C1. Project Description
- PAGE LIMIT = 8 A4 pages
- UseArial 11 point font and black font colour
- Do not change the headings or amend the formatting
- This title may differ from that shown in Part A1 of the Proposal form, and may exceed ten words.
- Describe the aims and background of the proposal.
- Include information about national/international progress in this field of research and its relationship to this proposal.
- Refer only to refereed papers that are widely available to the national and international research communities.
- Include a summary of the relevant work if the rationale for a proposal rests upon manuscripts that are still in the process of being published, or on results of work that may not be available to assessors.
SIGNIFICANCE And innovation
- Describe why the research is significant and how it addresses an important problem for the partners.
- Describe how the proposal meets the objectives of the Linkage Projects scheme.
- Describe how the anticipated outcomes will advance the knowledge base and/or provide an industry advantage and why the proposal aims and concepts are novel and innovative.
- Detail what new methodologies or technologies will be developed in the course of the project that address a specific market opportunity.
- Describe how the proposal might maximise economic, environmental and/or social benefits to Australia.
- If the research has been nominated as focussing upon a topic or outcome that falls within one of the Science and Research Priorities, describe the potential for the project to contribute to the associated Practical Research Challenge.
- Describe how the proposal might benefit Partner Organisation(s) and other relevant end-users.
- Describe how the project might significantly enhance links with organisations outside the Australian publicly-funded research and higher education sectors.
- Describe how the project aligns with the Administering Organisation’s strategic research plan or other strategic developments, if applicable.
- Outline the conceptual framework, design, methods and analyses and demonstrate that these are adequately developed, well integrated and appropriate to the aims of the proposal. Include research plan and proposed timelines.
- Demonstrate how the project provides research training and show how the intellectual content and scale of the work proposed will be appropriate to a higher degree by research, if relevant.
- Include a summary of the relevant work if the rationale for a proposal rests upon manuscripts that are still in the process of being published, or on results of work that may not be available to assessors.
- Describe whether there is an existing, or developing, supportive and high quality environment for this Project within the Administering Organisation/Partner Organisation(s).
- Evidence that each Partner Organisation is genuinely committed to, and prepared to collaborate in the project.
- Make clear how the Partner Organisation(s) is involved in the proposal, how the proposal fits into the Partner Organisation(s) overall strategic plan and how the proposal is of value to the Partner Organisation(s).
- Explain how the project is likely to lead to further collaboration between the Partner Organisation(s) and the Administering Organisation, and to develop long-term alliances.
- Summarise the role, responsibilities and contributions of each Chief Investigator (CI) and Partner Investigator (PI).
- Describe how each CI will ensure that they have the ‘time and capacity’ to undertake the proposed research, taking into account any other grants or roles that they hold.
- In the case of each PI, provide clarification on the type of PI role they will undertake, which may not be research, (see sections A10.3 and D9 of the Funding Rules), and for all types of PI make it clear what their responsibilities on the project will be.
- Summarise the roles and levels of involvement of other participants, for example, technical staff, research associates and other personnel.
Note: all CIs and PIs need to describe their roles on the project in detail, including PIs in a management or an administrative role.
- Outline plans for communicating the research results to other researchers and the broader community, including but not limited to scholarly and public communication and dissemination.
- Outline plans for the management of data produced as a result of the proposed research, including but not limited to storage, access and re-use arrangements.
- It is not sufficient to state that an organisation has a data management policy - researchers are encouraged to highlight specific plans for the management of their research data.
- Include a list of relevant references. This may include references to the participants’ previous work, recognising the breadth of backgrounds of the different participants.
- Acknowledge any significant contributors to this proposal (other than listed investigators) and the nature of their contribution.
- References may be in 9 point Arial or equivalent font.