Deixis - Deictic Expressions, Indexicals

Abercrombie, N. (1974). Sociological indexicality. Journal for the Theory of Social Behaviour, 4(1), 89-95.

Abkarian, G. G. (1982). Comprehension of Deictic Locatives: The Object 'Behind' It. Journal of Psycholinguistic Research, 11, 229-245.

Ackerman, B. P. (1981). The understanding of young children and adults of the deictic adequacy of communications. Journal of Experimental Child Psychology, 31(2), 256-270. [[[deictically informative vs ambiguous communication, discrimination of communication adequacy in discourse context, 1st vs 4th graders vs college students]]]

Adamson, S. (1994). From Empathetic Deixis to Empathetic Narrative: Stylisation and (De-)Subjectivisation as Processes of Language Change. Transactions of the Philological Society, 92(1), 55-88. [[[Deixis] [Language Change] [Narrative Structure] [Text Analysis] [Literary Theory] [Stylistics]]]

Afanas'eva, O. D. (1989). Kommunikativnaya nedostatochnost' vyskazyvaniy, soderzhashchikh situativnyy deyksis (na materiale angliyskogo yazyka). (Communicative Inefficiency of Utterances with Situational Deixis (English Language Material)). Vestnik Leningradskogo Universiteta, Istoriya yazykoznanie literaturovedenie, 44, 3(2), 93-96. [[[Discourse Analysis] [Interpersonal Behavior] [English] [Pronoun]]]

Agha, A. (1993). Structural form and utterance context in Lhasa Tibetan grammar and indexicality in a non-configurational language. New York: Peter Lang. [[[b] [Tibetan language]]]

Agha, A. (1996). Schema and Superposition in Spatial Deixis. Anthropological Linguistics, 38(4), 643-682. [[[deixis] [space] [tibeto burman languages] [semantics] [pragmatics]]]

Ahmad, R. (2008). Scripting a new identity: The battle for Devanagari in nineteenth century India. Journal of Pragmatics, 40(7), 1163-1183. [[[language ideology; iconization; fractal recursivity; erasure; hindu identity; indexicality; urdu; hindi; language; linguistics; language & linguistics]]]

Akerman, J. (2009). A plea for pragmatics. Synthese, 170(1), 155-167. [[[semantics; pragmatics; speaker intentions; indexicals; interpretation; indexicals; intentions; history & philosophy of science]]]

Alvarez Castro, C. (2003). Deixis vs. anáfora en la descripción semántica del futuro en francés. In: Ignacio Iñarrea Las Heras, & María Jesús Salinero Cascante (Eds.), El texto como encrucijada: estudios franceses y francófonos. (pp. 187-198). .[[[Lg: spa]]]

Alvarez Castro, C. (2003). Deixis vs. anáfora en la descripción semántica del futuro en francés. In: Ignacio Iñarrea Las Heras, & María Jesús Salinero Cascante (Eds.), El texto como encrucijada: estudios franceses y francófonos. (pp. 187-198). [[[Lg: spa]]]

Amer, M. M. (2009). 'Telling-it-like-it-is': the delegitimation of the second Palestinian Intifada in Thomas Friedman's discourse. Discourse & Society, 20(1), 5-31. [[[argumentation; deictic centre; (de) legitimation; dominant themes; ingroup/outgroup presentation; israel; nyt; palestinian intifada; thomas friedman; conflict; communication; psychology, multidisciplinary; sociology]]]

Anderson, K. T. (2008). Justifying Race Talk: Indexicality and the Social Construction of Race and Linguistic Value. Journal of Linguistic Anthropology, 18(1), 108-129. [[[race talk; language ideologies; interdiscursivity; orders of indexicality; discourse analysis; life; anthropology; linguistics; language & linguistics]]]

Anderson, L. (2000). Talking in a threesome. Person deixis and recipient design in conjoint therapeutic discourse. Bologna: CLUEB. [[[b][Lg: eng][ISBN: 8849115199][Conversation analysis][Grammar, Comparative and general]]]

