- Use phonic knowledge and a range of strategies including accurate decoding of text, to read for meaning;
- understand, describe, select or retrieve information, events or ideas from texts and use quotation and reference to text;
- deduce, infer or interpret information, events or ideas from texts;
- identify and comment on the structure and organisation of texts, including grammatical and presentational features at text level;
- explaining and comment on the writer’s use of language, including grammatical and literacy features at word and sentence level;
- identify and comment on writer’s purposes and viewpoints and the overall effect of the text on the reader;
- relate texts to their social, cultural and historical contexts and literacy tradition.
Foundation Stage
Strand / Assessment
Focus / Yellow / Blue
Book band :Lilac / Green
Book band : Pink / ELG
Book band: Red - Yellow
Word reading skills and strategies / AF1Use phonic knowledge and range of strategies including accurate decoding of text, to read for meaning.
For reference / Distinguishes one sound from one another
Enjoys rhyming and rhythmic activities / Hears and identifies sounds in words orally with support
Shows awareness of rhyme and alliteration and recognises rhythm in spoken words
Recognises some familiar letters / Continues a rhyming string
Hears and says sounds in words in the order in which they occur and knows which letters represent some of the sounds
Blends simple words orally
Begins to recognise some familiar words / Blends phonemes, in order in the word, to read CVC words and recognises common digraphs
Links sounds to letters naming and sounding the letters of the alphabet
Uses phonic knowledge to read simple regular words and make phonetically plausible attempts at unknown words
Makes 1 to 1 correspondence between written and spoken words
Reads a range of familiar and common words and simple sentences independently
Understanding and interpreting texts / n/a / Shows an interest in illustrations and print in books and print in the environment
Begins to be aware of the way stories are structured / Suggests how a story might end
Knows that information can be relayed in the form of print
Holds book the correct way up and turns pages
Understands the concept of a word / Knows that information can be retrieved from books and computers / Shows an understanding of the elements of stories, character, sequence of events and openings and how information can be found in non-fiction texts to answer questions
Retells narratives in the correct sequence, drawing on language patterns of stories.
Knows that print carries meaning and, in English, print is read from left to right and top to bottom
Engaging with and responding to texts / n/a / Listens and joins in with stories, songs and rhymes, one to one or in a small group. / Has favourite books / Enjoys an increasing range of books / Returns to favourite books, songs, rhymes to be reread and enjoyed.
Listens with enjoyment and responds to stories, songs and other music, rhymes and poems and makes up their own stories, songs ,rhymes and poems
Uses language to imagine and recreate roles and experiences
ELG - Level 1
Strand / Assessment Focus / ELG / 1c / 1b / 1a
Word reading skills and strategies / 1 / Use phonic knowledge and range of strategies including accurate decoding of text, to read for meaning. / Blends phonemes, in order in the word, to read CVC words and recognises common digraphs
Uses phonic knowledge to attempt unknown words
Makes 1 to 1 correspondence between written and spoken words
Reads on sight irregular high frequency words / Blends phonemes, in order in the word, to read CVC words
Uses phonic knowledge to attempt unknown words
Makes 1 to 1 correspondence between written and spoken words
Reads on sight irregular high frequency words / Blends phonemes, in order in the word, to read CVC and words containing consonant clusters
Recognises and blends consonant digraphs
Reads on sight irregular high frequency words , other familiar and important words / Consistently blends CVC and CCVC/CVCC words
Begins to recognise common long vowel phonemes
Identifies and reads words with ‘ed’ and ‘ing‘ endings
Reads on sight irregular high frequency words , other familiar and important words
Understanding and interpreting texts / 2 / Understand, describe, select or retrieve information, events or ideas from texts and use quotation or reference to text / Knows that information can be retrieved from books and computers.
Retells narratives in the correct sequence, drawing on language patterns of stories.
Makes predications based on illustrations, content and title. / Sequences a simple story or event recalling main points
Uses structure of a simple story when reacting or retelling
Talks about the themes of s imple texts / Identifies main events or key points in texts and understands structure of a simple story
Answers literal retrieval questions about a text / Talks about the main events in a text, identifying relevant information.
3 / Deduce, infer and interpret information, events or ideas from texts / Makes simple deductions with support from prompts
Begins to make predictions about characters / Uses information from the text to predict events and talk about character traits
4 / Identify and comment on the structure and organisation of texts including grammatical and presentational features at text level / Understands conventions of print, tracks text in correct order.
