Delaware Reformed Church

November 1, 2015




Call to Worship

Praise & Worship Highway 18 Praise Band

“Did You Feel the Mountains Tremble”

“My Lighthouse”

“How Can I Keep from Singing”

Opening Prayer

Children’s Story Jill Dangel

Hymn "Amazing Love”

Congregational Prayer

Scripture Deuteronomy 6:4-7; Acts 8:26-40

Message “Storytelling – What’s Your Story?”

Worship in Tithes & Offering

Doxology & Offertory Prayer

Hymn “All the People Said Amen”


Closing Song “All the People Said Amen”

Welcome to Delaware. We’re glad you are here!

If you are a visitor please fill out a visitor card and place it in the offering.

BIRTH - 4 NURSERY is available beginning at 9:15 and throughout the service. Serving in the nursery today is Angie & Cheryl.

Please welcome Robert Miedema as our guest speaker today.

This Week:

Monday: Consistory 7:00pm

Tuesday: Search Committee 7:00pm

Wednesday: Youth Group 7:00pm

Thursday: Women’s Bible Study 7:30pm. Hostess is Marilyn, and the leader is Barb P., Lesson #13. Join us for an hour of study on I Timothy 4:7-8

Nomination Ballots for Elder, Deacon and Usher are DUE TODAY. Please return them in the box in the back of the sanctuary.

Children’s Ministry Meeting: The end of year meeting for Children's Ministry will be Thursday, November 12 at 7:00. This meeting is for teachers, parents and anyone who has the best interest of Delaware Children at heart! Hope to see you there!!

The Annual Harvest Fest is coming up on Sunday, November 15! Supper will be served at 5:30pm with a program featuring the musical group “Poured Out” starting at 7:00pm. Be sure to save your most prized preserves, jellies and ears of corn to be judged that night. There will also be a silent auction to help raise money for the youth group. Don’t miss out on this exciting evening of fun and fellowship!

Children's Ministry Offering: The giving for Zion Lutheran Church has been awesome. We have over $500 with four Sundays left to bless another church family as they rebuild! "It's not how much we give but how much love we put into giving." Mother Teresa

Offering Report
General Fund / Building Fund
Offering Received / 10/25/2015 / $2,960.00 / $45.00
Budgeted Average Weekly Offering / $3,127.69 / $748.08
Difference / -$167.69 / -$703.08
Fiscal Year-To-Date Summary
Received Offerings / $117,242.37 / $20,980.00
Budgeted Offerings / $134,490.77 / $32,167.31
Difference / -$17,248.40 / -$11,187.31

Delaware Women's Ministries Service Project: Our service project for November/December will be gifts for children and adults supported by LIFESCAPES (formerly Children's Care Hospital & School and South Dakota Achieve). There will be a list of names available with a specific gift request as soon as the list arrives from their volunteer coordinator. She hopes to have the list to us by next week.

Thank you for your generous donations to CENTER OF HOPE and their winter clothing project. A HUGE donation was delivered just in time for cold weather!!

The Union Gospel love gift for November is cream soups. If you prefer to donate money, please give it to Rhonda, Marilyn or Barb P. Thank you!

Fellowship lunch for Sunday, November 8th is Stacey N & Marilyn. Praise and Worship is LIFE. Children’s Sermon is Jonathan Hagena. Nursery is Jen & Mike. Usher is Dave Tipton. Projector is Jonathan Hagena. Guest Speaker is Dr. John Hiigel.

Fellowship lunch for Sunday, November 15th is Stacey A & Krystil. Praise and Worship is the Praise Band. Children’s Sermon is Kurt Lunstra. Nursery is Janell & Jen W. Usher is Jeremy Dykstra. Projector is Paula Loewe. Guest Speaker is Rev. Randy Tschetter.

Bulletin information should be given to Lisa Westra at 605-366-1037 or by Thursday at 9:00am.