerce news: Jacquie McLean reported from this group, mentioning the schedule for classes that are available…go to their website
- Hometown Christmas was discussed for Dec 5th. This annual event has been held on a Tuesday evening in the past. Many business owners have expressed interest in having this be an all day event, so a Saturday in early Dec was chosen. An organizational meeting will be held at Delton District Library at 2:00 on Sept 9th for those who want to help plan this day!
The next meeting of DABA will be held on September 16, at 2:00 in the Barry Township Hall.
Submitted by Cheryl Bower