Andrews, E., & Tobin, Y. (Eds.). (1996). Toward a calculus of meaning: Studies in markedness, distinctive features and deixis. Amsterdam Philadelphia: J. Benjamins. [[[b] [Markedness (Linguistics); Distinctive features (Linguistics); Grammar, Comparative and general; Semantics]]]

Åqvist, L. (1971). Performatives and verifiability by the use of language. A study in the applied logic of indexicals and conditionals. Uppsala: Filosofiska Föreningen och Filosofiska Institutionen vid Uppsala Universitet. [[[b][Conditionals (Logic)][Model theory][Performative (Philosophy)][Indexicals (Semantics)]]]

Argaman, E. (2007). With or without 'it': The role of empathetic deixis in mediating educational change. Journal of Pragmatics, 39(9), 1591-1607. [[[linguistics; language & linguistics]]]

Ariga, A., & Watanabe, K. (2009). What is special about the index finger?: The index finger advantage in manipulating reflexive attentional shift. Japanese Psychological Research, 51(4), 258-265. [[[visual attention; attentional shift; indexical pointing; visual-attention; social attention; gaze; cues; eyes; categorization; direction; depends; psychology, multidisciplinary]]]

Aristar-Dry, H. (1988). Timeline, Event Line, and Deixis. Language and Style, 21(4), 399-410. [[[literature] [text analysis] [time] [deixis] [adverbs] [narrative structure] ]]

Arroyo, J. L. B. (2000). Mire usted Sr. Gonzalez.. Personal deixis in Spanish political-electoral debate. Journal of Pragmatics, 32(1), 1-27. [[[discourse]]]

Attal, P. (1994). Questions de sémantique: une approche comportementaliste du langage. Louvain: Peeters; Paris: Société pour l'information grammaticale. [[[b] [Référence (linguistique)] [Représentation (linguistique)] [Compétence de communication] [(linguistique)] [Grammaire comparée et générale --] [Deixis] [Grammaire comparée et générale --] [Négations] [Représentation sémantique]]]

Auer, P. (1981). Zur indexikalitätsmarkierenden Funktion der demonstrativen Artikelform in deutschen Konversationen (The indexicality marking function of the demonstrative article in German conversation). In G. Hinkelang und W. Zillig (Hrsg.) Sprache: Verstehen und Handeln (pp. 301-311). Tübingen: Niemeyer.

Auer, P. (1988). On Deixis and Displacement. Folia Linguistica, 22, 3-4, 263-292. [[[Theoretical Linguistics] [Discourse Analysis] [Pragmatics]]]

Auletta, G. (2007). Information, semiotics, and symbolic systems. Semiotica, 166(1-4), 359-376. [[[sign; symbol; icon; indexical relation; referent; representation; mathematical-theory; communication; humanities, multidisciplinary]]]

Aurnague, M. (1995). Orientation in French Spatial Expressions: Formal Representations and Inferences. Journal of Semantics, 12(3), 239-267. [[[French] [Space] [Deixis] [Semantic Analysis] [semantics] [semantics]]]

Babel, A. M. (2009). Dizque, evidentiality, and stance in Valley Spanish. Language in Society, 38(4), 487-511. [[[evidentiality; speaker stance; andean spanish; bolivian spanish; language contact; linguistic anthropology; quechua; deixis; linguistics; sociology]]]

Bajic Nicolic, D. (2007). Aproximación al discurso comparativo desde la perspectiva de la deixis temporal. In: Luis María Cortés Rodríguez (Ed.), Discurso y oralidad: homenaje al profesor José Jesús de Bustos Tovar. (pp. 471-480). [[[Lg: spa]]]

Bajic Nicolic, D. (2007). Aproximación al discurso comparativo desde la perspectiva de la deixis temporal. In: Luis María Cortés Rodríguez (Ed.), Discurso y oralidad: homenaje al profesor José Jesús de Bustos Tovar. (pp. 471-480). Madrid: Arco Libros.[[[Lg: spa]]]

Baker, C. (2012). Indexical contextualism and the challenges from disagreement. Philosophical Studies, 157(1), 107-123. [[[contextualism; aesthetics; beauty; disagreement; presupposition; semantic blindness; epistemic modals; personal taste; relativism; dependence; arguments; philosophy]]]

Bar-Hillel, Y. (1954). Indexical expressions. Mind, 63, 359-379.

