DeForest Area School District

Board of Education Meeting Minutes,

Monday, July 28, 2014– 6:15 pm.


President Jan Berg called the July 28, 2014 regular meeting of the DeForest Area School District’s Board of Education to order at 6:15 p.m in Room D of the DeForest Area Public Library.

Board members present: Jan Berg, Steve Tenpas, Dan Choi, DeAnna Giovanni, Kate Lund, Jim Pertzborn, Terri Treinen and Christopher McFarlin. Absent was Mike Hirsch. Also present were administrators Sue Borden, Paul Herrick, Debbie Brewster, Bill Huebsch, Roy Bernards, Barb Buffington, Becky Terry and Vickie Adkins.

District Administrator, Sue Borden verified that the meeting was properly noticed.

The Hands Pledge was recited.

On a motion by Lund, seconded by Tenpas, and passed unanimously by voice vote, the agenda was approved.

Jan Berg recited the DeForest Area School District’s Mission and Vision Statements.

2.Appearances Before the Board of Education

Public Input: None.

3.Board Business

A. Ends Discussion

1.) Discuss role & responsibility of Community Advisory Committee (Sue Borden, Debbie Brewster) (EL 2: Communication and Support to the Board; EL 10: Facilities)

Sue Borden and Debbie Brewster, School/Community Relations Coordinator assisted the Board of Education in discussing the role and responsibility of the Community Advisory Committee. They defined the role of the committee, as the following: Given current facts and assumptions, and considering the “Guiding Principles for Space Needs”, the charge of the Community Advisory Committee is to determine the best fit option(s) for addressing space and related operational needs for the DASD for the next 10 years. The Board will consider approval at the next Board meeting on August 11.

The Board also discussed their role in the process and determined that two representatives would be appointed to serve as peers on the committee. Other Board members are welcome to attend any or all meetings, but will act as observers only. The representatives will be responsible for reporting back to the entire Board on progress of the committee. The two Board members that will serve as representatives are Jan Berg and Steve Tenpas. Terri Treinen will serve as an alternate, if needed.

4.Agenda Planning

A. Enrollment and staffing update, including class sizes

B. Student Extended Travel process

C. Integrated Pest Management review - November

5.Consent Agenda

A. Accept Minutes – July 14, 2014 regular meeting.

B. Required Approvals

Vouchers Payable/Treasurer’s Report

Void: None.

Paid: 190531, 190538 - 190540, 190549 - 190550, 190552 - 190553, 190557 - 190563, 190565 - 190579, 190581 - 190604, 190606, 190616 - 190619, 190621 - 190623, 190625190641, 190643, 190645 - 190649, 190651, 190653 - 190659, 190661 - 190663, 141500031 - 1415 35, 141500037 - 141500056, 141500061 - 141500062, 141500064 - 141500074, 141500076 - 141500077, 141500080 - 141500083, 141500085 - 141500092, 141500094, 141500097.

Budget Transfer: None.

Personnel Recommendations:

I. Separations:

Rachel Bohlman - Student Council Advisor EPES - resignation effective June 10, 2014

Diane Pertzborn - Director of Business Services - retirement effective January 5, 2015

Cathey LaHaye - Accounting Supervisor - retirement effective October 17, 2014

Savarino Parisi - Math Teacher DMS - resignation effective July 19, 2014

Eric Farrar - Business Education Teacher DHS - resignation effective July 21, 2014

II. Leaves: None.

III. Transfers: None.

IV. Appointments:

Amie Brickl - Class Advisor Juniors DAHS - replacing Michelle Kruse

Greg Gorres - Assistant Principal Intern DAMS - new position

David O’Keefe - Assistant Principal Intern DAMS - new position

Melissa Wing - Student Council Advisor EPES - replacing Rachel Bohlman

V. Reassignments:


VI. Other:


C. Accept Monitoring Reports

1. Administrative Monitoring Status Reports

On a motion by Tenpas, seconded by McFarlin and passed unanimously by voice vote, the Consent Agenda was approved.


Board Members: Board members have attended the first several Community Information/Input Sessions. McFarlin participated in the Relay for Life.


7.Press Verification

The press was given the opportunity to clarify any proceedings or notes.

8. Adjourn

The Board of Education adjourned at 6:40 pm on a motion by Tenpas, seconded by Lund, and passed unanimously by voice vote.


DASD BOE President

