After the notice convening the AGM is released to the public, any group of shareholders whose holdings together amount to 1/20 of share capital may ask in writing that an additional item be added to the agenda. Their request shall be supplemented with a written proposal of the resolution to be considered by the AGM or, if the AGM is not to pass a resolution on an item of the agenda, the explanation of such an item. It shall suffice for such a request to be mailed to the Bank not later than seven days after the notice convening the AGM is released to the public. After this period has elapsed the Management Board shall make public, without hesitation, the additional items of the agenda to be considered at the AGM. Additional items of the agenda may be considered by the AGM if they were made public at least 14 days before the AGM; otherwise they shall be considered at the first subsequent General Meeting.

Shareholders' proposals are published and communicated if and only if: the shareholder has provided the Bank with a reasonably substantiated proposal within seven days after the notice convening the AGM had been released to the public, and the shareholder has informed the Bank that it intends to object to the proposal put forward by managerial and supervisory bodies and motivate other shareholders to support their proposal. Proposals for electing Supervisory Board members and auditors need not be substantiated (Article 301 of ZGD).

The Management need not publish a shareholder's proposal and its substantiation if:

-  such a publication constitutes a criminal offence or violation;

-  the proposal could result in an AGM resolution conflicting with the law or the Statutes;

-  the substantiation contains blatantly erroneous or misleading information or insults;

-  this proposal had previously already been communicated to the AGM with the same content;

-  this proposal with virtually the same substantiation had been communicated to at least two AGMs over the last five years where it was supported by less than 1/20 of the present share capital;

-  the shareholder makes it clear they do not intend to take part in the AGM in person or by representative, or

-  this same shareholder had over the last two years provided a proposal to be added to the agenda but did then not bring it up at the AGM nor did they have it brought up by a representative.

Substantiations longer than 3,000 characters need not be published.

The Management Board may publish a summary of the proposals and their substantiations received on the same matter from several shareholders.

Shareholder proposals not sent within seven days of the notice and presented at the AGM shall be considered at the AGM.

The Management Board shall provide shareholders at the AGM with credible information on company matters in so far as relevant for the consideration of items on the agenda. Similar questions from several shareholders may receive a common answer. The right to be informed extends to the company's legal and business relationships with related companies.

The Management Board is absolved from providing information only:

-  if reasonable business judgement suggests that this could cause damage to the company or a related company;

-  on the methods of compiling the balance sheet and making estimates, if their disclosure in the attachment to the Annual Report suffices for an assessment of the property, financial and profit position of the company as reflecting the actual state of affairs;

-  if the disclosure of information constituted a criminal offence or violation, or breach of good business practice; or

-  if the relevant information is posted on the company website under Q&A at least seven days prior to the AGM.

If a shareholder receives information outside the AGM, that information shall be disclosed to every other shareholder upon request even if this information is not relevant for considering an item on the agenda. If a shareholder is denied information, they may ask that their question and the reason why the information was refused be recorded in the minutes.