Barberis, J. M. (1989). Deixis et balisage du parcours narratif: Le Role-pivot de l'adverbe 'la' dans des recits de lutte Langages, 93, 45-63. [[[narrative]]]

Barletta, V. (2005). Time, deixis and poetic performance in late medieval Castile: The 'Disoute of Don Carnal with la Quaresma'. Bulletin of Hispanic Studies, 82(4), 411-428.

Barletta, V. (2008). Deixis, taqiyya, and textual mediation in crypto-Muslim Aragon. Text & Talk, 28(5), 561-579. [[[reading; religion; deixis; mediation; islam; iberia; performance; language; communication; linguistics; language & linguistics]]]

Barnes, B., & Law, J. (1976). Whatever should be done with indexical expressions? Theory and Society, 3, 223-237.

Basso, E. B. (2008). Epistemic Deixis in Kalapalo. Pragmatics, 18(2), 215-252. [[[linguistics; language & linguistics]]]

Beale, W. H. (1978). Rhetorical Performative Discourse: A New Theory of Epideictic. Philosophy and Rhetoric, 11(4), 221-246. [[[literary genres] [performative utterance] [rhetoric] [theoretical linguistics] [discourse analysis] [emotion] ]]

Becher, V. (2010). Differences in the use of deictic expressions in English and German texts. Linguistics, 48(6), 1309-1342. [[[discourse; accessibility; deixis; linguistics; language & linguistics]]]

Bell, A., & Gibson, A. (2011). Staging language: An introduction to the sociolinguistics of performance. Journal of Sociolinguistics, 15(5), 555-572. [[[performance; stylization; indexicality; enregisterment; referee design; reflexivity; multi-modality; audience; social-life; english; linguistics]]]

Berman, H. A. (1995). Behind the Mask: Indexicality and Identity in Javanese Conversational Narratives. Dissertation-Abstracts-International,-A:-The-Humanities-and-Social-Sciences; 1995, 55, 11, May, 3491-A-3492-A. [[[discourse analysis/text linguistics] [discourse analysis]]]

Bickel, B. (1997). Spatial operations in deixis, cognition, and culture: Where to orient oneself in Belhare. In: Pederson, Eric., & Nuyts, Jan. (Eds.), Language and conceptualization. (pp.46-83). New York: Cambridge University Press. [[[effects of spatial deixis on grammar and quality of different senses in deixis and relation of linguistic deixis to other cognitive modalitiesand cultural manifestations] [Nepal]]]

Blanchette, P. (1988). Fregean thoughts and indexicals. Stanford, CA: CSLI/Stanford. [[[b] [Language and languages; Thought and thinking; Semantics (Philosophy); Indexicals (Semantics)]]]

Blanco Dávila, C. (1996). La dimensión deíctica en la doble enunciación del discurso teatral de Ramón Gómez de la Serna. Theatralia: revista de poética del teatro, 1, 42-57. [[[Lg: spa]]]

Blome-Tillmann, M. (2008). The indexicality of 'knowledge'. Philosophical Studies, 138(1), 29-53. [[[knowledge; context; contextualism; epistemic contextualism; indexicality; context-sensitivity; gradable adjectives; contextualism; subject; philosophy]]]

Bluhdorn, H. (1995). What Is Deixis?; Was ist Deixis? Linguistische Berichte, 156, 109-142. [[[semiotics] [semiotics]]]

Bodor, G. (1996). Review Article: Pragmatik; Rezensionsartikel: Pragmatik. Sprachtheorie und germanistische Linguistik, 3, 95-99. [[[pragmatics] [deixis] [implicature] [presuppositions] [speech acts] [semantics] [pragmatics]]]

