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KCKPS Algebra/Geometry I Pacing Guide
Unit of Study / KCKPS Standards Instructional Window 2 / Resources
Reasoning with Equations
Summary Overview:
Students will write and solve rational equations such as proportions that simplify to linear equations. Students will generate and/or solve one- and two-step real-world problems using computational procedures and mathematical concepts with rational numbers, the irrational number pi as an approximation, and applications of percents.
Recommended Time Frame:
18 Instructional days / KCK11MAG10109* Solve equations by constructing a viable argument to justify the solution; explain each step as following from the previous step including using the names of mathematical properties.
· Multiplicative Inverse
· Reflexive Property
· Symmetric Property
· Substitution Property (▲M8.1.2.A1a,d, ▲M8.1.2.A1b,d, rMHS.1.2.K3a, rMHS.1.2.K3b,e, 10111/10112, CC.A.REI.1) / PRIMARY RESOURCES:
Text: Algebra 1, Concept Byte 3-3 pg. 184
TargetStrategies: KCK11MAG10109
MG2: Properties of Algebra
Manipulate an equation by multiplying by a constant to clear fractions and to clear decimals. (10206, ACT) / Text: Algebra 1, Solving Multi-Step Equations 2-3 (Problem 4)
TargetStrategies: KCK11MAG10206
MA.6 Reciprocals for solving linear equations containing fractions
Solve real-world problems using the properties of corresponding parts of similar and congruent figures. Include: scale drawings, map reading, proportions, or indirect measurements. (▲M8.3.1.A1a, 10312) / Text: 312: Algebra 1, Proportions & Similar Figures 2-8
TargetStrategies: KCK11MAG10312
M7.3 Set up and solve proportions
MG.5 Ratios and Proportions
MG.16 Relationships of Angles in similar figures
MAII.27 Solve Problems Using Proportions
MP.15 Scale drawings and similar figures
Generate and/or solve one- and two-step real-world problems using computational procedures and mathematical concepts with rational numbers, the irrational number pi as an approximation, and applications of percents. (▲M8.1.4.A1a-c, 10105) / Text: Algebra 1, Solving One-step Equations 2-1 (address inverse) properties
Algebra 1, Solving Two-Step Equations 2-2 (address inverse) properties
Algebra 1, Percents 2-9, Change Expressed as a Percent 2-10
TargetStrategies: KCK11MAG105
M6.3 Write equations with variables
M7.4 Write and solve one-step linear equations
MP.7 Write and solve two-step equations.
MA.9 Solve Multi-step linear equations and inequalities
MA.12 Correctly use “expression” and “equation”
MA.13 Simplify and evaluate expressions with absolute value, square roots and exponents
MA.14 Simplify equations with two variables
MA.15 Translate verbal sentences into equations.
End of Instructional Window 2
KCKPS Algebra/Geometry I Pacing Guide
Unit of Study / KCKPS Standards Instructional Window 3 / Resources
Linear Relationships
Summary Overview:
Students will solve and use linear equations and inequalities. Students will manipulate an equation by multiplying by a constant, and manipulate variable quantities within an equation or inequality. They will represent and solve given equations and real-world problems with linear equations and inequalities both analytically and graphically.
This unit will be carried over into Instructional Window 4.
Recommended Time Frame:
18 Instructional days / KCK11MAG10109* Solve equations by constructing a viable argument to justify the solution; explain each step as following from the previous step including using the names of mathematical properties.
· Addition Property of Equality
· Multiplication Property of Equality (▲M8.1.2.A1a,d, ▲M8.1.2.A1b,d, rMHS.1.2.K3a, rMHS.1.2.K3b,e, 10111/10112, CC.A.REI.1) / PRIMARY RESOURCES:
Algebra 1, Adding and Subtracting Real Numbers 1-5 address inverse properties
Algebra 1, Multiplying and Dividing Real Numbers 1-6 address inverse properties
Understand that the graph of a line on the coordinate plane is an infinite collection of points that satisfy an equation in two variables. Use that understanding to find points on a line when given an equation or test whether given points are a solution for an equation, both by hand and by using a calculator. (▲M8.3.4.K1b, 10302, CC.A.REI.10, ACT) / Text:
Algebra 1, Patterns, Equations, and Graphs 1-9
Geometry, Points, Lines, and Planes 1-2
TargetStrategies: KCK11MAG10302
Concept Byte - p. 59
MA.18 Graph equations with two variables
MA.19 Graph in all four quadrants of the Cartesian plane.
Rearrange formulas to highlight a quantity of interest, using the same reasoning as in solving equations; put an equation in slope-intercept form, identify the slope and the intercepts and graph the linear equation by hand and with or without a calculator. (rMHS.3.4.K6, 10303, CC.A.CED.4, ACT) / Text:
Geometry, Equations of Lines in the Coordinate Plane 3-7
Algebra 1, Linear Equations Chapter 5-1, 5-3 & 5-5
Algebra 1, Literal Equations and Formulas 2-5
TargetStrategies: KCK11MAG10303
MP.2 Graphically determine x- and y-intercepts
MP.4 Use graphs, tables and equations to draw conclusions.
