Declaration of Candidacy/ Dual Degree Plan

Master of Science in Sustainability/ Masterof Business Administration

Dual Degree Program

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Note: This Declaration of Candidacy form should be completed and submitted to the Institute for Sustainable Practice and the College of Business during a joint advising session during the first 3 – 6 hours of course work and revised within completion of 12-18 hours of course work. It is the student’s responsibility to set up a joint advising appointment with the ISP and the College of Business to finalize this declaration form before completing 18 hours of course work. A finalized declaration form signed by the student and ISP executive director must be on file in the ISP office and emailedto . Students must also file the“Intent to Graduate” form with the registrar the semester prior to anticipated graduation.Review graduation information here.
Name: ______
Lipscomb ID# ______
Date: ______
Current GPA: ______
Catalog Year: ______
Catalog Year: 2016 - 2017
Concentration: Dual Degree – MS in Sustainability and MBA with a concentration in Sustainability

SU Concentration / Focus Area: ______


Course No. / Course Name / Hours / Prerequisites / Term (F, SP, SU) / Year / Final Grade
SU 6003 / Sustainable Earth Systems / 3 / Admission to ISP
SU 6023 / Sustainable Enterprise I / 3 / SU 6003
SU 6153 / Zero Management / 3 / SU 6003
ICM 5003 / Survey of Conflict Mgmt / 3 / SU6003


Course No. / Course Name / Hours / Prerequisites / Term (F, SP, SU) / Year / Final Grade
SU 6073 / Applied Earth Systems and Biomimicry / 3 / SU 6003
SU 6063 / Sustainable Enterprise II / 3 / SU 6003


Course No. / Course Name / Hours / Prerequisites / Term (F, SP, SU) / Year / Final Grade
SU 609V
BU 6633
(circle one) / Sustainability Travel
[to non-US destination] / International Business Travel / 3 / Admission to ISP or Admission to MBA program


Course No. / Course Name / Hours / Prerequisites / Term (F, SP, SU) / Year / Final Grade
SU 6033 / Special Topics / 3 / Admission to ISP
SU 6083 / Professional Experience in Sustainability / 3 / Admission to ISP
SU 6103 / Creation Care and Spiritual Formation / 3 / SU 6113
SU 6123 / Green Building Design, Construction and Operation / 3 / SU 6113
SU 6133 / Renewable Energy Options and Design Applications / 3 / SU 6113
SU 6143 / Sustainable Food Practice / 3 / SU 6113

MBA Requirements

Course No. / Course Name / Hours / Prerequisites / Term (F, SP, SU) / Year / Final Grade
BU 6000 / Orientation to MBA Pro / 0 / Admission to MBA program
BU 6012 / Business Ethics / 2 / Admission to MBA program
BU 6033 / Accounting for Executives / 3 / Quantitative Leveling course
BU 6053 / Financial Management / 3 / Quantitative Leveling course
BU 6063 / Strategic Marketing / 3 / Admission to MBA program
BU 6083 / Strategic Management / 3 / Student’s last enrolled term
BU 6132 / Global Opers & Supply Chain Mgmt / 2 / Quantitative Leveling course
BU 6142 / Info Systems for Dec Making / 2 / Quantitative Leveling course
BU 6523 / Managing HR / 3 / Admission to MBA program
BU 6533 / Leadership and OB / 3 / Admission to MBA program
BU 6010 / MBA Graduation Seminar / 0 / Student’s last enrolled term

I, the undersigned “Graduate Candidate,” understand that I must meet all requirements on this form, have a minimum total of 24 credit hours for the Master of Science in Sustainability portion of the dual degree, and must also complete an additional 24 hours for the Master of Business Administration portion of the dual degree BEFORE I may be considered for graduation for BOTH degrees, unless I take the MBA International travel course which then must equal 27 MBA credit hrs. and 21 SU credit hrs.). I must maintain an average 3.00 GPA on ALL courses (MS and MBA) taken toward the hours required for BOTH degrees, with no incomplete grades. I understand that any changes to either degree program will require written permission from the appropriate official of each respective program. Changes to the MS in SU require written permission from the Executive Director or Academic Director of the Institute for Sustainable Practice. Changes to the MBA require written permission from the Director or Assistant Director of Graduate Business Studies.

Graduate Candidate Signature ISP Executive Director or Academic Director Graduate Business Program Director

Date: ______Date: ______Date: ______

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