Borrero Barrera, M. J., & Cala Carvajal, R. (2002). La carta como documento lingüístico: la deíxis en el discurso epistolar. Tonos digital: Revista electrónica de estudios filológicos, 4. [[[Lg: spa]]]

Bostdorff, D. M. (2011). Epideictic Rhetoric in the Service of War: George W. Bush on Iraq and the 60th Anniversary of the Victory over Japan. Communication Monographs, 78(3), 296-323. [[[epideictic rhetoric; collective memory; george w. bush; iraq; world war ii; war; advocacy; politics; images; memory; communication]]]

Bostrom, N. (2007). Sleeping beauty and self-location: A hybrid model. Synthese, 157(1), 59-78. [[[self-locating belief; probability indexical information; epistemology sleeping beauty problem; anthropic principle; belief; elga; history & philosophy of science]]]

Bourgeois-Gironde, S., & Ecole normale supérieure (France) (2005). Les formes de l'indexicalité. Langage et pensée en contexte. Paris: Ens Éditions Rue d'Ulm. [[[b][Lg: fre][ISBN: 272880334X][French language][Indexicals (Semantics)][Language and languages]]]

Braem, P. B. (1992). Zitat und Zitieren in den Gebardensprachen der Gehorlosen. (Quotation and Quoting in the Sign Language of the Hearing-Impaired). Zeitschrift fur Semiotik, 14, 1-2, 79-109. [[[Sign Language] [Discourse Analysis] [Deixis] [Reference Grammatical] [Language Styles] [Hearing Disorders]]]

Brandao, H. H. N. (1991). A constituicao da subjetividade no discurso da propaganda. (The Formation of Subjectivity in Promotional Discourse). Revista de Documentacao de Estudos em Linguistica Teorica e Aplicada (D.E.L.T.A.), 7(2), 449-461. [[[Mass Media] [Discourse Analysis] [Deixis] [political discourse] [CDA]]]

Brewer, W. F., & Harris, R. J. (1974). Memory for deictic elements in sentences. Journal of Verbal Learning and Verbal Behavior, 13(3), 321-327. [[[deictic context in sentences, facilitation of memory for deictic elements, college students]]]

Brinck, I. (1997). The indexical 'I': The first person in thought and language. Dordrecht Boston: Kluwer Academic Publishers. [[[b] [Indexicals (Semantics); Reference (Linguistics); Reference (Philosophy)]]]

Brisard, F. (2002). Grounding - The epistemic footing of deixis and reference - Introduction: The epistemic basis of deixis and reference. Grounding: the Epistemic Footing of Deixis and Reference, 21, XI-XXXIV. [[[linguistics]]]

Brisard, F., & International Pragmatics Conference (Ed.). (2002). Grounding. The epistemic footing of deixis and reference. Berlin Hawthorne, N.Y.: M. de Gruyter. [[[b][Lg: eng][ISBN: 3110173697 (alk. paper)][Cognitive grammar][Grammar, Comparative and general][Reference (Linguistics)]]]

Bruder, G. A. (1995). Psychological evidence that linguistic devices are used by readers to understand spatial deixis in narrative text. In Judith F. Duchan, Gail A. Bruder, & Lynne E. Hewitt (Eds.), Deixis in narrative: A cognitive science perspective. (pp. 243-260). Hillsdale, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates. [[[verbal communication] [text structure] [spatial perception] [psycholinguistics]]]

Bruder, G. A., & Wiebe, J. M. (1995). Recognizing subjectivity and identifying subjective characters in third-person fictional narrative. In: Bruder, Gail A., & Duchan, Judith F. (Eds.), Deixis in narrative: A cognitive science perspective. (pp.341-356). Hillsdale, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, Inc. [[[recognition and subjective character identification of subjective sentences in 3rd person fictional narrative] [college students]]]

Bruhn, M. J. (2005). Place deixis and the schematics of imagined space: Milton to Keats. Poetics Today, 26(3), 387-432.