Shows an understanding of elements of stories, characters, events and openings and how to locate information in non-fiction books / Understand and use correctly terms referring to conventions of print: book, cover, beginning, end, page, word, letter, line
Use patterns and structures of text to support retelling / reciting / Identifies print effects e.g.. bold, italic, capitalisation
Begins to talk about differences between fiction and non-fiction / Understands the difference between fiction and non – fiction
Understands the way non-fiction texts are organised and uses this when reading
Understands the sequence of a story
Engaging with and responding to texts / 6 / Identify and comment on writers’ purposes and viewpoints, and the overall effect of the text on the reader / Enjoys an increasing range of books / Returns to favourite books, songs and rhymes and state likes/dislikes / Chooses and talks about a favourite book, expressing an opinion or preference. / Chooses and talks about a favourite book, expressing an opinion or preference.
Level 2
Strand / Assessment focus / 2c / 2b / 2a
Word reading skills and strategies / 1 / Use phonic knowledge and knowledge of syntax, context, word origin and structure to establish meaning / Uses awareness of grammar and context to decipher new or unknown words with some appropriate intonation and expression e.g. pause at full stop, inflection at ? Confidently blends CVC and CCVC/CVCC words
Recognises and blends common long vowel phonemes
Identifies and reads words with ‘ed’ and ‘ing‘ endings
Reads on sight irregular words and other familiar and important words / Begins to take account of a wider range of punctuation when reading e.g. , ‘ ! “ “Confidently blends common long vowel digraphs and trigraphs
Identifies syllables in order to read polysyllabic words
Identifies and reads words with ‘ed’ and ‘ing‘ endings
Reads on sight irregular words and other familiar and important words / Reads fluently, taking account of punctuation and text features e.g. bold or italic print. Recognises full range of vowel digraphs and trigraphs
Identifies syllables in order to read polysyllabic words
Recognises common prefixes and suffixes and regular verb endings to construct meaning of words
Understanding and interpreting texts / 2 / Retrieve, select and describe information, events or ideas / Locates information in text to answer literal questions. Begins to retell simple stories accurately. / Can recount main events, themes and information. Is able to generate some questions before reading / Retells more complex stories clearly with appropriate detail and balance. Can discuss with reference to text. Can generate questions before reading.
3 / Deduce, infer and interpret information, events or ideas / Make and give reasons for predictions about content of texts. Relates incidents from reading to own experience and that of others. / Begins to predict more than one event using reading experience of same author/themes or content of non-fiction. Makes simple inferences about thoughts and feelings. / Identifies key themes and discusses reasons for events in stories. Makes confident inferences/predictions based on wider reading experience.
4 / Identify and comment on the structure and organisation of texts / Understands differences in how fiction and non-fiction texts are organised. Uses organisational features to support reading. / Understand and comment on the structure and presentation of narrative and how information is presented in non-fiction texts. / Makes comparisons between fiction and non-fiction texts noting similarities and differences. Offers suggestions for organisational features.
5 / Explain and comment on the writer’s use of language, including vocabulary, grammatical and literary features / Begins to comment on particular words, phrases and sentences. / Begins to identify words, phrases and sentences used for effect. / Begins to identify different voices in stories. Begins to discuss the effect of specific word or phrase choices on meaning e.g. to create humour, images and atmosphere.
Engaging with and responding to texts / 6 / Evaluate the writer’s purposes and viewpoints and the overall effect on the reader. Respond imaginatively using different strategies to engage with texts / Justifies choices of favourite texts and can relate story settings and incidents to their own experiences. / Makes choices about texts based on prior reading experience and can express opinion about elements of text e.g. character / Can respond by discussing preferences with reference to specific elements of the text.
Can express opinion about how the author has presented the text.
Level 3
Strand / Assessment focus / 3c / 3b / 3a
Word reading skills and strategies / 1 / Use phonic knowledge and knowledge of syntax, context, word origin and structure to establish meaning / Confidently decodes consonant digraphs, trigraphs including silent letters. Begins to recognise a wider range of prefixes, suffixes and punctuation and responds by using appropriate intonation and expression. / Uses a range of strategies independently to establish meaning of words in context. / Understands how simple and complex sentences and their punctuation influence meaning.
Understanding and interpreting texts / 2 / Retrieve, select and describe information, events or ideas / Begins to read in different ways for different purposes. Shows understanding of main points. Begins to scan whole text to identify relevant pieces of information. Provides evidence/information making specific reference to text. / Can skim and scan to locate information. Shows increasing accuracy in information retrieval. Makes use of non-fiction features to locate information. / Can use more than one source when researching information. Can support understanding and point of view by finding information and Begins to text mark
3 / Deduce, infer and interpret information, events or ideas / Can offer sensible reasons for predictions about plot and character. Begins to make connections across a text. / Justifies ideas and predictions based on knowledge of the text. Links ideas and information across texts more confidently. / Begins to recognise the difference between fact and point of view, infers meaning in text using clues from action, dialogue and description.
