DECLARATION FOR SUBMISSION OF DOCTORAL THESIS TO THE CSBA – University Library System Coordination Service Centre

To the Rector
University of Genoa

I the undersigned……………………………………………………………………………….

Born in ...... on………………………….

Matriculation number ......

Doctoral school......

Doctoralcourse …………………………………………………………………………………….

Discipline ...... Cycle ...... Year of defence………………

Thesis title ......

Tutor ...... Coordinator ......

I hereby declare under my responsibility that I am aware of:

•the fact that in the event of false declarations, in addition to incurring sanctions laid down by the Criminal Code and special laws dealing with falsification of documents and fraudulent use of false documents, I immediately forfeit the benefits accruing to me due to fraudulent statements;

•the University’s obligation to provide for the storage of doctoral theses, by electronic means, in order to ensure their conservation and the possibility for third parties to consult them;

•of the fact that on the basis of the data provided, the University of Genoa will place the complete text of the doctoral thesis in the institutional archive with open access and enable its consultation online or locally, also in the catalogues of the central National Libraries in Rome and Florence.

I further declare:

•that the copy of the thesis deposited at the CSCSBA on a CD-ROM is totally identical to the ones submitted/sent to the members of the Jury and therefore the CSCSBA and the University of Genoa are exonerated from any responsibility in general in relation to any errors, imprecisions or omissions in the contents of the thesis;

•that the content and organisation of the thesis is an original work carried out by me and does not compromise the rights of third parties in any way, including security of personal data and therefore the CSCSBA and the University of Genoa are exempt from all responsibilities of any nature, civil, administrative or criminal and will not be held liable for any request or claim from third parties.

I authorise the University of Genoa to:

•transfer my doctoral thesis onto any support and to convert it into any format in order to conserve it over time. The University of Genoa guarantees that no modification will be made to the content or structure of the work.

•reproduce the work, making more than one copy for safety, back-up and conservation.

Defence dateAuthor signature

NB. Authors depositing their doctoral theses maintain copyright and moral and economic rights as laid down by Law 633/1941 and subsequent amendments and additions.
Possible thesis embargo period
Fill out and sign only if you do not wish to make your thesis available for consultation

◊ I DO NOT authorise the University to release my thesis to its Institutional Archive to make the full text available for open access searches and consultation.

Specify motivation:
◊ Reasons of secrecy and/or ownership of results and/or sensitive information.
◊ Reasons of secrecy and/or ownership of results and information from external institutions or private companies that participated in the doctoral thesis research.
◊ Reasons of priority research (subject to agreement with third parties)
◊ Editorial reasons
◊ Other (specify):
In any case bibliographical data and the thesis abstract will be available for consultation and open access.
The full text of the doctoral thesis can be made available for consultation and open access:

◊ 1 year after the thesis defence date
◊ 18 months after the thesis defence date
◊ 3 years after the thesis defence date

(tick the chosen date)

Signature of author ......