Bucar, E. M. (2006). Speaking of motherhood: The epideictic rhetoric of John Paul II and Ayatollah Khomeini. Journal of the Society of Christian Ethics, 26(2), 93-123. [[[ethics; religion]]]

Buchanan, R. (2010). A Puzzle about Meaning and Communication. Nous, 44(2), 340-371. [[[definite descriptions; belief reports; indexicals; philosophy]]]

Buchanan, R., & Ostertag, G. (2005). Has the problem of incompleteness rested on a mistake?. Mind, 114(456), 889-913. [[[definite descriptions; russell; indexicals; bach; philosophy]]]

Butterworth, G. (1995). Factors in visual attention eliciting manual pointing in human infancy. In: Roitblat, Herbert L., & Meyer, Jean-Arcady (Eds.), Comparative approaches to cognitive science. Cambridge, MA: The MIT Press. [[deictic gaze & comprehension & production of manual pointing in relation to prehension & social communication, 6-21 mo olds][Comprehension][Eye Fixation][Nonverbal Communication]]

Byrne, F. (1988). Deixis as a Noncomplementizer Strategy for Creole Subordination Marking. Linguistics, 26, 335-364.

Camargo-Uribe, A. (1988). Del quien es quien, del donde y del cuando (La deixis en espanol). (Who Is Who, from Where and When (Deixis in Spanish]). Linguistica y Literatura, 9, 13-14, 79-92. [[[Space, Spatial Position] [Spanish] [Discourse Analysis]]]

Campos Pardillos, M. A. (1995). Deixis as a reference to an alleged shared situation in persuasive discourse. Revista alicantina de estudios ingleses, 8, 57-67.

Campos Pardillos, M. A. (1995). Deixis as a reference to an alleged shared situation in persuasive discourse. Revista alicantina de estudios ingleses, 8, 57-67. [[[Lg: spa]]]

Carbonero Cano, P. (1979). Deíxis espacial y temporal en el sistema lingüístico. Sevilla: Secretariado de Publicaciones de la Universidad. [[[b][Lg: spa][ISBN: 8474051495][Grammar, Comparative and general][Reference (Linguistics)][Anaphora (Linguistics)][Space and time in language]]]

Carroll, M. (1993). Deictic and intrinsic orientation in spatial descriptions: A comparison between English and German. In: Altarriba, Jeanette. (Ed.), Cognition and culture: A cross-cultural approach to cognitive psychology. (pp.23-44). Amsterdam: North-Holland/Elsevier Science. [[[deictic and intrinsic orientation in spatial descriptions] [English vs German speakers]]]

Carston, R. (2008). Linguistic communication and the semantics/pragmatics distinction. Synthese, 165(3), 321-345. [[[minimal proposition; indexicals; narrow context; broad context; speaker meaning; shared content; explicature; implicature distinction; truth conditions; answering-machine paradox; compositionality; language; context; history & philosophy of science]]]

Carter, S. (2007). Mobilising generosity, framing geopolitics: Narrating crisis in the homeland through diasporic media. Geoforum, 38(6), 1102-1112. [[[diaspora.; geopolitics; ethics; geography; deixis; humanitarianism; politics; ethics; distance; culture; geography]]]

Casper, C. F. (2007). In praise of carbon, in praise of science - The epideictic rhetoric of the 1996 Nobel lectures in chemistry. Journal of Business and Technical Communication, 21(3), 303-323. [[[rhetoric of science; epideictic rhetoric; stasis; genre; nobel prize; nobel lecture; fullerene; buckyball; shells; c-60; buckminsterfullerene; photophysics; complexes; business; communication]]]

Castañeda, H. N. (1979). La teoría de las preguntas, los poderes epistémicos y la teoría indexical del conocimiento. Dianoia: anuario de Filosofía, 25, 126-155. [[[Lg: spa]]]

Cervoni, J. (1987). L'énonciation. Paris: Presses universitaires de France. [[[b][Lg: fre][ISBN: 2130401279][Énonciation (Linguistique)][Deixis][Modalité (Linguistique)][Actes de parole][Pragmatique]]]