MP.5 Write a linear equation from a given table or graph
Know and explain the use m and b as parameters in y = mx + b. Identify how constants and coefficients affect a linear graph and interpret the meaning of the intercepts and slope in a real-world situation. (rMHS.2.3.A2, rMHS.2.3.K6, 10210/10304) / Text:
Algebra 1, Slope-Intercept Form 5-3
Geometry, Equations of Lines in the Coordinate Plane 3-7
TargetStrategies: KCK11MAG10304
Algebra 1, 5-3 Concept Byte p. 307
For standards 303, 304, 305, 306, 307
MAII.4 Graph and write linear equations given table, two points, or point and slope.
MAII.5 Graph linear equations and inequalities in two variables
MAII.6 Manipulate between point-slope form, slope-intercept form and standard form of a linear equation.
MAII.7 Write a linear equation to estimate the line of best fit for a given set of data.
Calculate the slope from a list of ordered pairs. (▲M8.3.4.K1a, ACT) / Text:
Geometry, Equations of Lines in the Coordinate Plane 3-7 (Problem 1)
Algebra 1, Rate of Change & Slope 5-1
TargetFundamentals: See standard 304
Write a linear equation when given the slope and a point on the line or when given a graph of the line. (ACT) / Text:
Algebra 1, Slope-Intercept Form 5-3 (Problem 2)
TargetFundamentals: See standard 304
Identify independent and dependent variables within a given situation. Analyze the relationship between the dependent and independent variables using graphs and tables, and relate these to the equation. (10209, CC.6.EE 9) / Text:
209: Algebra 1, Patterns and Linear Functions 4-2
End of Instructional Window 3
KCKPS Algebra/Geometry I Pacing Guide
Unit of Study / KCKPS Standards Instructional Window 4 / Resources
Linear Relationships (cont.)
Summary Overview:
Students will solve and use linear equations and inequalities. Students will manipulate an equation by multiplying by a constant, and manipulate variable quantities within an equation or inequality. They will represent and solve given equations and real-world problems with linear equations and inequalities both analytically and graphically.
This unit is continued from Instructional Window 3.
Recommended Time Frame:
14 Instructional days / KCK11MAG10109* Solve equations by constructing a viable argument to justify the solution; explain each step as following from the previous step including using the names of mathematical properties.
· Addition Property of Inequalities
· Multiplication Property of Inequalities (▲M8.1.2.A1a,d, ▲M8.1.2.A1b,d, rMHS.1.2.K3a, rMHS.1.2.K3b,e, 10111/10112, CC.A.REI.1) / PRIMARY RESOURCES:
Text: Algebra 1, Solving Inequalities using Addition and Subtraction 3-2
Algebra 1, Solving Inequalities using Multiplication and Division 3-3 (Emphasize)
Write a linear equation when given the slope and a point on the line or when given a graph of the line. (ACT) / Text: Algebra 1, Slope-Intercept Form 5-3 (Problem 2)
TargetFundamentals: See standard 304
KCK11MAG10209* Identify independent and dependent variables within a given situation. Analyze the relationship between the dependent and independent variables using graphs and tables, and relate these to the equation. (10209, CC.6.EE 9) / Text: Algebra 1, Patterns and Linear Functions 4-2
Translate between written, numeric, algebraic, geometric, tabular, and symbolic representations of linear relationships of real-world problems. (▲M8.2.3.A3) / Text: Algebra 1, Patterns, Equations, and Graphs 1-9
Algebra 1, Patterns and Linear Functions 4-2
See also, standards 302, 303, 304, 305, 306, 307
TargetStrategies: KCK10MAG10307
TargetFundamentals: See standard 304
Determine if a given graphical, algebraic, or geometric model is an accurate representation of a given real-world situation. (▲M8.2.4.A2) / Text: Algebra 1, Patterns, Equations, and Graphs 1-9
Algebra 1, Using Graphs to Relate Two Quantities 4-1
Algebra 1, Patterns and Linear Functions 4-2
Algebra 1, Inequalities and Their Graphs 3-1
TargetStrategies: KCK10MAG20212
Solve given equations and real-world problems with linear equations and inequalities analytically (representing a real-world problem mathematically) and graphically. (▲M8.2.2.A1a, ▲M8.2.2.K3a, rMHS.2.2.A2, ACT) / Text: Algebra 1, Patterns, Equations, and Graphs 1-9
Algebra 1, Patterns and Linear Functions 4-2
Algebra 1, Solving Inequalities 3-2, 3-3
Algebra 1, Linear Inequalities 6-5
TargetStrategies: KCK10MAG10203
TargetFundamentals: MP.1 Graph inequalities on number lines; MP.6 Write an inequality using the symbols; MA.9 Solve multi-step equations and inequalities
End of Instructional Window 4
KCKPS Algebra/Geometry I Pacing Guide
Unit of Study / KCKPS Standards Instructional Window 5 / Resources
Pythagorean Theorem
Summary Overview:
Students will solve and use linear equations and inequalities. Students will manipulate an equation by multiplying by a constant, and manipulate variable quantities within an equation or inequality. They will represent and solve given equations and real-world problems with linear equations and inequalities both analytically and graphically.