4 / Identify and comment on the structure and organisation of texts / Identifies some different genres and key features in fiction and non-fiction / Can consider and comment on the effect on the reader of the main features of fiction and non-fiction texts. / Begins to identify structural features of a wider range of fiction and non-fiction texts.
5 / Explain and comment on the writer’s use of language, including vocabulary, grammatical and literary features / Identifies different voices in stories. Recognises that authors make language choices e.g. how suspense and excitement are built up in a story. / Understands the use of different voices in stories. Identifies language used to create moods and build up tension e.g. powerful verbs, adjectives and connectives / Begins to offer reasons for use of voice and language choices, considers the effect of these on the reader.
Engaging with and responding to texts / 6 / Evaluate the writer’s purposes and viewpoints and the overall effect on the reader. Respond imaginatively using different strategies to engage with texts / Offers opinions on the purpose and audience of fiction and simple non-fiction texts. Begins to identify themes and underlying ideas in texts. / Can offer opinions about texts and explain personal point of view. Can compare different versions of the same story. Begins to identify subtle messages in a text. / Begins to comment on overall effect of a text and how the writer has achieved this, justifying opinions.
Level 4
Strand / Assessment focus / 4c / 4b / 4a
Word reading skills and strategies / 1 / Use phonic knowledge and knowledge of syntax, context, word origin and structure to establish meaning / Understands how word order, punctuation, order and connectives can shape the meaning of sentences. / Begins to use knowledge of word formation and derivation to construct meaning of words in context. / Reads confidently, using knowledge of grammar and word roots to read for meaning.
Understanding and interpreting texts / 2 / Retrieve, select and describe information, events or ideas / Begins to text mark and annotate when skimming and scanning to identify main ideas. Justifies opinions and expands by reference to text. Empathises with characters’ viewpoints. / Identifies and justifies selection of key points by using wide range of strategies to locate information/ideas across a text. / Confident in using a wide range of strategies when locating information/ideas across a text..
3 / Deduce, infer and interpret information, events or ideas / Can empathise with different points of view. Understands main events, characters, ideas and themes. Infers meaning and motives using text and wider experiences. Uses clues from action, dialogue and description to interpret meaning. / Begins to refer to text to support opinions and predictions. Infers and deduces moods, messages feelings and attitudes. Begins to identify implicit and explicit points of view. / Refers to text to support opinion and predictions (point+evidence) Identifies and explains implicit and explicit points of view.
4 / Identify and comment on the structure and organisation of texts / Confidently recognises key features of a range of text types and genres. / Uses structural and organisational features of text types to support understanding, recognising how paragraphs are linked. / Understands and uses the structure of a range of text types to support understanding.
5 / Explain and comment on the writer’s use of language, including vocabulary, grammatical and literary features / Identifies and comments on use and effect of author’s language including imagery and figurative language when conveying moods, feelings and attitudes. / Identifies and explains author’s use of imagery and figurative language. Offer suggestions for writer’s choice of technique. / Explains and Begins to evaluate success of use of imagery and figurative language.
Engaging with and responding to texts / 6 / Evaluate the writer’s purposes and viewpoints and the overall effect on the reader. Respond imaginatively using different strategies to engage with texts / Begins to show awareness of authorial viewpoint in fiction and non-fiction e.g. narration, characterisation, t me shifts, bias. / Recognises ways in which writers present issues and viewpoints in fiction and non-fiction. Can discuss techniques for development of plot. / Begins to give reasons for adoption of viewpoint in texts.
Level 5
Strand / Assessment focus / 5c / 5b / 5a
Word reading skills and strategies / 1 / Use phonic knowledge and knowledge of syntax, context, word origin and structure to establish meaning / Consolidates knowledge of word roots, derivations and spelling patterns to read unknown words. Uses connectives as signposts to indicate a change of tone. / Secure and confident in use of knowledge of word roots, derivations and spelling patterns to read unknown words. / Wide ranging and accurate use of morphemic and etymological knowledge.
Understanding and interpreting texts / 2 / Retrieve, select and describe information, events or ideas / Skims, scans and text marks to identify key information in a range of texts. / Retrieves and collates essential pieces of information from a range of sources. / Retrieves, collates and evaluates information from full range of sources
3 / Deduce, infer and interpret information, events or ideas / Refers to text to support opinions and predictions (point+evidence+explanation) Compares and contrasts explicit and implicit points of view. / Explores texts to support and justify opinions and predictions
evaluation) / Draws on full range of evidence to support and justify opinions and predictions