Cheang, K. (1990). Semantik der Deixis: Eine organismische Analyse sprachlicher Deixis. Opladen: Westdeutscher Verlag. [[[b] [Grammar, Comparative and general; Semantics; Speech acts (Linguistics)]]]

Chen, L., & Oller, J. W. (2005). Indexical relations and sound motion pictures in L2 curricula: The dynamic role of the teacher. Canadian Modern Language Review-Revue Canadienne des Langues Vivantes, 62(2), 263-284. [[[advance organizers; intermediate-level; core french; video texts; comprehension; students; classroom; cognition; college; context; applied linguistics]]]

Chilton, P. A. (2003). Deixis and Distance: President Clinton's Justification of Intervention in Kosovo. In Mirjana N. Dedaic and Daniel N. Nelson (Eds.), At War with Words. Berlin, Mouton de Gruyter.

Clark, E. V., & Sengul, C. J. (1978). Strategies in the acquisition of deixis. Journal of Child Language, 5(3), 457-475.

Clary-Lemon, J. (2010). 'We're not ethnic, we're Irish!': Oral histories and the discursive construction of immigrant identity. Discourse & Society, 21(1), 5-25. [[[canadian identity; canadian multiculturalism; deixis; diaspora; discourse-historical analysis; immigrant identity; irish identity; narrative identity; oral history; national identity; newspapers; discourse; communication; psychology, multidisciplinary;

Clibbens, J., & Coventry, K. (1996). Arbitrary and Topographic Space in Sign Language Development. In Aldridge, Michelle (Ed.), Child Language. (pp. 28-39). Clevedon, England: Multilingual Matters Ltd. [[[space] [reference grammatical] [child language] [sign language] [great britain] [language acquisition] [deixis] [psycholinguistics] [child language acquisition ] [nonverbal communication] [human nonverbal language]]]

Clift, R. (2006). Indexing stance: Reported speech as an interactional evidential. Journal of Sociolinguistics, 10(5), 569-595. [[[reported speech; evidentiality; stance; deixis; interaction; talk; english; context; applied linguistics]]]

Collins, J. (2011). Indexicalities of language contact in an era of globalization: engaging with John Gumperz's legacy. Text & Talk, 31(4), 407-428. [[[globalization; indexicals; scale; multilingualism; belgium; united states; ideologies; space; communication; linguistics]]]

Collins, J., & Slembrouck, S. (2007). Reading shop windows in globalized neighborhoods: Multilingual literacy practices and indexicality. Journal of Literacy Research, 39(3), 335-356. [[[discourse; education & educational research; psychology, educational]]]

Contini-Morava, E. (1991). Deictic Explicitness and Event Continuity in Swahili Discourse. Lingua, 83(4), 277-318. [[[Tense] [Congo Kordofanian Languages] [Verbal] [Discourse Analysis]]]

Cook, H. M. (1989). Sentential Particles in Japanese Conversation: A Study of Indexicality. Dissertation Abstracts International, A: The Humanities and Social Sciences, 50(5), 1292-C. [[[Discourse Analysis] [Sentence] [Japanese] [Indexicals]]]

Cook, H. M. (1990). An indexical account of the Japanese sentence-final particle no. Discourse Processes, 13(4), 401-439. [[[function of Japanese indexical sentence final particle in social context]]]

Cooper, R. (1992). That's What I'm Talking About: Discourse Level Deixis in Buhutu. Language and Linguistics in Melanesia, 23(2), 95-105. [[[Austronesian Languages] [Papua New Guinea] [Discourse Analysis] [Topic and Comment] [Relational Grammar] [Deixis] [Comparative Linguistics]]]

Corazza, E. (2004). Kinds of context: A Wittgensteinian approach to proper names and indexicals. Philosophical Investigations, 27(2), 158-188.

