6th Grade

Chapter 8

Section 8.1 – Rome’s Beginnings

Define each of the following terms/key people & key places:

  • Sicily
  • Apennines
  • Latium
  • Tiber River
  • Aeneas
  • Etruria (Etruscans)
  • Latins
  • Tarquins
  • Republic
  • Legion

II. Short Answer

  1. How did geography play a key role in the rise of the Roman civilization and what factors made Rome an ideal location for a city?
  2. Describe the legend of Romulus & Remus.
  3. How do most historians believe Rome was founded?
  4. How did the Etruscans influence the Romans?
  5. Who were the Tarquins and how and why were they overthrown? What was the result of this?
  6. How did Rome grow from a small city into a great power?
  7. Describe the structure of the Roman army.
  8. How did Rome rule its new conquests?

Section 8.2 – The Roman Republic

Define each of the following terms/key people & key places (10 words or less):

  • Carthage
  • Cannae
  • Zama
  • Cincinnatus
  • Hannibal
  • Scipio
  • Patrician
  • Plebian
  • Consul
  • Veto
  • Praetor
  • Dictator

II. Short Answer

1. Describe the social structure of Rome?

  1. Describe the difference(s) between dictators in Ancient Rome and today.
  2. What were the Twelve Tables and why were they important?
  3. What was the Forum? What activities took place there? Compare the Forum to a building used in the United States today. Explain your reasoning.
  4. How could a consul/tribune stop a law from passing?
  5. What was the cause of the First Punic War?
  6. In the Second Punic War describe how Hannibal attacked Rome. Why did he choose this way? Who won the war and how?
  7. What happened in the Third and final Punic War? Why did the Romans feel that a third war was necessary?


6th Grade

Chapter 8

Section 8.3 – The Fall of the Republic

On another sheet of paper, please define each of the following terms/key people & key places:

  • Rubicon
  • Actium
  • Julius Caesar
  • Octavian
  • Cicero
  • Augustus
  • Latifundia
  • Triumvirate

II. Short Answer

1. What factors led to the fall of the Republic?

  1. Who formed the First Triumvirate?
  2. Why was Caesar popular with the Roman People?
  3. Why did the Senators murder Caesar?
  4. How did the Battle of Actium affect Roman history?
  5. Who was Cicero and how did he influence the writers of the US Constitution?
  6. Who formed the Second Triumvirate?
  7. Why and when did Octavian change his name?


6th Grade

Chapter 8

Section 8.4 – The Early Empire

On another sheet of paper, please define each of the following terms/key people & key places:

  • Rhine River
  • Danube River
  • Puteoli
  • Ostia
  • Pax Romana (translation)
  • Aqueduct
  • Currency

II. Short Answer

1. What was Pax Romana?

  1. Give a brief summary of Caligula’s reign (positive and negative).
  2. Give a brief summary of Nero’s reign (positive and negative).
  3. What was Hadrian’s Wall?
  4. What did Augustus achieve during his reign?