Work Instruction
Functional Area: General Ledger / Delete Cost Center
Use this procedure to delete a Cost Center during a fiscal year if no activity has occurred in the Cost Center to date. Also use this to end the validity date of a cost center at the start of a new fiscal year if it was to be closed after previous year-end.
Perform this procedure when an approved A-123 is submitted requesting that a Cost Center/Funds Center be closed.
Menu Path
Use the following menu path to begin this transaction:
  • Select Accounting Controlling Cost Center AccountingMaster DataCost CenterIndividual ProcessingDelete to go to the Delete Cost Center: Initial Screen.
Transaction Code
Business Process Information
If a cost center has had activity in the current fiscal year, this transaction cannot be used until the following fiscal year. Use transactionKS02FIRST to block further postings in a current fiscal year and to change the long and short names by adding an asterisk (*) as the first character in the names. In the new fiscal year a query must be run against all cost centers blocked from postings/with an asterisk in the name. Then use this transaction in that new fiscal year to provide a 6/30 end date, rather than delete, the cost center. Until archiving, the cost center name with the asterisk will remain in the drop-down box and the cost center will continue to have an accessible master record in SAP though the record will indicate the adjusted validity date.
Helpful Hints
  • The R/O/C column in the field description tables below defines whether the field is required (R), optional (O), or conditional (C).
  • On certain screens you may have to scroll to view some data entry fields.
The default for UC cost centers is 12/31/9999. Regardless of what date you indicate as the deletion date if during a fiscal year, the cost center is deactivated immediately. No postings can occur because SAP does not allow a cost center to be deactivated (or not within valid dates) if any transactions have or will occur so reports can be run against the cost center during the fiscal year.
  • If a previously active cost center is deleted (validity date ended), you can still run reports against the cost center for previous year activity.

Work Instruction
Functional Area: General Ledger / Delete Cost Center
1. / Start the transaction using the menu path or transaction code.
Delete Cost Center: Initial Screen

2. / As required, complete/review the following fields:
Field / R/O/C / Description
Cost center / Required / An area of responsibility for capturing costs
Valid From / Required / Beginning date when specifying a range of dates
Enter the valid start date which can be found on the cost center master. (UC’s initial default was 1/1/1900 for the conversion to SAP.)
to / Required / End date when specifying a range of dates
Enter today’s date if there has been no activity in the cost center during this fiscal year. (Even if you use a later date than today SAP will not allow any postings during the current fiscal year.) If this cost center was used in previous years then use 6/30 of the prior fiscal year as the valid to date.
SAP will not allow you to close a cost center during a fiscal year if it has been in use that year. Instead you must use KS02 to block the cost center from postings and add an asterisk (*) to the cost center name to indicate that it will become invalid as of July 1 in the next fiscal year. The cost center name will continue to show in the master records and on the drop-down boxes until UC has archived all data for deactivated cost centers.
3. / Verify that Background Processing is deselected.
4. / Select to the left of Test Run.
/ Always perform a test run first (indicated by ).
5. / Click .
Delete Cost Center: Basic Screen

6. / Review the displayed information.
7. / Click .
Delete Cost Center: Initial Screen (2)

8. / Deselect to the left of Test Run.
9. / Click .
Delete Cost Centers

10. / Click .
/ The system does not display a message at the bottom of the screen as it does in other transactions. Instead it will return you to the list screen and say “the following objects have been deleted”.
/ To completely delete a cost center that has been used previously, you will have to repeat this process again because SAP will change the validity date to the close of the fiscal year that you indicated but it will OPEN it from 7/1/xxxx of the current year until 12/31/999. You will need to repeat this transaction to invalidate the 7/1/xxxx – 12/31/9999 period. After you do so, the cost center will appear on the drop down with both validity periods. When accessing the master record SAP will make you select the validity period too.
11. / Click until you return to the SAP Easy Access screen.
12. / You have completed this transaction.
Ver: / GL_KS04_DeleteCostCenter_0_AccountCodeCustodianGL.udc
© University of Cincinnati / 1/7
Work Instruction
Functional Area: General Ledger / Delete Cost Center
You have deleted a cost center that has not been used.
You still must delete/deactivate the funds center. Do this via transactionFMSB.
Ver: / GL_KS04_DeleteCostCenter_0_AccountCodeCustodianGL.udc
© University of Cincinnati / 1/7