Corazza, E., Dokic, J., Perry, J., & Evans, G. (1993). Penser en contexte: Le phénomène de l'indexicalité. Combas (France): Editions de l'éclat. [[[b] [Language and languages; Thought and thinking; Language and languages]]]

Cornish, F. (1996). 'Antecedentless' Anaphors: Deixis, Anaphora, or What? Some Evidence from English and French. Journal of Linguistics, 32(1), 19-41. [[[anaphora] [english] [french] [deixis] [semantics] [pragmatics]]]

Cornish, F. (1999). Anaphora, discourse, and understanding. Evidence from English and French. Oxford New York: Clarendon Press. [[[b][Lg: eng][ISBN: 0198236484 (hardbo][Anaphora (Linguistics)][Grammar, Comparative and general][Discourse analysis][Psycholinguistics][English language][French language][Anaphore][Deixis][Analyse du discours][Psycholinguistique][Anglais (Langue)

Coulon, A. (1986). Indexicalités de l'indexicalité. Pratiques de Formation, Analyses, 11/12, 57-61.

Cramer, J. (2010). 'Do we really want to be like them?': Indexing Europeanness through pronominal use. Discourse & Society, 21(6), 619-637. [[[deictic mapping; european union; identity; indexicality; language politics; political discourse; pronouns; turkey; world economic forum; integration; identity; communication; psychology, multidisciplinary; sociology]]]

Crapanzano, V. (1987). Text, Transference and Deixis. Psyche-Zeitschrift fur Psychoanalyse und Ihre Anwendungen, 41(5), 385-410.

Crapanzano, V. (1993). Text, transference, and indexicality. In John Arthur Lucy (Ed.), Reflexive language: Reported speech and metapragmatics. (pp. 293-314). Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. [[[hermeneutics] [psychoanalysis] [psychotherapeutic processes] [psychotherapeutic transference] [countertransference] [freud sigmund]]]

Cresswell, M. J. (1996). Semantic indexicality. Boston: Kluwer. [[[b] [ISBN: 0792339142] [semantics] [semantics philosophy] [context linguistics] [proposition logic] [grammar comparative and general quantifiers] [anaphora linguistics] [grammar comparative and general syntax]]]

Cresswell, M. J. (1996). Semantic indexicality. Dordrecht Boston: Kluwer Academic Publishers. [[[b][Lg: eng][ISBN: 0792339142][Semantics][Semantics (Philosophy)][Context (Linguistics)][Proposition (Logic)][Grammar, Comparative and general][Anaphora (Linguistics)][Grammar, Comparative and general][Indexicals (Semantics)]]]

Danesi, M., & Santeramo, D. (1994). Deictic verbal constructions. Urbino: Università di Urbino. [[[b] [Grammar, Comparative and general; Grammar, Comparative and general; Linguistics]]]

Danziger, E. (1994). Out of sight, out of mind: Person, perception, and function in Mopan Maya spatial deixis. Special Issue: Spatial conceptualization in Mayan languages. Linguistics, 32(4-5), 885-907. [[[spatial organization] [semantics] [sociolinguistics] [social interaction] ]]

Davidse, K., Breban, T., & Van Linden, A. (2008). Deictification: the development of secondary deictic meanings by adjectives in the English NP. English Language & Linguistics, 12(3), 475-503. [[[language & linguistics]]]

Davidson, D. (2007). East spaces in West times: Deictic reference and political self-positioning in a post-socialist East German chronotope. Language & Communication, 27(3), 212-226. [[[communication; linguistics]]]

Davis, W. A. (2007). Knowledge claims and context: loose use. Philosophical Studies, 132(3), 395-438. [[[contextualism; knowledge; pragmatics; semantics; indexicals; skepticism; justification; loose use; assertion; practical reasoning; relevant alternatives; linguistic basis; attributions; assertion; subject; philosophy]]]

De Fina, A. (1995). Pronominal Choice, Identity, and Solidarity in Political Discourse. Text, 15(3), 379-410. [[[Pragmatics] [Political Discourse] [Pronouns] [Public Speaking] [Deixis] [semantics] [pragmatics]]]