This unit is being continued from Instructional Window 3.
Recommended Time Frame:
17 Instructional days / KCK11MAG10109 Solve equations by constructing a viable argument to justify the solution; explain each step as following from the previous step including using the names of mathematical properties. (▲M8.1.2.A1a,d, ▲M8.1.2.A1b,d, rMHS.1.2.K3a, rMHS.1.2.K3b,e, 10111/10112, CC.A.REI.1)
Use the Pythagorean Theorem to find a missing side length. Use the converse of the Pythagorean to determine if a triangle is a right triangle. (▲M8.3.1.K6a, 10310, CC.8.G.6, ACT) / Text: Algebra 1, The Pythagorean Theorem 10-1
Geometry, The Pythagorean Theorem and Its Converse 8-1
MG.8 Use the Pythagorean Theorem
MP.16 Use the Pythagorean Theorem
Apply the Pythagorean Theorem to determine unknown side lengths in right triangles in real-world and mathematical problems in two and three dimensions. (▲M8.3.1.K6b, 10311, CC.8.G.7, ACT) / Text: Geometry, The Pythagorean Theorem and Its Converse 8-1
Algebra 1, The Pythagorean Theorem 10-1
TargetStrategies: KCK11MAG10311
MG.8 Use the Pythagorean Theorem
MP.16 Use the Pythagorean Theorem
Use the coordinate plane and an understanding of absolute value to solve real-world and mathematical problems involving the side length of a figure with vertices having the same first coordinate or the same second coordinate. (▲M8.3.4.K1d, 10309, CC.6.NS.8, ACT) / Text: {Weak alignment to standard 309}
Geometry, Perimeter, Circumference, and Area 1-8 (and Put it All Together through end of the chapter)
Geometry, Polygons in the Coordinate Plane 6-7
Geometry, Applying Coordinate Geometry 6-8
TargetStrategies: KCK11MAG10309
TargetFundamentals: MP.21 Understanding absolute value
Use square root and cube root symbols to represent solutions to equations of the form x2 = p and x3 = p, where p is a positive rational number. Evaluate square roots of small perfect squares and cube roots of small perfect cubes. (CC.8.EE.2) / Text: Algebra 1, Rational Exponents and Radicals 7-5
TargetFundamentals: MP.3 Simplify Computations using the inverse relationships of squaring and finding square roots to solve problems
MA.13 Simplify and evaluate expressions containing absolute values, square roots, and exponents
MG.1 Evaluate expressions with square roots
End of Instructional Window 5
KCKPS Algebra/Geometry I Pacing Guide
Unit of Study / KCKPS Standards Instructional Window 6 / Resources
Statistics & probability
Summary Overview:
The students will use measures of central tendency for a rational number data set. They will explain the effects of outliers and recognize and explain whether the data collection method is valid or invalid. The students will also demonstrate knowledge of probability by identifying independent and dependent events in real-world situations through the use of spinners, targets, and/or dartboards. They will calculate simple and compound events and the odds of given events.
Recommended Time Frame:
9 Instructional days / KCK11MAG10109
Solve equations by constructing a viable argument to justify the solution; explain each step as following from the previous step including using the names of mathematical properties. (▲M8.1.2.A1a,d, ▲M8.1.2.A1b,d, rMHS.1.2.K3a, rMHS.1.2.K3b,e, 10111/10112, CC.A.REI.1) / PRIMARY RESOURCES:
Determine and explain the measures of central tendency (mode, median, mean), interpret differences in shape, center, and spread in the context of the data sets, and explain effects of extreme data points (outliers). (▲M8.4.2.K3, 10408, CC.S.ID 3, ACT) / Text:
Concept Byte: 12-3 Standard Deviation
Algebra 1, Measures of Central Tendency & Dispersion 12-3
Fill the Gap
408 Central Tendency/ Outliers
M7.23 Measures of Central Tendency
Understand and explain the difference between and identify situations with independent and dependent events in an experiment, simulation, or situation. (CC.7.SP.8) / Text:
Algebra 1, Probability of Compound Events 12-8
Geometry, Compound Probability 13-4
TargetStrategies: KCK10MAG10402
For standards 402, 404, & 405
MP.25 Probability of compound events - independent and dependent
MP.26 Find all possible outcomes of an event
MP.28 Probability and it’s complement
Find and represent probabilities of compound events using organized lists, tables, tree diagrams, and simulation. (▲M8.4.1.K3, ▲M8.4.1.A4, CC.7.SP.8a-c, ACT) / Text: