Name of RTO / OLS / Page 1 of 4
Client(s) / nFinity Marketing: Call Centre Staff
Target Group / Call Centre Staff as identified in the training needs analysis conducted for the client.
Delivery period / To be advised (approximately 6 months)
Code and title of qualification / These units form part of the
ICT20102 - Certificate II in Customer Contact
Units of competency / Code / Title / Core/Elective
ICTCC240A / Provide quality customer service / Core
ICTCC252A / Resolve customer complaints / Elective
ICTCC251A / Receive and action customer faults reports. / Elective
ICTCC231A / Fulfil customer requests / Elective
Pre- requisites / None
Delivery and Assessment / Duration
The program is delivered over a period of 9 sessions (or weeks), which can be spread over a longer period of time if required to accommodate client’s staffing and rostering schedules.
Each training session is for a 2-hour duration.
The 4 units of competency in this program have been organised as off-the-job comprising of four ‘general work skills’ units, covering two program areas; these being ‘Customer Service’ and ‘Complaints and Fault Reports’.
The program Is organised to provide participants with background information and skills in providing quality customer service and handling customer complaints effectively and the opportunity to apply these skills in the workplace between training sessions.
The alignment between the units of competency and the learning program appears below.
Alignment with units of competency
Program Area / Unit(s) of competency
Communication Skills / Customer Service / (ICTCC130A) Provide quality customer service
(ICTCC231A) Fulfil customer requests
Complaints and Fault Reports / (ICTCC252A) Resolve customer complaints
(ICTCC251A) Receive and action customer faults reports.
Delivery modes
This program is delivered partially off the job at the training centre, with additional components being completed on-the-job. It combines face-to–face trainer led theory classes and practical sessions involving small group and individual activities. The skills and knowledge gained will be utilised and put into practice, under supervision, in the workplace. Including the final practical assessment, which will be, conducted on-the–job.
For each unit, the candidate is provided with a learner’s guide(s), which include all material used in the training (other than tests) and reference materials.
Evidence-gathering techniques
The ticks on this chart refer to the documented evidence gathering techniques used in each unit
A / Demonstration / B / Questioning -Written or Oral / C / Workplace observation / D / Scenario-Problem Solving
E / Role-play / F / Case Study / G / Interview / H / Third Party
Program area / A / B / C / D / E / F / G / H
Customer Service / ü / ü / ü / ü / ü
Complaints and Fault Reports / ü / ü / ü / ü / ü
Schedule / The training program is conducted over period of 9 weeks, which can be spread over a longer period of time if required to accommodate client’s staffing and rostering schedules.
As the assessment of practical skills must take place only after a period of supervised practice and repetitive experience this will be conducted on the ninth week after completing the rest of the program.
The shaded areas show the Session(s)/week(s) when a particular unit will be delivered and assessed.
Session / Delivery / Assessment gathering techniques
1 / Provide quality customer service / Workplace Observation Third party report
2 / ê
Continued / Role-play / Written Test / ê
3 / Resolve Complaints / ê
4 / ê
Continued / Scenario –problem solving / Written questions / ê
5 / Receive and action customer faults / ê
6 / ê
Continued / Case Study / Questions / ê
7 / Fulfil customer requests / ê
8 / ê
Continued / Role - play / ê
9 / Summative Assessment for both units / Case Study to be handed in. / Observed Monitored phone call / Third party report
Delivery and assessment staff / Program area / Staff / Delivery/
Assessment / Competencies of staff
Technical / Assess
Customer Service / Peter Farnelli / Delivery & Assessment / ü / ü
Complaints and Fault Reports / Peter Farnelli / Delivery & Assessment / ü / ü
Assessment validation process / The processes used to validate assessment activity in this program are:
·  Program manager meets with representatives from enterprise clients on an annual basis to check the performance standards required in the program are consistent with industry practice.
·  Program manager convenes annual meeting of assessment panel comprising subject specialists in OHS, communications and one representative from the call centre industry, to review evidence-gathering tools.
·  External facilitator conducts two moderation meetings attended by all assessors. The first meeting, held in week two of the program, confirms the evidence gathering techniques and the required standard of performance. The second meeting, held one week after the program, focuses on reviewing assessment tools and decisions.
Infrastructure requirements
(A tick indicates that the RTO has the required infrastructure.) / q  All staff (including full time, part time and casual staff) involved in the delivery and assessment of this qualification, have direct access to the current version of the relevant Training Package, including the appropriate units of competency, assessment guidelines and qualification.
q  All staff (including full time, part time and casual staff) involved in delivering the program has access to trainer, assessor and candidate support materials relevant to their areas of delivery and assessment.
q  All assessors have access to staff and training/assessment resources to meet the requirements of candidates with special needs and has an assessment process that incorporates reasonable adjustment procedures.
q  All assessors have access to print and electronic copies of the assessment tools used in this program.
q  The RTO has reviewed the equipment and facility requirements for each unit of competency in the qualification and guarantees it has access to the plant and equipment needed to implement the program.
Pathways / The four units of competency covered in this program are listed as core units for all Automotive retail, service and repair qualifications from Certificate I to Certificate III and offer an excellent pathway for the participant to completing a qualification in this industry field.
Dependent on the qualification and stream the participant wishes to attain, additional competency standards will need to be completed.
Program Manager’s endorsement:
Client/Industry Representative:
Program Title: / Four units from the
ICT20102 - Certificate II in Customer Contact
Program Dates: / To be advised
Location: / OLS Training Room
Item / Quantity / Sub Total
Salary/Wages Staff
·  Trainers / 18 hours @ $xxx
·  Office support staff
·  Technical support staff
·  Other
·  External trainers/consultants
·  Guest speakers
·  Assessors
Equipment & Resources
·  Equipment purchase
·  Equipment hire
·  Video/film hire / 2 @ $xxx
·  Resource books / 9 @ $xxx
·  Specialised Equipment
·  Specialised resources
·  Other
·  Stationary
·  Photocopying / $xxx
·  Printing
·  Binding
·  Transparencies
·  Text/ booklets
·  Pens/markers pencils etc.
·  File Manuals
·  Handouts / $xxx
Venue & Catering
·  Venue Hire
·  Catering Hire
·  Meals
·  Morning/Afternoon teas / 9 @ $xxx per person
Overall Total

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