Name of Candidate: / ID No:Title of Thesis:
Date of resubmission:
A joint report must be prepared by the examiners upon their examination of the resubmitted thesis. The internal examiner or moderator must return the signed Joint Report Form to the Graduate School Office as soon as possible after examination of the re-submitted thesis. Independent reports are not normally required. This joint report form contains four parts:
- Recommendation to Senate on the outcome of the examination
- Reasons for Recommendation
- List of the corrections and/or changes required
- Checklist
- Signatures
Under the Data Protection Act 1998, this Report will normally be disclosed in anonymous form if requested by the student to whom it relates.
To assist us with our QA process, should you wish to comment on the examination procedure please enclose your comments with the completed reports.
(Regulations 33 & 34 refer)
We consider that “that the thesis makes a contribution to knowledge and affords evidence of originality” (regulation 33)
Yes No
If Yes has been selected, the Examiners should make recommendation (a) or (b) below.
If No has been selected, the Examiners should make recommendation (c), or (d) and the reason should be given as fully as possible in Section 3 (below).
We recommend: (delete those recommendations which do not apply)
(a)that the thesis be sustained for the degree of MPhil without any corrections or changes.
(b)that the thesis be sustained for the degree of MPhil subject to:
minor corrections being made by the candidate and approved by one of the examiners (the candidate has up to 3 months (…. months – please specify if it is agreed that a longer period should be given) to submit the corrected thesis to the examiner(s)). This recommendation should be made where minor corrections are either (a) factual, typographic, limited in extent and can be achieved immediately after the oral, or (b) where there is no doubt that the thesis is of a standard for the degree sought but corrections are needed which should not require major re-working or re-interpretation of the intellectual content of the thesis.
(c)that the thesis does not meet the standards for the degree of MPhil but does meet the standards for the degree of one year Master’s degree and the candidate be awarded the latter degree:
(i)without further examination.
(ii)subject to minor corrections minor corrections being made by the candidate and approved by one of the examiners (the candidate has up to 3 months (…. months – please specify if it is agreed that a longer period should be given) to submit the corrected thesis to the examiner(s)). Please see (b)(i) for instances when minor corrections are appropriate.
(d)that the thesis be not sustained (please provide reasons in Section 3).
Examiners are required to formally sign off this recommendation in Section 5.
(i)The oral examination will normally take place only when a thesis is first submitted. Where a thesis has been re-submitted, a second oral examination will be held only if Senate has approved of such a proposal to that effect, normally on the recommendation of the examiners and stated in the original Joint Report Form.
(ii)Normally, all those appointed to examine the original submission will be required to examine the re-submitted thesis.
(iii)Regulation 34 states that a second re-submission is not permitted.
Please provide as much detail as possible to justify the recommendation given in Section 1. The Senate may not accept the recommendation if it is inadequately justified. Where the thesis is to be sustained, please describe provide detail on how the issues raised from the first submission have been addressed.3. MINOR CORRECTIONS ARISING FROM (b)(i) OR CHANGES ARISING FROM (c)/(e)
These should be listed on a separate piece of paper and be handed to the candidate and supervisor(s) whenthe results of the viva are being communicated or immediately afterwards.
A copy must also be attached to this form.
Please note that the Examiners Joint Report Form should not be given to the candidate.
4.Check List
For each examination, please ensure that the following documents have been completed:
Signed Joint Report Form (please make sure these are signed by both examiners)
Copy of Corrections if required
-Does the student have a copyYes No
If it is not possible to provide these documents please state why:
ExaminersSignature: / Name: / Date:
Signature: / Name: / Date:
This form, along with both Independent report forms and the list of corrections, must now be uploaded to the online Sharepoint site for the approval of Examiner report forms by the Quality Assurance Committee. Forms can be uploaded in any file format, although pdf is preferred. It is the responsibility of the Internal Examiner/Internal Moderator to upload the report. External Examiners will not be able to access the system.
The system, including user guides, can be accessed at the following link:
The individual submitting the report will receive email confirm once it has been approved, or if there are any queries. Queries regarding the system can be sent to
Last revised January 2018