DEFRA derogation request – sourcing non-organic birds
- For DEFRA to consider your request to source non-organic birds, please submit the following information in full.
- If sufficient details have been submitted, this form will be forwarded by SA Certification to DEFRA’s Organic team asking for a derogation to be issued, underArticle24 and 42 of (EC) 889/2008.
Licence number / Name
Address / Date
Site address (if different from above)
Details of non-organic birds
Species requested: / Chicken Duck Goose Turkey Other (name)
Please confirm they will be brought in at
less than 3 days old
Are they a fast growing strain (Guide - definition in standard 21.1.11)? Yes No
If yes, please refer to SA standard 20.03.05 for minimum slaughter age
Please confirm age:
Under 3 days old? Before 18 weeks?
Note: If you are bringing in pullets before 18 weeks old you will need to supply a supplier’s declaration to confirm that they have been reared to veterinary and feed standards from 3 days old
Name and address of supplier of non-organic birds:
Total number of non-organic birds being purchased:
Estimated delivery dates and the number of birds in each batch:
List any veterinary medicines that have been given from hatching including organic withdrawal periods:
Are the birds beak tipped? / Yes No
Details of organic birds and suppliers
Have you contacted all the relevant organic suppliers? Name them here.
Guide – they are listed at / Names and contact details of suppliers contacted:
How far in advance were the suppliers contacted?
Were the organic suppliers able to supply you with suitable organic birds? / Yes No
If no, why not or why were they not suitable?
Soil Association Certification Limited, South Plaza, Marlborough Street, Bristol BS1 3NX
T 0117 914 2412 F 0117 314 5046 E W
Reference number: G687FmVersion No: 12Issue date: March 2016